Chapter 360: There are a series of changes . (1/2)
A month ago, Jiu Yuan was in spring . Everyone was busy with learning, planting, grazing, breeding and training happily .
All of a sudden! The red wolf smoke, which represents the enemy's attack, rises and flows along the river breeze toward the sky .
The Jiu Yuan warriors, who were in charge of defense at the estuary, were forced to retreat from the border .
More and more ships are coming ash.o.r.e, and more slaves wearing skirts and spears are pouring down from them .
She-Gu bent over and slashed an enemy war slave, saving Zhu Neng, who was besieged by several people, ”Break out of the encirclement!” To go to the coal mine, Meng’s regiment of the fourth regiment should patrol the vicinity, you tell him the situation here, let him quickly send a message back, so that the city has to be ready to meet the enemy! Go!”
”Yes!” Zhu Neng dared not delay at all . With a whistle, he turned his wildebeest's head and broke out in the direction of the rocky forest .
A spear flew behind Zhu Neng, and She-Gu sprinted with his wildebeest’s belly and swung a bone knife to slash it off .
The spear tipped obliquely across Zhu Neng’s body . The wildebeest was in pain . With a roar, it ran faster .
A wounded warrior turned back and shouted, ”Shen-Gu! There are so many enemies that we can't hold on to them!”
”All the infantry retreated into the forest, and the cavalry followed me with the wounded . ” She-Gu fought alone to protect his subordinates and allow more people to flee .
”I wish I could!” The wildebeest is spiritual . Without the knight's command, he would lift the ladder, kick people, or sprint with a long horn on the top of his head .
She-Gu bent down to pick up a badly injured companion who was going to fall and put it on the wildebeest’s back .
There are not many warriors left behind on the riverbank . If they were not trained normally, they would have been beaten .
Not only did the enemy come by boat from the other side of the river, but there were also places downstream where they chose to cross the river and then quietly approached . When the Jiu Yuan patrol found out, the riverbank joined in the attack .
Fortunately, warriors a.s.signed to the riverbank patrol and guard had some combat experience . When She-Gu shouted back, no one loved fighting and few people panicked . Panicked warriors died soon after the battle started . As in previous drills, all infantry fought and fled into the forest behind them, while cavalry managed to drag more enemies in order to let their companions escape .
Those who crossed the river and sneaked on the slaves did not have war beasts, but they did not run very slowly . Some of them went into the forest and some wanted to entangle the cavalry .
”Brothers, take a walk with these babies!” She-Gu uttered a loud whistle, and the cavalry realized it, speeding up the retreat .
A large number of enemies pursued subconsciously, running not far, ”Bombardment!”
The ground collapsed, and all the slaves chasing the front fell into traps .
She-Gu patted the wildebeest, turned around with his companions, bent his bow and struck an arrow and killed another batch .
When the spear came, She-Gu dared not stay any longer . With a strange cry, he led the cavalry to gallop again .
In the morning, the Meng did not immediately return to the Jiu Yuan . Instead, he started running to observe the enemy's situation after burning the wolf smoke, and rushed to send someone to support She-Gu .
Warriors on the tower of the Jiu Yuan saw a red smoke from a recent sentinel . They were shocked and sent the news up for the first time .
Zheng and other warrior leaders and stewards have some doubts about their ears when they hear the news .
Who is the enemy? Where do you come from? Why is it against the Jiu Yuan?
They don't know all about it .
”Where is Meng now?”Zheng asked .
The fifth regiment's left-behind Lan Dier had a good relationship with Meng . The first reply was, ”This time it's his turn to lead the patrol . Now, according to the time, he should have arrived near the coal mine . ”
”Well, he should have known about it by now, and should have taken the initiative to inquire about it . We want to know the details only when he comes back . But before that, fire the smoke and blow the trumpet, let the hunting team and all the people outside the Jiu Yuan people come back, and from now on the Jiu Yuan enters the period of preparation for war . ”
Zheng began to give orders one by one, and no one else had any objection . As early as before the Chief and Priest DRen left, they had issued orders for the whole city if there were any battles endangering the security of the Jiu Yuan .
The Jiu Yuan city moved at the fastest speed, and the Mer-people got news, Luo Meng and Zheng met .
That night, Meng came back and the conference hall lit a torch .
Meng drew a line on the huge terrain sand table . ”When I came back, these sudden enemies had arrived here, about two hundred miles from the mouth of the river . She-Gu and I took them around deliberately and went through some traps, but they didn't get rid of them all, and they were so crowded that they didn't consume much .
”According to their itinerary, how many days do you expect them to arrive?”Zheng asked .
Meng licked his lips and his eyelids were blue and black . ”These people didn't bring war beasts, but they didn't travel very slowly . They could arrive in about seven or eight days if they were quick . ”
”Did you find out the number of people in detail?”Zheng continued .
The other leaders looked at Meng together .
Meng inhaled, ”about 5000 people, most of them are a 3rd rank warrior, but their small collars are 4th rank and 5th rank . ”
Five thousand! All the people in the place was quiet .
”This is the man who came over . There are still some people hiding on the other side of the river . There are about two thousands of them . They are more powerful . They should be their reserved warriors . I guess the strength of those people are just that ordinary warriors are probably all above 4th rank . ” Meng's face lost its old look of laughter .
Zhang asked, ”Did you find out where they came from? Do you know why we attacked us? ”
”I heard them talk about the Huang Jing Tribe . As for why to attack us, I couldn't stay too long, I don't know . ”
”The Huang Jing Tribe?”Wu Chen frowned . ”I heard Shifu mention that this tribe, like a powerful tribe, is rich in yuan-crystal minerals and seems to have a good relationship with The Moer-Gan Tribe . Shifu and they last went to The Moer-Gan and made a deal with them . ”
”Deal? Are they in love with our red salt?” Zhang is indeed a man who has been Chief, and his words. .h.i.t the nail on the head .
Zheng nodded . ”It's quite possible . But no matter what they want, the other side has sent so many war slaves to fight, we have to go on . ”
Then he asked Meng, ”Are there warriors above 6th rank? How many blood warriors are there? What are their abilities? ”
Meng went on to reply, ”There is no a 6th rank warrior among the people who came, but there is one across the river . I need to rush back to report it . I haven't looked carefully . But the leader of their team should be 6th rank . It's probably a blood warrior . The enemies who have come ash.o.r.e have found three blood warriors . Their abilities are very strange . They seem to be able to make invisible shields to block the attack of our warriors . ”
Zheng continued to ask calmly, ”What is the range of blood ability? How long will it last?”
”One person can shelter about a hundred people, because the three blood warriors, our warriors cannot hurt them at all, which is why we cannot use bows and arrows because the y can prevent them from landing . ”
”Has the trail on the other side of the coal mine been covered up?”
”It's all covered . Even if they look for it, they won't see any trace . ”
”Traps have been laid along the way?”
”They've all been dug up before, but they've got so many people that they don't necessarily get as many pits as they can . ”
Zheng murmured for a moment and looked up at the crowd . ”Seven thousand people, not counting the follow-up, are three times the net combat effectiveness of our Jiu Yuan, and the lowest level warriors they sent to us also have 3rd rank, but many of our warriors have only 1st and 2nd rank . They also have 6th rank blood warriors, and our highest blood warrior is only 4th rank, Meng . ”
”h.e.l.lo, what is your tone of voice and hate on me? If it weren't for my ability to rise to 4th rank, do you think I could cut the 10-day journey back to half a day without alarming anyone to go to the enemy's camp for a round of information?”
”Chief and Priest DRen left, and now in addition to the Mer-warrior, of the awakened blood warrior really only your highest rank in the tribe . ”
Zheng did not care about Meng's two offense . Instead, he said, ”we all know what a high-ranking warrior is equivalent to . This time we have not only high order warriors, but also a lot of war slaves . From the point of view of the number of war slaves, the other side is afraid of killing us at one stroke . Now let's talk about how we intend to meet the enemy . ”
Cao Ting looked up carefully and said, ”Before that, I had a few questions . ”
Zheng, ”Please say so . ”
Cao Ting: ”I remember Mo DRen once told me that Chief DRen and he showed strength in The Moer-Gan . The other side should have known that our Chief is 7th rank G.o.d blood warrior . Why did they not have a higher rank warrior this time? And the other side is not clear about our situation of the Jiu Yuan, how dare we send someone to attack the Jiu Yuan like this? In addition, it seems that the enemy is familiar with our area . The Meng regiment and the regiment are clearly diverting them around the gra.s.sland, but they are still running towards the Jiu Yuan . Why?”
After a long pause, Cao Ting added, ”the most important thing is why they didn't come late, but they just came in the early spring . And it was just when Chief and Priest DRen left home with Jiu Feng DRen . If they know that Chief, The Priest and Jiu Feng DRen are not here, then they only come to 6th rank's blood warriors to explain that . ”
Obviously everyone thought of this, Zhang said, ”You think that there were spies among us who secretly spread the story that Chief and Priest DRen were not in the city? So the Huang Jing Tribe dared to attack us without fear?”
Cao Ting pointed out: ”We only brought back a large number of slaves from The Moer-Gan last year . ”
Yes, who can guarantee that there are no other tribes among these slaves?
Even more frightening, why did those people happen to come to the Jiu Yuan in the time of She-Gu guarding the riverbank?