Vol 1 Chapter 16 (1/2)

Progressing Without Knowing

The next , I immediately went to Sicily’s house to pick her up

I cast ‘Gate’ in the vacant room prepared for me in Sicily’s house, and when it opened, Sicily and Maria were already waiting on the other side

“Good ”

“Goodshi+n-kun Because you’re here to pick me up, I cannot afford to make you wait”

“Go~od ot up early”

[T/N: She said this while yawning]

It looks like they’re ready to set off ireet Sicily’s parents

I left the rooreet the others

“Good , Cecil-san, Irene-san”

“Oh, good , shi+n-kun”

“Ah, good , shi+n-kun”

The two people returned the greetings It looks like Cecil-san’s about to go to work; unlike the for yesterday’s entrance cere a suit today A cravat was coiled around his neck, giving him a stylish appearance, and a cool ambiance

“Nn? shi+n-kun, is there so the matter?”

Ah, I was staring at him too much I wonder if that was a little rude?

“Ah, I’ you looked very stylish and cool Are you heading off to work now?”

“Hahaha, thank you I’ll be heading off to work soon Also, these clothes were chosen by my wife; I do not have the ability to dress like this I don’t really concern ”

“Oh my, fufufu, thank you for your praise, shi+n-kun Shall I also choose clothing for shi+n-kun?”

“N-no, it’s alright”

“Ah, you don’t need to be reserved”

I started talking to Irene-san as, “fufufu,” laughing

“shi+n-kun! It’s about time we leave! Father, too! You also need to head off to work!”

Sicily ca

“Ah? Really, Sicily, fufufu”

“Wh-what is it, mother?”

“Nothing? There’s no problem?”


This is the first tiht, the expressions she shows to her family are different They are more vibrant

“shi+n-kun! Let’s go already!”


Sicily took hold ofroom

“Oh, my, ufufu”

“Sicily has grown up to become an adult…”

While listening to their voices, alked towards the back room

Although I don’t really have to open “Gate” at this place, it’s a good spot when taking our surroundings into consideration It’s tactless to use ic in a place where people consume their meals

When I was about to open the gate, Maria sudden spoke,

“Hey, how long are you guys going to link arms for?”

Now that she rabbed

“Ah! I’m s-s-s-sorry!”

“Eh? I don’t really mind”

Or rather, I thought was lucky

“Ara? Did I say so unnecessary?”

Maria sported a broad grin

“Ge-geez! Maria!”

“Hehehe, you really are so cute!”

Two girls being playful with each other It’s a good scene; it really is a good scene!

“Hey, we’re going now”

” “Yes~” ”

Through the gate, we arrived at my house

“Oh, Sicily-san, Maria-san, good ”

“Morning to both of you”

“GoodMerlin-sama, Melinda-sama”

“Good ”

Here, too, was an exchange of greetings It looks like we cannot leave for school easily

“Then, grandpa, grandma, we’re off”

“Ah, do you best”

“Listen, okay? Re rash!+”

The long awaited classes are finally starting, but I’; honestly, I don’t really want to agree to it…

“I get it already, grandma”

Or rather, when these two people carandpa and grandma

Really, why don’t they just get back together

Then, for the next 15the way, I did not forget to use Search Magic If there was a rapid increase of ic power, I would immediately know about it

In the end, we arrived at the acade that was bothering h of relief e arrived at the academy

However, because the opponent is frouards down However, it is still safer inside the academy, since there are professors and other students around Considering he has already been warned by Gus twice, there’s a chance he ht not mess with us inside the school premises

When we arrived at the classroom, most of the students were already there

“Morning shi+n As expected of you; despite being just adirls”

“Morning Gus and you’re too noisy! Also, you already know the reason why”

“Although I already knew, I couldn’t help but tease you”

“Why you…”



The tho greetedlike a Samurai

“Ah, good ”

After I greeted everyone else, Alice ca in


“Although you made it… what do you think will happen to you if you barely make it in time for the first day of class?”

“Well, you see, because I was looking forward to today’s lesson, I couldn’t fall asleep last night, and so I accidentally overslept”

“Are you a kid!?”

In this world, you’re considered as an adult when you reach the age of 15

“Good , so everyone please take your seat”

After the exchange of dialogue was done, Alfred-sensei arrived She really was barely on time

“Everyone’s already here, so once again, goodeveryone”

” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “Good ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

“Now then, I will announce the schedule for today As I mentioned yesterday, ill have a tour around the acadeic practice I will then guide you to gather around the First Practice Field; you don’t have to bring anything in particular Though I said that, everyone here already kno to cast extra-die space As expected of S-class That concludes today’s agenda Does anyone have any questions?”

There was no bag on anyone’s desk This proved that everyone present kne to cast extra-die space However, on the way to school this s, so I guess that meant that not all students could cast it Whether one can use extra-die space or not is one of the indicators for a student to advance to S-class Or so it seems

The tour around the acades is where all the classroorade; the freshmen class is on the third floor, the sophomore class is on the second floor, and the senior class is on the first floor

The second building consists of the faculty office, student council room, laboratories, and club research laboratories

Regarding the research clubs, well, they seem similar to extra-curricular activities or so to speak The study of eic Research Society;” the research of producing various ic, “Life I e Research Society,” and so on

…What’s up with the last one!? It’s the wrong way to live one’s life as a Magician! When Julius heard it, his eyes started sparkling As I thought!

“If I did not have the hness’ escort, then by all ozaru…”

“What, if you’re concerned about ht if you join it”

“No, that kind of reasoning won’t do degozaru”

“This place is the Advanced Magic Academy, you know? The Royal Family has no authority whatsoever in here Thus, there is no authority that binds you to me”


“Well, since it’s only inside the acadeht for you to have your freedom here”

“Your Highness… I aed…”

Gus was very thoughtful towards Julius I honestly thought the scene was a

While I was thinking so, I saw Gus grinning

Ah! This guy, could it be because he thought this escort was botherso to keep himself away? Julius, you have been deceived!

“Gus… You…”

“Hm? What is it shi+n, did you also find a research society you wanted to join?”

“No, I didn’t have such thoughts…”

“I see, that’s hoould be I didn’t think any of the research society would be satisfactory for you to join Better yet, how about starting your own research society?”


What is he suddenly rattling about? It looks like he’s trying to deceive me

“Hooo~ the research society which Walford-kun would create; that thought sounds very interesting”

Before I was able to press Gus for an answer, Alfred-sensei seconded Gus’ opinion

“That’s right, sensei I’m very interested in what kind of research society shi+n creates and the activities involving it”

“It’s certainly interesting”

Even the ever-so-quiet Rin, who usually doesn’t participate in discussions, spoke

“I [atashi+] am also interested If he ever does make one, I want to join!”

“I [watashi+] would maybe also join it”

“I [boku] also want to join, but most likely, all of S-Class would join it”

“Sensei, how does one create a research society?”

“To start a research society, you have to sub of the na teacher”

“If that’s the case, then we roup”

Everyone suddenly starting talking ast themselves What is this? Before I knew it, it see a research society

“H-hey everyone, wait a minute…”

“If shi+n-kun starts his own research society, then it would be unthinkable for ht?”

“Eh? Ah, that’s right?”

Sicily also said such a thing

“How about this! The naet shi+n-kun to tell us all about Merlin-sama and Melinda-sama!”

“What the hell is that?!”

“Well, yeah, but there’s already that: researching, docu about the how Merlin-sahts”

“There is!?”


“Is that so, that’s too bad”

“We can decide what kind of society we’ll make after the afternoon classes are done”

“That’s all good as well Then, let’s decide at that time”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll bring an application with , okay?”

It’s been decided! Without listening to my opinion whatsoever, it’s been decided!!

“U on your own?”

“What is it? As I thought, there’s some other research society you’d rather join?”

“As I thought, “Heroes Research Society”?”

“No… because you see, it sounds unpleasant…”

“Walford, I think it’s a good idea I believe it’s a good idea for you to create your own research society, and as for the nae it later on Also, don’t you think it’ll be difficult to choose from various other research societies?”

“That is probably how it’ll be…”

“Furthermore, I’ll volunteer myself as your advisor Also, the whole class will probably participate as members With this, there won’t be a problem”