Chapter 60 - Explanations (1/2)

After exchanging a few words with the powerful girl, Luke felt his vision dim and tunnel. Suddenly, her face was far, far away. In the end, he fainted.

When he finally woke up, he looked up and realized he was no longer in the cave. On his left side, there was a faint orange light, which Luke immediately turned his face to observe.

The light, which came from an almost extinguished fireplace, illuminated the face of a beautiful woman, whose golden strands were easily recognized by the half-beast, as was the strong sweet smell coming from her.

The dim light of the fire and the smell relieved the half-wolf, who barely had the strength to move but was still too stubborn to be convinced of it. Ayumi Yamazaki seemed to be in a deep sleep, sitting in a red leather armchair.

As soon as Luke got up, instead of waking her up, he preferred to cover her with the beige linen blanket that was covering him before.

Then, even with the severe pain in his back, the man went to the fireplace and knelt down to get some pieces of firewood. After placing the wood on the natural coals created by burning the previous wood, he blew carefully.

'I could try using the <Vind>, no? Yeah... but that might spread soot all over the room... I think I'd better do some tests when I can, but for now, I have to recover.'

Now the half-wolf was feeling what it was like to be a real Adventurer and how challenging this risky profession was. Every week, unexpected things happened that could kill you without you even having a chance to reflect on the very life you had lived up to that point.

That girl said that thing was a demon. I feel like I need to start understanding more about these things if I want to stay alive.'

Luke had many worries in his head and no visible solution. He was at the point of wanting to drop everything and run far away; however, he took on the responsibility when he decided to apply for this infiltration.

Deep down, he judged himself and thought that other people like Ynosuke or Matthew would have some clue about the theft by this point, and since he had nothing, it was beginning to weigh on his shoulders.

With a series of light puffs, he finally managed to ignite a considerable amount of embers, and after a few seconds. Fluuf! The fire rose in the fireplace.

”Oh! Are you up already, Guard? Are you really all right?” Martha's voice echoed in the room.

Luke stood up with difficulty and looked back. The servant girl was looking at him in admiration, and Luke admired her too because she was wearing white satin pajamas, and his eyes fell well under her breasts.

Inexpressive, he answered her, ”My whole back is still sore. I don't think it's a big deal, anyway. Can you tell me how I got here?”

Martha nodded and, with a single gesture, called him out of the room.

When they left the living room and entered the reception room, where there were many paintings and plants, the moonlight coming in through the large window under the main double door was responsible for illuminating them.

The entire mansion was dark and silent, as all dawns at the Strogueher Mansion were. As soon as the door to the living room closed, Luke raised his eyebrows as a signal for Martha to start counting.

”Sigh... You stayed inside the Dungeon for three days, Luke. Which got not only Ayumi and Nathalia worried, but everyone in the house as well.”

”Three days? What do you mean?”