Part 31 (1/2)
* Irene Nemirovsky's husband. Like her, a refugee who fled Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution to live in Paris, where he was a bank manager at the Banque des Pays du Nord. (Editor) Irene Nemirovsky's husband. Like her, a refugee who fled Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution to live in Paris, where he was a bank manager at the Banque des Pays du Nord. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Director of Albin Michel Publishers and son-in-law of Albin Michel who, at this time, no longer managed the publis.h.i.+ng house alone for health reasons. (Editor) Director of Albin Michel Publishers and son-in-law of Albin Michel who, at this time, no longer managed the publis.h.i.+ng house alone for health reasons. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Robert Esmenard's secretary. (Editor) Robert Esmenard's secretary. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Both newspapers which published Irene Nemirovsky's works. Both newspapers which published Irene Nemirovsky's works. Return to text. Return to text.
* The sections quoted here are Articles 1 and 3 of this law. It immediately followed the famous law of 3 October 1940 which ”excluded Jews from elected bodies, from positions of responsibility in the civil service, judiciary, and military services, and from positions influencing cultural life (teaching in public schools, newspaper reporting or editing, direction of films or radio programmes).” It also defined ”Jews racially as anyone with three Jewish grandparents, whatever the religion of the present generation.” See Robert O. Paxton, The sections quoted here are Articles 1 and 3 of this law. It immediately followed the famous law of 3 October 1940 which ”excluded Jews from elected bodies, from positions of responsibility in the civil service, judiciary, and military services, and from positions influencing cultural life (teaching in public schools, newspaper reporting or editing, direction of films or radio programmes).” It also defined ”Jews racially as anyone with three Jewish grandparents, whatever the religion of the present generation.” See Robert O. Paxton, Vichy France, Vichy France, pp. 1745. pp. 1745. Return to text. Return to text.
* France is divided into regions known as France is divided into regions known as departements departements, similar to the British counties. These in turn are subdivided into cantons and communes. Each department has a central government representative called the Prefet, Prefet, with several with several Sous-Prefets Sous-Prefets in the cantons. Note that a distinction is being made between foreign Jews and French Jews. French Jews believed they would remain exempt from such laws. Irene Nemirovsky was never granted French citizens.h.i.+p. in the cantons. Note that a distinction is being made between foreign Jews and French Jews. French Jews believed they would remain exempt from such laws. Irene Nemirovsky was never granted French citizens.h.i.+p. Return to text. Return to text.
* Madeleine Cabour, born Avot, was a great friend of Irene Nemirovsky, with whom she corresponded regularly as a young girl. After the war, her brother, Rene Avot, took care of Elisabeth Nemirovsky when the legal guardian of the two girls went to the United States. Elisabeth lived with his family until she came of age. (Editor) Madeleine Cabour, born Avot, was a great friend of Irene Nemirovsky, with whom she corresponded regularly as a young girl. After the war, her brother, Rene Avot, took care of Elisabeth Nemirovsky when the legal guardian of the two girls went to the United States. Elisabeth lived with his family until she came of age. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Since the department of Saone-et-Loire was divided by the demarcation line, it was the Since the department of Saone-et-Loire was divided by the demarcation line, it was the Sous-Prefet Sous-Prefet who took the place of the who took the place of the Prefet Prefet in the occupied section, where the village of Issy-l'Eveque was located. in the occupied section, where the village of Issy-l'Eveque was located. Return to text. Return to text.
* Literary Director of Albin Michel Publishers. (Editor) Literary Director of Albin Michel Publishers. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Reference to the Free Zone and the Occupied Zone. Reference to the Free Zone and the Occupied Zone. Return to text. Return to text.
* Irene Nemirovsky and her husband, Michel Epstein, had brought Julie Dumot to Issy-l'eveque in case they were arrested. She had been the live-in companion of the children's maternal grandparents. (Editor) Irene Nemirovsky and her husband, Michel Epstein, had brought Julie Dumot to Issy-l'eveque in case they were arrested. She had been the live-in companion of the children's maternal grandparents. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* This work was actually written by Irene Nemirovsky and was published in instalments in the newspaper This work was actually written by Irene Nemirovsky and was published in instalments in the newspaper Gringoire Gringoire in 1941 without mentioning the author's name. Published in novel form in 1947 by Albin Michel with Irene Nemirovsky as author. in 1941 without mentioning the author's name. Published in novel form in 1947 by Albin Michel with Irene Nemirovsky as author. Return to text. Return to text.
* Pithiviers, near Orleans, was one of the infamous concentration camps where children were separated from their parents and imprisoned, while the adults were processed and deported to camps further away, usually Auschwitz. Pithiviers, near Orleans, was one of the infamous concentration camps where children were separated from their parents and imprisoned, while the adults were processed and deported to camps further away, usually Auschwitz. Return to text. Return to text.
* The first letter was undoubtedly generously pa.s.sed on by a policeman and the second by someone she met at the Pithiviers train station. (Editor) The first letter was undoubtedly generously pa.s.sed on by a policeman and the second by someone she met at the Pithiviers train station. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* A Red Cross intermediary. (Editor) A Red Cross intermediary. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Great-uncle of Denise and Elisabeth Epstein. (Editor) Great-uncle of Denise and Elisabeth Epstein. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* The content of this letter implies he is talking about Jacques Benoist-Mechin. (Editor) The content of this letter implies he is talking about Jacques Benoist-Mechin. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* O.U. 1 July 1941. Comrades. We lived with the Epstein family for a long time and got to know them and they are a very respectable and obliging family. We therefore ask you to treat them accordingly. Heil Hitler! O.U. 1 July 1941. Comrades. We lived with the Epstein family for a long time and got to know them and they are a very respectable and obliging family. We therefore ask you to treat them accordingly. Heil Hitler! Return to text. Return to text.
* Count Rene de Chambrun was a lawyer and son-in-law of Pierre Laval, whose only daughter, Josee, he married. (Editor) Count Rene de Chambrun was a lawyer and son-in-law of Pierre Laval, whose only daughter, Josee, he married. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* For translation, see note 18 on p. 369. For translation, see note 18 on p. 369. Return to text. Return to text.
* Paul Morand was a French writer and diplomat who retained his post under the Vichy government. In 1958 he was refused entry into the Academie Francaise but was eventually admitted in 1968. Paul Morand was a French writer and diplomat who retained his post under the Vichy government. In 1958 he was refused entry into the Academie Francaise but was eventually admitted in 1968. Return to text. Return to text.
* This novel appeared in instalments in This novel appeared in instalments in Gringoire Gringoire beginning in May 1939. It was published in 2005 by editions Denoel under the t.i.tle beginning in May 1939. It was published in 2005 by editions Denoel under the t.i.tle Le Maitre des ames. Le Maitre des ames. Return to text. Return to text.
* Concentration camp to the north-east of Paris. Concentration camp to the north-east of Paris. Return to text. Return to text.
* Michel Epstein's sister; she would be arrested and deported to Auschwitz. (Editor) Michel Epstein's sister; she would be arrested and deported to Auschwitz. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* A French friend of Samuel Epstein, Michel Epstein's older brother. (Editor) A French friend of Samuel Epstein, Michel Epstein's older brother. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Irene Nemirovsky's maid. (Editor) Irene Nemirovsky's maid. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* President of the Red Cross. (Editor) President of the Red Cross. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
*Wife of Paul Morand, but to be safe, it was necessary to use ambiguous names. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* A Romanian bishop prince who often came to see Irene. (Editor) A Romanian bishop prince who often came to see Irene. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Age thirteen to fourteen. Age thirteen to fourteen. Return to text. Return to text.
* Age eight to nine. Age eight to nine. Return to text. Return to text.
* Mme Jean-Jacques Bernard, wife of the writer Jean-Jacques Bernard, son of [the writer] Tristan Bernard. (Editor) Mme Jean-Jacques Bernard, wife of the writer Jean-Jacques Bernard, son of [the writer] Tristan Bernard. (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
* Banque de l'Union Europeenne (formerly the Banque des Pays du Nord where Michel Epstein was Manager). (Editor) Banque de l'Union Europeenne (formerly the Banque des Pays du Nord where Michel Epstein was Manager). (Editor) Return to text. Return to text.
Preface to the French Edition
* This is an edited version of the preface that appeared in the French edition of This is an edited version of the preface that appeared in the French edition of Suite Francaise Suite Francaise published by editions Denoel in 2004. published by editions Denoel in 2004. Return to text. Return to text.
* The infirmary at Auschwitz where prisoners who were too ill to work were confined in atrocious conditions. The SS would periodically pile them into trucks and take them to the gas chambers. The infirmary at Auschwitz where prisoners who were too ill to work were confined in atrocious conditions. The SS would periodically pile them into trucks and take them to the gas chambers. Return to text. Return to text.
Preface to the French Edition*1