Part 13 (1/2)


was given. There was a tremendous cannonading, which would be heard for some distance. Then there were movements by the cavalry soldiers, who, in their charges, trampled down hedges, corn and, in truth, everything that came in their way. This did really seem to me a ruthless and unjustifiable proceeding. The manuvres concluded with volley-firing by the respective companies of the various regiments. General McDonald gave the Keighley Volunteers great praise for their efficiency in volley-firing. The sham fight lasted over three hours, and was witnessed with apparent interest by the King of Belgium and his staff. At the conclusion, each regiment went in its own direction. The Keighley contingent returned to the Surrey barracks, arriving about 10 o'clock at night. We found a grand banquet awaiting us, and this, I need scarcely say, was very welcome after a truly hard day's work. The repast was succeeded by an entertainment, at which there were vocal and instrumental music, and readings and recitations, by several of the Keighley representatives and the Surrey officers. Captain Irving gave readings in the c.o.c.kney dialect, which immensely amused the Yorks.h.i.+remen. The Haworth Drill-sergeant recited ”c.o.c.khill Moor Snake,” and Bill o' th' Hoylus End gave ”Jack o' th' Syke Hill” and ”Come, nivver dee i' thi sh.e.l.l, owd lad,”-the latter of which our townsman, Squire Leach, publicly recited on his marriage day, and a few verses of which I am tempted to introduce here:-

”Come, nivver dee i' thi sh.e.l.l, owd lad,”

Are words but rudely said, Tho' they may cheer some stricken heart, Or raise some wretched head; For they are words ah love, They're music to mi ear; They muster up fresh energy To chase each doubt an' fear.

Nivver dee i' thi sh.e.l.l, owd lad, Tho' some may laugh an' scorn; Ther' wor nivver a neet afore ta neet But what ther come a morn.

An' if blind fortune's used thee bad, Sho's happen noan so meean; To morn'll come, an' then for some T' sun'll s.h.i.+ne ageean.

Nivver dee i' thi sh.e.l.l, owd lad, But let thi motto be- ”Onward!” an' ”Excelsior!”

An' try for t' top o' t' tree; An' if thy enemies still pursue (Which ten ta one they will), Show 'em, owd lad, thou'rt doing weel, An' climbin' up the hill.

Very pleasant hours were those spent with the Surrey Volunteers that night in spite of our tired and wearied condition. Next day we returned to Keighley, only to find that after our week's absence the town had not altered very much!


We had found the Surrey Volunteers possessed a very good dramatic cla.s.s and a pretty little theatre in the barracks. This led to the formation of a similar organisation at Keighley, and among the members of the society were Sergeant Atty, Private Thomas Ackroyd, Corporal Colley, Sergeant William Brown, Private John Walton, Sergeant Roddy, and Corporal Wright (_alias_ Bill o' th' Hoylus End). We got a stage erected in the Drill Hall, and purchased a drop-scene (in the centre of which was worked in silk a representation of the coat of arms of the Cavendish family), and all the necessary accessories. This was all done ”on strap.” For our first performance we gave the comedy ”Time tries all,” and there was a large and influential gathering, including Mr Birkbeck, banker, of Settle, and party. Mr Birkbeck afterwards invited the society to repeat the performance at his residence. The proceeds of our first entertainment were 14, and performances on two other nights brought the sum up to 40.

It was not long before we had raised 80 and this was sufficient to discharge all expenses incurred in erecting and fitting up the stage, purchasing costumes, &c. The society continued to prosper. Military plays were generally chosen for representation, such as ”The Roll of the drum”

and ”The Deserter.” At last, certain difficulties arose which sealed the doom of the society, and the organisation soon dropped into decay. The stage, &c., were allowed to remain, and the hall was let to travelling theatricals and other companies. The dramatic society and the reviews which the Volunteers occasionally attended at London, York, Doncaster and Liverpool all tended to make my connection with the Volunteer corps very pleasant and enjoyable; and I can truly say that in those days it was regarded a great privilege to be a Volunteer. My members.h.i.+p of the Keighley corps extended over fourteen years, and would not then have been severed but for my removal to Bradford. Perhaps I may wind up my Volunteering history with a few verses which I penned on the death of Captain Irving of the Surrey Volunteers:-

Gone is poor Irving, the brave Volunteer- The soldier, the man, is now on his bier; He was with you all round, as well as the ranks, Full of wit, and good humour, and frolicsome pranks.

He could mimic the c.o.c.kney at home or abroad, He could shoulder a rifle or handle a sword; His word of command would put you all right; He could talk to a stranger from morning to night.

But, alas! he is gone, and we now mourn his loss, For he's gi'en up his sword at the foot of the Cross.

And if there's an army wherever he's gone, We know that brave Irving is second to none.



During my service in the Volunteer corps, I had my ups and downs in connection with securing that employment which is necessary for one's maintenance. I gave up my work at Mr Edwin Hattersley's, warp-dresser, North Brook Mills, and took it into my head that I should like to be a policeman-a real policeman _a la _my friend, Mr James Leach. I learned that Colonel Cobb, the Chief Constable of the West Riding Constabulary, was on a visit to Mr Murgatroyd, a magistrate, at Bingley, and accordingly went over to the Throstle-nest of old England for the purpose of an interview with the Colonel. I was introduced into the Colonel's presence, and stated my errand. Colonel Cobb plied me with questions as to my former career, and when I told him I had been in the Army he wanted to know if I had any references; he particularly wanted to know whether I had risen from the ranks. I told him that I had a good ”character” from the colonel of my late regiment, and also that I had worked my way up from a private's position to that of a provo-sergeant. Whereupon the old gentleman said he thought I was a very likely fellow for a policeman, and promised that if I called upon him in a few months I should in all probability be taken on. In the intervening period of waiting my mind underwent a change. I thought it would be safest to have ”two strings to my bow;” so, having a hankering after a position as guard on the railway (intending, of course, to commence as a porter) I wrote to the Midland Railway Company at Derby, asking if they had a situation for me at Keighley. I got a reply inquiring for references. Then I went to my cousin, Mr James Wright, the manager for Messrs b.u.t.terfield Bros., Prospect Mill. While willing to give me a ”character,” my cousin strongly advised me to accept neither situation, as he felt that it would not suit me. I should, he said, want to be more at liberty than I should be in either of the positions I intended taking up. He expressed his willingness to find me employment in the mill. I went home and ”discussed the out-look.” The upshot was that I decided to let the police force and the railway do without me, and I commenced to work with my brothers, who, in a building in Heber-street, did warpdressing for Messrs b.u.t.terfield. I stuck to the work for a short time, and then, with the temptation of more wages, I went back to my old position at Messrs Lund's, North Beck Mills.

I remember when I was about to leave the Heber-street establishment I was much taunted by two of the foremen, who would have it that I was going to Lund's mill because Mr James Lund was about to give the employees a trip to, and a treat at, his residence, Malsis Hall. On the face of it, it did appear as though their playful accusation was correct, as the great function was to come off in a week's time.


Great were the preparations that were made for the affair, which was on nearly everybody's tongue. The spinning and weaving trade was at that time in a very brisk condition, and peace and plenty appeared to reign triumphant. At last, the great day arrived:-

The day wor fine, the sun did s.h.i.+ne, No signs o' rain to fall When t' North Beck hands, i' jovial bands, Did visit Malsis Hall.

Up by the hill o' North Beck Mill, Both owd an' young did meet; To march, I trow, i' two-by-two I' procession down the street.