Part 8 (1/2)
ORO. What, Sir?
SBRI. Put you de hat on de head, Sir, if you pleace.
ORO. Tell me. Sir, what you want.
SBRI. I tell nozink, Sir, if you not put de hat on de head.
ORO. Very well, then, what is it, Sir?
SBRI. You not know in dis town one Mister Oronte?
ORO. Yes, I know him.
SBRI. And vat for one man is he, Sir, if you pleace?
ORO. He is like any other man.
SBRI. I ask you, Sir, if he one man of money is?
ORO. Yes.
SBRI. But very mooch rich, Sir?
ORO. Yes.
SBRI. It does me mooch pleasure, Sir.
ORO. But why should it?
SBRI. It is, Sir, for one littel great reason for us.
ORO. But why?
SBRI. It is, Sir, dat dis Mr. Oronte his tauchter in marriage to a certain Mr. Pourgnac gifes.
ORO. Well!
SBRI. And dis Mr. Pourgnac, Sir, is one man vat owes mooch golt to ten or twelf Flemish marchants vat come here.
ORO. This Mr. de Pourceaugnac owes a great deal to ten or twelve merchants?
SBRI. Yes, Sir; and for de last eight months ve hafe obtain one littel judgment against him, and he put off all de credeetors till dis marriage vat Mr. Oronte gifes to his tauchter.
ORO. Ho! ho! So he puts off paying his creditors till then?
SBRI. Yes, Sir; and vid great defotion ve all wait for dis marriage.
ORO. The idea is not bad. (_Aloud_) I wish you good day.
SBRI. I tank de gentleman for de favour great.