Part 8 (1/2)
By the time anted, Bracewell, thanks to the dominie's medical skill, had almost entirely recovered He was able to identify the twofound in their possession some of his property which they had taken The other tere still at large, but the police entertained no doubt that they should catch the
We all returned to Bracewell's, and I was glad to find that he had accepted an invitation fro, to pay hied a trustworthycare of the station We therefore prepared to set out immediately
We were actually in our saddles and about to set off, when Hector received a letter fro him to return to town to make some further purchases, and to transact other business
The do a wish to visit the city and buy soo on leisurely, we'll soon catch you up,” said Hector ”It is a pity that you should be delayed for us”
Bracewell agreed to this arrangeth was not completely restored, it was considered advisable that he should es While we therefore rode on as we intended to the north-west, our friends, borrowing a couple of horses, that their own alloped off towards the coast
We were approaching a water-hole by the side of which we proposed encaht of a native walking leisurely along with an axe in his hand He came forith a confidence which showed that he was accustonised, as he approached, our for us, and began jabbering away in a language which neither Guy nor I could understand Bracewell, who seeo; and then told us that the black had inforhbourhood and would be happy if ould pay theratitude for the wealth we had showered upon the, another black popped his head out from behind the bushes, when the other called to hi he cast his eyes to the top of a tree, a little distance off, when a feords were exchanged between the two
They both ran to it and without ht notches with their axes, just of sufficient size to enable theers
We watched their proceedings onder at the rapidity hich they got up, al an ordinary ladder Round and round the tree they cli a couple of strokes with their little axes sufficient to make a notch of the required size Until I saw the confidence hich they proceeded, I expected every round
Though the tree h without a branch, they were at the top in less than a ed down their hands While the one drew out an opossum, the other, before the animal could bite hiround
They descended with even greater celerity than they had ht the ani them, told them to keep it for themselves, which they were evidently well content to do They acco told to do so, they assisted in collecting sticks for a fire
This being done, we having hobbled our horses, they squatted theround to skin their opossuht to be roasted The confidence they exhibited in us showed that we o about the cah Bracewell advised that we should keep an eye on our saddle-bags and valises lest the tereat to be resisted
While ere discussing our supper, they ed to devour the whole of the opossuround to form a hut, they lay down side by side beneath the perfectly secure in our neighbourhood
Both Guy and I wanted to see uests again offer to guide us to their camp, to ride round to it, as it would not take us much out of our way There was, he said, a few oon, near which they were asse the wild fohich frequented it; and that we should thus have an opportunity of seeing the way in which they engaged in those pursuits As he knew the country well, he could easily make his way back to the direct route, so that we could run no risk of ht enjoy a full night's rest, Guy and I agreed to keep watch and watch, but he laughed at our proposal, declaring that it was useless
”But should bushrangers stuht all three be stuck up, and find ourselves minus our horses and rifles,” said Guy
”No chance of that,” answered Bracewell, ”the felloere certain to clear out of this part of the country, when they knew the police were on their tracks There is a greater risk froh I feel sure those two fellows there can be trusted”
In spite of Bracewell's remarks, Guy and I determined to keep to our resolution, and as soon as he was asleep, I rose, and havingto keeptired, I sat doith my rifle byI found round, and when I awoke the fire was al a kick to the embers to obtain a flame, I looked at ht it useless to rouse my brother
Directly afterwards a chorus of cachinnations froavewould soon commence
I called Guy and Bracewell, who shrewdly suspected what had happened, although as no harm had come of it, they spared , the blacks, who had got on their legs, sauntered up to the caed for so ourselves
To catch our horses, saddle up and , and as our new friends repeated their offer, we set off, the blacks running ahead As they were h scrub some distance ahead, one of the thin switch and ran towards an object which we just then sawhead of a large snake rose in the air The blacks ran towards it, one on either side, and bestowing so up to the spot, we found that it was a snake between nine and ten feet long
The blacks see off the head, one of theain went on shouting with glee