Part 14 (1/2)
SBRI. You are a man to hear reason. Is there no way of adjusting this matter with the help of a few pistoles?
OFF. (_to his subordinates_). Go farther back.
SBRI. (_to_ MR. DE POURCEAUGNAC). You must give him some money for him to let you go. Be quick.
MR. POUR. (_giving some money to_ SBRIGANI). Ah! cursed place.
SBRI. Here, Sir.
OFF. How much is there?
SBRI. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
OFF. No; I have express orders.
SBRI. (_to the_ OFFICER, _who is going_). Pray wait. (_To_ MR. DE POURCEAUGNAC) Be quick, give him as much again.
MR. POUR. But ...
SBRI. Be quick, I tell you; don't waste time; you would be happy, would you not, if you were hanged?
MR. POUR. Ah! (_Gives more money to_ SBRIGANI.)
SBRI. (_to the_ OFFICER). Here, Sir.
OFF. (_to_ SBRIGANI). I must go off with him, for I should not be in safety here after this. Leave him to me, and don't stir from this place.
SBRI. I beg of you to take the utmost care of him.
OFF. I promise you not to leave him one moment till I see him safe.
MR. POUR. (_to_ SBRIGANI). Farewell! This is the first honest man I have found in this town.
SBRI. (_affecting not to see_ ORONTE). Ah! What a strange adventure!
What terrible news for a father! Poor Oronte, how much I pity you!
What will you say? How will you ever be able to bear with such a misfortune?
ORO. What is it? Of what misfortune do you speak?
SBRI. Ah, Sir! This wretch of a Limousin has run away with your daughter!
ORO. Run away with my daughter!
SBRI. Yes; she became so infatuated with him that she has left you to follow him. It is said that he has a charm to make all women fall in love with him.