Part 22 (1/2)

”If we stayed here till ere both young ht both fall in love with Lucy, and quarrel over her”

”I ht fall in love with her, but I would never quarrel with you, Harry,” said Jack affectionately

”No, Jack, I don't think you would Nothing shall ever divide us”

”You are very kind to a poor sailor boy,” said Jack ”You know a great deal more than I, and I am not fit to be your friend”

”Take care, Jack, I ainst yourself Fit or unfit, you are e you for anyone else I have ever omery Clinton?” said Jack archly

”Not even for him, with all his stock of trousers”

Reference was er on the shi+p _Nantucket_, who had acquired the reputation of a dude, and had afforded much amusement to all on board He will be re the World”

The boys did not set out on their journey empty-handed Lucy, by direction of her father, had packed a basket with provisions enough to last them two or three days The shepherd wished also to lend theht not be able to pay it back,” he said

”I shan't ed the shepherd

”We ht be robbed of it as ere of our other ladly accepted the basket of provisions, without which, indeed, they ht have fared badly in that uninhabited wilderness

”How far is it to Bendigo?” Harry had asked the shepherd

”Twenty-five miles, or thereabouts,” was the answer

”If it were a straight road and good travelling we ht”! ”But it is neither You will be fortunate if you reach there in three or four days”

”Give us the direction, and ill try it, sir”

The two young travellers, refreshed by their night's sleep and two substantial ress, and by noon found themselves, despite the difficulties of the way, seven miles distant from the station where they had received such hospitable treatlad to sit down at the base of a gigantic guht with theood spirits and chatted cheerfully Many thousands of miles away from home, without a penny in their pockets, and with only a basket of provisions between them and starvation, they did not allow themselves to be depressed by their uncertain prospects, but looked forward hopefully

”Jack,” said Harry, ”it seems so lonely here, I could easily believe that o are alone in the world”

”It does seem so,” said Jack

”I feel a little like Robinson Crusoe on his island”

”Am I to be Friday?” asked Jack, with a smile

Jack had read very few books, but who is there who has not read Robinson Crusoe?