Part 45 (1/2)
”He said that if he is unable to convince the Court that I will bring Daphne back, then they will revolt.
That they'll tear through what remains of the locks on Pandora's Pithos to get out into the mortal world. That they'll come after the Kronolithe themselves and reignite the war with the Skylords.” I can see that the full meaning of this has not reached everyone. ”Between the Keres that would be let loose on the earth when the Pits open, the hungry shades and the tormented souls of Tartarus that will eventually wander out the gaping hole between the realms, and the Underlords surfacing so they can reignite the war between the G.o.ds-basically, all h.e.l.l is literally going to be set loose on the world.
We're talking end-of-theworld, apocalypse-level violence and destruction.”
”Do you think he was telling the truth?” Dax asks, his eyes as wide as I've ever seen them.
”I don't know. I thought at the time he was making it all up so I would give him Daphne-but I can't shake the feeling now that he might have been telling the truth. He seemed too desperate. I've never seen him like that before.”
”If you'd believed him,” Daphne says from the table, looking up at me, ”would you have made the vow to give me to him?”
I think about it for a moment-the thought of Daphne in my father's control. The thought of his sacrificing her so he can become a G.o.d, no matter how altruistic his motives supposedly are. The idea of losing her . . .
”No,” I say. ”There has to be another way to stop this.” Two days ago, I would have never believed that I would say something like that.
I kick at a warped floorboard on the deck. ”Guess I can kiss that wreath of glory good-bye, huh?
n.o.body is going to be showering me with honor anytime soon.” I had meant that statement to be a lighthearted comment. To ease the tension everyone is feeling, but it came out more sullen and forlorn than I'd expected.
”You are honorable to me, Prince Haden.” Dax puts his hand on my shoulder and stares into my eyes with a fierce determination. He looks like a warrior about to take up the charge. ”I will follow you wherever you lead.”
I am surprised at the sting of tears at the backs of my eyes.
”So what do we do now?” Garrick asks. ”You kind of screwed us all over.”
”I think . . . I think the only thing is to go after the Kronolithe myself. If I can find it before the Underlords break out, then maybe I can stop all this before it even starts. Make some sort of bargain that doesn't involve Daphne giving up her heart and soul.”
”Where do we start looking?” Dax asks.
”There is no we in all of this. This is my responsibility. You all will stay here, where it is safe, while I search for the Kronolithe.”
”Like h.e.l.l there isn't a we in this!” Daphne interjects before I can say anything else. She stands and moves until she's just a few feet from me. She has the same determination in her eyes as Dax.
”There's at least a you and me. This is my fight, too.”
”Saving the Underrealm isn't your fight.”
”Honestly, I couldn't really give a c.r.a.p about the Underrealm. But I do care about stopping the mortal realm from getting destroyed by the spillover. I'd kind of like there to be a world for me to actually tour when I grow up. Not to mention my friends and family's safety.”
”I can't let you be a part of this, Daphne. It means going back out into that.” I gesture at the barrage of lightning on the horizon. ”It means facing whatever other dangers that are coming for us. My choices put us on this path, not yours. You should stay here, where you'll be safe.”
”You seriously think you can stop me from coming?” Her hands are on her hips and her hair blows about her face in the evening breeze. She looks as powerful and unrelenting as the lightning storm.
”Two hours ago, h.e.l.l, even ten minutes ago, I was determined to stay here and hide from my destiny, but now you're telling me there's a freaking apocalypse on our hands because of me, and you think I'm going to sit back and let you try to stop it on your own? You heard the Oracle as well as I did.
Our destinies are irrevocably intertwined. Even if you find it, you can't get the Kronolithe without me, so suck it up.”
”I thought you didn't believe in all this destiny c.r.a.p.”