Vol 3 Chapter 54 (2/2)
「Thi, this is my request…… but are you sure? Won’t you barely have any profit?」
「Profit is not only earned by ician whose name will soon become known If we process shi+n and the rests’ equipe amount of income」
Garan-san said so while grinning and laughing
Cool, Garan-san is super cool
「I understand Then please do that We will do our best in order to meet Garan-san’s expectation」
「Ou yo! Do your best!」
While laughing with a gahaha, he took care of the processing of our equipment
According to Clerk-san’s words, thewill be done by tomorrow, so we decided to pick it up before we depart
That’s good… Clerk-san, you survived, didn’t you……
「Iyaa, I was lucky I was prepared for a bigger expense」
「Even so… Isn’t it a good thing? It is cheaper this way……」
Mark questioned I certainly have never heard of such things either in this world
「Isn’t it fine? Instead of a billboard, it’s cheaper this way There is merit to both sides, if later we can raise our naood」
「No, I think we have plenty enough of fame even as of now」
In that case, wouldn’t it be better to put an enterprise logo?
… Won’t that beco like a uniform then Let’s just think about this later Besides, the ht from a store at the royal capital of Earlshyde
For the tioal in this country, so went to shop clothes that ould usually wear as ent returning
Since I’ic for casual wear, I’ casually
I still had a good amount of enres of clothes
「Hoas it? Will they be able to ?」
While ere browsing the clothes, Gus and the rest who finished with the talks joined us
It seehly the sa special to note, three ain, ate lunch at a stall, and also finished buying souvenirs After we finished, we returned to the inn
「Fuu…… Shopping is fun but it’s really tiring」
「Indeed Even I didn’t think shopping was this tiring……」
「Can you please also except irls?」
Mark and Tony also agree…… Gus is unlikely to come with it as they’re in a standpoint where it’s i with the fiancee, the two of them it seems
I have been to shopping several times with Sicily in Claude’s town
…… I’ll just say that girls’ shopping is the sao
「By the ill we pick up the mantle?」
「To the store’s workshop to grant it ic」
「I’m back (desu)!」
It see about tomorrow’s schedule
Because everyone can use die, they were empty handed, but who knows just how e
「Haa…… that was fun It wasaround so many stores」
「Let’s go again sometime Elly!」
「We have an escort, so there’s no need to worry」
「Fufu, that’s right, isn’t it? Let’s go again sometime」
「I also want to go (desu)!」
「Don’t worry Mei, we’ll also bring you」
「I did it(hooray)!」
…… The women sure are lively……
We had other errands, so the ti with the women was short, but even still, it was quite exhausted…
「…… Let’s stop the topic about shopping I can’t bear it if I asked to accompany them even if it is Sicily」
「A, Augusto-sama」
「What’s wrong, Elly?」
「Augusto-sa today?」
Wah! The other side brought up the topic…?
「Ah, yeah… after the talks, we joined up with shi+n and the others and went around several stores……」
「Is that so…… Hey, Augusto-sama?」
「Wh, what?」
「Next tih some stores」
「I, I guess……」
Ah, Gus’s face is twitching……
「Um, shi+n-kun?」
「Eh? O, ohh What’s wrong?」
Are you also inviting ?
「Uht it would suit shi+n-kun」
Saying so, Sicily took out a black jacket froe
「shi+n-kun, you wear black jackets frequently, so I thought you’d like it」
Oh shi+t, I’m so happy
「Is it okay to try it?」
「Yes! Please!」
And so, putting on the jacket, it’s the perfect size
「Un, It’s cool I like it Thanks Sicily」
「No, I’lad you like it」
Said Sicily s
I’ for her……
「Sicily, I also have soive you」
Saying so, I took out a scarf froe
「I thought it would suit Sicily…… how about it?」
「Waa…… Thank you very much!」
Sicily immediately spread the scarf and put it on her shoulders
「Thank you, shi+n-kun, I’m so happy with it」
「I’lad you like it」
「Hey! This is the cafeteria! It’s a public place!」
I came to my senses from Maria’s tsukkomi
Uo! That was dangerous!
We had been given a cold glare froe
「Mou! It’s e to be seen like this here!」
Sorry about that, Maria I was ecstatic froift
「Au…… au…」
Sicily’s senses won’t return for a while
Siciliy, can you eat your meal like this?
「By the way, there was no particular trouble for us today, how about Elly and the others?」
「Yes, because it was a group of eight people, there were noout」
「Fumu…… It doesn’t look like we’ll end without trouble as it is…… Everyone should not let down their guard till the end」
damn! It’s only natural to face it if there’s trouble! It’s painful not being able to say anything!
「Au… au……」
And there’s no support from Sicily!
The next day, after being overwhel Store to pick up the mantle before we depart for the next country
「Ou! Good Morning!」
「GoodWe were able to manufacture the mantles」
「Thank you I’m sorry, but can I borrow your workshop?」
「Workshop… is it?」
「Yeah, I would like to grant ic to it at once」
Clerk-san had a dubious face when I told her, but this time she had her eyes wide open
「Are you granting it by yourself?」
「Unbelievable, though you can use ic?」
「Well, yeah」
Just leave the adranting auto-heal and ended up granting all 14 mantles
「Oh, are you finished already?」
「Yes, thank you for that Then we’re leaving with this」
「Ou yo, coain anytime…」
「It, it’s bad Garan-san!」
Just after bidding farewell, a young shepherd-san jumped in with a pale expression
「What? What’s wrong!」
「Sh, a sheep…」
「What’s wrong with the sheep?」
「A sheep is…… a large number of them suddenly turned into demons!」
「Wh, what did you say!」
Where’s the end of this……
「Well there it is, trouble……」
「Now that it ca more and more credible」
「That’s not my fault!」
It’s not, right? Please say that it’s so!
「My bad, shi+n, trouble just cao」
「Ah, ill also go」
「Eh? No, I appreciate it but…… are you okay with that?」
「Yeah, and if you participate in here, we should be able to ht?」
After saying so, Garan-san burst into a laughter aftera dumbfounded face
「Gahahaha! You’re certainly different! Then can I ask you for your help?」
「Certainly! Leave it to me」
「Wait! Wait just a !?」
「Hn? Ahh it’s alright, shi+n and the」
「It’s not just one or two you know!? What can these children do!?」
Although Garan said that with confidence, we just barely surpass the adult age
「Are you doubting us that much?」
「Eh… Ah, no… That’s not what I meant……」
「Even without worrying, I have already seen shi+n and the other’s ability with my own eyes It’s perfect as a war potential Rather, I’ a hindrance」
「Ga, Garan-san a hindrance?」
「Oops! We don’t have ti around, then shi+n, shall we go?」
「I understand Then… Mei-chan and Elly will inspect the wall Gus, are you going with me?」
「Fumu…… Do you have any explanation for the people that work for the Kingdo after? Okay, we shall escort them」
「Right…… It’s usually the opposite」
「Hey, let’s go」
「Wa! Please wait!」
「Well then everyone, later」
「Ou Well then, shall we go?」
「Why are you so carefree…… we’re not going out to play……」
The young shepherd-san who caht? I don’t feel any tension as our members can now hunt calamity-class demons
Since saying it again is botherso another word
Aside from Garan-san, there were many shepherd-sans scattered around
「Oh, you came Garan」
「Much appreciated! Thanks Garan-san!」
「Many thanks!」
Ohh, a shepherd with an extremely burly body faced Garan-san and simultaneously lowered his head
The only ones who lowered their head were the ones ere unreserved towards Garan-san
Even so, a group ofrobes…… this alone ht
And everyone seemed to have the same halberd
Don’t tella national shepherd……
「By the hat’s with the youngsters?」
An unreserved person with Garan-san asked while a lot of glaring eyes were directed my way
「Stop glaring, Barack This is shi+n, as for the currentAh, just inforician So there’s no need to question whether he can fight」
「If you say so, I will not press anymore, but… Why the extra help?」
Well, that’s a natural question Demonized sheep are handled only by a national shepherd after all Except for soldiers, there’s noit
「Well I got treated fairly by Garan-san This is a repayment」
「Fu, fuhahaha! So its repayment? I see」
Oh? Thanks to that exchange, I’ stared at
「They’re here! It’s a flock of demonized sheep!」
While talking to Barack-san who seemed to be a friend of Garan-san, someone cried out
Oh, that’s a there are one hundred…… No, there are two hundred of them
「Don’t falter everyone! Rather, just think of it asmoney!」
To the shout of Garan-san, the expressions of the shepherd-sans changed
Everyone atching the flock of sheep with a ferocious smile
Like I said, they are scary!
「shi+n, sorry, but can you avoid fire e on the wool?」
「If there’s a few scratches?」
「Because it is used to produce yarn, there’s no problem if there are scratches present」
「You guys heard that right? You can use anything besides fire ic」
A response lacking in tension was uttered by my teammates
During this time, the flock of shepherds drew near
All right then, which one should I start at first
While conteround
Before the eyes of the flock of sheep, a pointed pile protruded froround
A dozen deuard were skewered and multiple sheeps’ cries of as heard
The shepherd-sans were dumbfounded by this scene……
「The succeeding ones are co over! Prepare in advance!」
To this voice, the shepherd-sans finally ca froate them in succession
Oh, that’s a a sheep
We too, are subduing theic
And so just like that, the flock of sheep was subjugated
Well, they are sheep after all
It’s not proverb, but it’s not like they’re led by a wolf
Nevertheless, soldiers also joined in subjugating, but…… the shepherds are overwhel
Are shepherds, as expected, the strongest people in this country?
While thinking about that……
「Unbelievable! I never thought it was to this extent!」
「Really…… weren’t alsters?」
「Um… ju, just before I was rude……」
The shepherd-sans have gathered
「Well, it’s just a sheep」
「That’s a to say but… what do you kids usually hunt for?」
「Haha, well, isn’t that good?」
「With thisde of that level」
「That would be expected」
Ah, as expected, we’re being recognized as such Please say no more
When I was talking to the shepherd-sans, Gus and the others arrived
Now then, there shouldn’t be anything else, can we finally depart?
「You save us this time, I am Barack Barack Crook」(T/N: Their last names are somehow related to sheep, lol)
「Ah, I’m shi+n, shi+n Walford」
Barack-san requested a handshake, so while introducing myself, I accepted his
Now that I think of it, I did not tell Garan-san my last name
Because Garan-san only called out his first name, I was also suspended to just introduce my first name too
「Walford? Isn’t that the same last name as that hero?」
「Hee, is he also famous in places other than Earlshyde?」
「Obviously The sage, Merlin Walford’s heroic tale is widely read all over the world I also yearned to be like him when I was a child」
「Hee…… If grandpa heard this, he would definitely faint in agony……」
「Ah, Merlin Walford is randpa」
「Wha! Eh? Eh?」
「Are you done talking? If so, ill be leaving」
「Ah, I understand Well then, Garan-san, Barack-san, please excuse me」
Ah, we could finally depart Next would be the Kurt Kingdom, and come to think of it, I still have yet to hear this country’s exposition
While thinking such a thing, we left Karnan Kingdom
I heard a loud cry from behind
Chapter 54 (2/2) end