Chapter 254: The Salt Mountain Tribesmen (1/2)
Hei Qi stood outside the door and looked at the way the two men spoke. He wondered if the other person was talking about him and The Salt Mountain Tribesmen. He tried to raise his ears to hear something.
But Yuan Zhan and the juvenile priest, like Hei Jiao, spoke in a very low voice. With straining his ear, he did not even hear a word.
The two men were too close.
About Hei Qi had been standing outside for a long time, and the rest of the tribe was okay, but the Moer-Gan People of The Jiu Yuan kept a secret eye on it and pa.s.sed it on to Cai Yu.
”Maybe he wants to exchange their salt for something, but he dared not go in.” Cai Yu waved disdainfully, indicating that such a thing should not be taken seriously.
Just as Cai Wei was there, it was funny to hear, ”The Salt Mountain Tribesmen want to trade their crude salt with The Jiu Yuan?”
Cai Yu heard a little, ”What's wrong? The Jiu Yuans also produces salt?”
Cai Wei laughed and said nothing but, ”The Salt Mountain Tribesmen are about to run for nothing.”
Cai Yu actually knew that Qi Yuan DRen had just returned the blood salt from The Jiu Yuan, but when he saw Cai Wei, he refused to say it clearly and did not inquire, only laughed in his heart. Cai Wei is Qi Yuan DRen, and he is loyal to Qi Hao DRen, as the Moer-Gan People knew about this.
Qi Hao DRen may be a bit reckless, but Qi Yuan DRen is probably too brainy and much weaker in strength than Qi Hao DRen. Qi Yuan DRen can get back many good things that the Moer-Gan did not have or lacked, but Qi Hao DRen can take warriors out and grab more slaves.
Besides, everyone knew that both the messenger of Priest DRen and The Three Cities preferred Qi Hao DRen, Qi Yuan DRen. If Chief hadn't been behind them, it would be a question whether they could live to this day.
Cai Wei and Cai Yu collude secretly, not thinking too much about the behavior of the Salt Mountain Tribesmen.
After all, it's a trade fair. The Moer-Gan, in order not to push the newly arrived Salt Mountain Tribesmen too hard, they also allowed them to partic.i.p.ate in the market, and allowed them to exchange the worst crude salt with other tribes. The Salt Mountain Tribesmen is next to the Jiu Yuan, and wants to exchange some with this wealthy tribe. Good things are normal, too.
Even if the Salt Mountain Tribesmen had any ideas, would the Jiu Yuan, who wants to find a backing hill to refine better fine salt and rich in blood salt, like them?
Yes, Cai Yu and Ai Wei both know what the Salt Mountain Tribesmen are thinking, and they want to escape from The Moer-Gan and start over, but what?
Not to mention that the Jiu Yuan doesn't necessarily like them. Even if they look for new salt, will the Jiu Yuan offend the Moer-Gan for such a small tribe?
What's more, the Salt Mountain Tribesmen really arrived at the territory of the Jiu Yuan, and life is not necessarily better than it is now. Otherwise, why hasn't the Salt Mountain Tribesmen had any contact with other big tribes so far?
Hei Qi was invited into the house.
”Let me see your salt.” Yan Mo asked him to sit down.
Hei Qi did not sit down, but rushed out the best salt they had stolen from their family.
Yan Mo looked at the color and found that it was thicker and darker than the sundried salt particles he occasionally bought in the seaside salt fields on his previous medical visit, but much better than the salt he had eaten in The Yuan Ji Tribe.
Such salt grains can be boiled once or twice and filtered to make good fine salt.
Yan Mo was interested in the Salt Mountain Tribesmen's salt-making methods, and searched for his original memory and found that he didn't know much about these things. The only thing he knew was that not everyone knew how to make salt in The Salt Mountain Tribesmen.
In fact, red salt is not precise salt, it does not completely remove impurities in salt, such as pota.s.sium, magnesium, bromine, and these soluble metal impurities.
Yan Mo remembers how to remove impurities in the salt and get refined salt like his predecessors, mentioned in chemistry in junior and senior high schools. He often uses various chemical extracts for medical research, and the purification of salt is not difficult.
The difference between modern and ancient salt-making lies in the late treatment, which is similar in the early stage. The method of removing boiling, which is laborious and destructive to the environment, is usually used in the early stage to get salt grains by means of duplicate measures of brine-tanning, sun-drying and filtering.
Of course, there are simpler and quicker methods in modern pre-processing, but these methods cannot be used by Yan Mo, and can only be ignored.
In the later stage, the most popular way to change crude salt into table salt is to use recrystallization method to obtain more pure refined salt.
This recrystallization method is to mix and dissolve the crude salt in clean water until it no longer dissolves; then add barium chloride, sodium hydrochloride and sodium carbonate in sequence; the third step is filtration; the fourth step is to add appropriate hydrochloric acid to the filtrate; and finally heat the filtrate to evaporate to obtain the refined salt.
The hydrochloric acid in the fourth step of the above stepped can be directly heated and evaporated without adding hydrochloric acid.
Yan Mo tried to further purify the red salt in the sun. His first consideration was the recrystallization process.
There are two kinds of chemical extracts that he can find in this way.
Sodium hydroxide can be obtained by adding water to quicklime and boiling the fine salt nearest to the refined salt for many times, then boiling and evaporating the mixed solution.
Quick lime, on the other hand, can be decomposed from the colloidal lime mud that has been discovered.
Sodium carbonate is alkali, which is not difficult to obtain. It can be obtained by burning plants to ash, adding water, stirring and dissolving, and then boiling and evaporating the dissolved water.
He also has ready-made suitable plants, which grow in large quant.i.ties on the edge of salt lakes.
But barium chloride, he can't. That's why he boiled the salt again and again after sun drying it, because he only had this way to get the more pure fine salt.
But this method, The Guide seems not to be much advocated, his Sc.u.m VALUE reduction point is not much.
For this reason, Yan Mo has a certain expectation for the Salt Mountain Tribesmen's salt making method, even if their method is not good, but as long as we can find out something useful for him, it is good.
Hei Qi was nervous, and looking at the teenager who was thinking about something after tasting the salt, he began to think that his previous guess was ridiculous.
But it's a little bit like that. He thought that the priest, a boy who looks so calm, wise and dignified, would be his silly brother.
Perhaps with such an idea, he looked at Yan Mo again and found that the more he looked at it, the less it looked like it.
Apart from the five senses, the young man's sitting posture, manner and movement in front of him are not like his brother's.
Hei Qi is a little trance. Hei Jiao is dead. His body may be muddy. No, it should have been eaten clean by wild animals.
In short, even if the Yuan Ji Tribe became The Jiu Yuan People, his brother could not become a priest of The Jiu Yuan.
He couldn't be so lucky!
Hei Qi wakes up from his trance. Although he has basically decided that the teenager in front of him cannot be his brother, he can't help but want to stay with him for a little longer and talk to him more.
Yuan Zhan looked up and down at Hei Qi and saw that Hei Qi was more nervous. He did not understand why the other party looked at him with such strange eyes.
About Hei Qi's face is somewhat similar to Yan Mo's, and Yuan Zhan is pleased to see him.
”You want to get away from The Moer-Gan?”
Bang! Hei Qi was as shocked as if he had been hit in the head by a sudden and fierce blow. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He could only look at Yuan Zhan in horror.
”You, you...”
”It's no wonder how I know it. Everyone can see it.” Yuan Zhan touched Yan Mo under the table to keep him silent for the time being.
Yan Mo shut up and see what Yuan Zhan is going to do about it.