Part 43 (1/2)

”So would I Melbourne is a nice city, but I'd rather be on dad's farm, eatin' supper in the old kitchen, than in the best hotel here”

”After all, there's no place like home, Obed”

”That's a fact, but perhaps Jack doesn't feel so”

”My home isn't what it was once,” said Jack soberly ”If ain it would have been different, but I never can like or respect ht to visit before you start for hoested Obed

”I o, as I don't iain”

”That's all right, but it isn't what I entleht before you started for the ht to call, you and Jack”

”I'll go this o with you anywhere, Harry,” said the young sailor, whose affection and ad

About ten o'clock the boys entered the office of Mr Woolson It was situated in one of the handsomest blocks in Little Collins Street, and they learned that he was a wholesale merchant and importer

”Is Mr Woolson in?” Harry asked of a clerk

”He is in the inner office Have you business with him?”


Adentlee desk with a pile of papers and letters before hinize thelad to see you,hands with thereat service you did me Have you just returned froood luck”

”Wonderful luck Jack and I are worth over five thousand dollars apiece”

”Bless my soul! Why it only seems a week since you went away”

”It is nearly three h a great deal”

”I shall be glad to hear a full account, but I have not time in business hours Will you do ht and spend the evening?”

”With pleasure, sir”

”Then I shall expect you The hour is six o'clock sharp”

The boys reeably Jack felt a little bashful, for Mr Woolson lived in fine style, and Jack was not used to an elegant house or table