Chapter 48 - Normal Inventory (1/2)

The explosion generated by the misuse of the <Normal Inventory> skill, was solely made up of wind, despite the sparks, and had enough force to just push Ayumi and Luke back a bit.

”Are you okay?” He asked, worried with the Matriarch.

Although she was still standing, she was not without a scratch. There was a fillet of wood on her right forearm, which on reflex she used to protect herself. She couldn't hide it from the boy and said quickly, tidying up her fluttering hair:

”I'm fine! I think you came close to making it. Where did that sword go?” Even though she knew he saw it, she tried to cover it up.

The half-wolf walked over to her. ”Let me see how you're.” He said with a zeal that made her blush immediately.

Reluctantly, Ayumi showed her right forearm, on which there was only a small piece of wood. ”Don't worry about it, I can take it off by myself.”

Luke didn't doubt this one bit, but he saw an opportunity and didn't want to let it slip away. Without saying a single word, he went over to the first aid case that was under the sword rack and picked it up.

”It's not really necessary.”

”Allow me to do this for you, if I don't, I'll be left feeling guilty.”

After the appeal, all the woman could do was nod. Diligently, the half-beast examined the wound and sighed in relief as he realized that it wasn't something to worry about.

”I'll pull it, all right?” He inquired, looking her in the eyes. They were both so close to each other, they could hear their breathing.

Ayumi nodded, with the corner of her eye a little tight, showing fear, and this detail did not go unnoticed by Luke, who took advantage of it.

Close as they were, in one motion he brushed his forehead against hers, and they both blushed. The Elf's heart was as fast as his, and the boy could slowly see her face blush even more.

When their lips were so close that they were practically exchanging breaths, Luke pulled back the fillet, and the woman didn't even nod.

”There, I've removed it.” He said, pulling away.

It took Ayumi a moment to understand that nothing had happened. ”Th-thank you.” She said, looking away.

”I'll keep trying, will you instruct me yet?”

She smiled to disguise her bewilderment and spoke: ”No need, if you need me, I'll be in my office.”

Hearing the door close, Luke put his hand on the left side of his chest and felt it throb. Tudum! Tudum! Tudum! At the right moment he somehow controlled himself, but now he could almost feel his blood boiling.

'That was a healthy revenge for that day in the sauna.' He thinks.

Knowing that he had the whole day free, he used that afternoon to focus on acquiring the skill. However, although he got close the first time, the other times he couldn't even manifest the square.

'The mental image of a list of items written on a scroll, it's not working like it did the first time.' He thought, frustrated.

Minutes later, an idea ascended in his mind, and he realized what he was doing wrong. However, this idea came so clear in his mind that it didn't even seem like an idea, but rather an obvious concept that he should have known all along.

'So that's what she meant by talent...' Luke judged, letting a satisfied smile escape.

At the next attempt, he already applied the idea of focusing on the feeling he had when he used the skill and, simultaneously, imagined the mental image.