Part 30 (1/2)

Sylvia gave him a glance that was half fear, and had the ”King” taken notice it would have filled him with deep pain, but Harley, who alone of the three retained his self-possession, spoke lightly of pa.s.sing things.

The feeling of exulting strength was not yet gone from him; in the presence of this man of great achievement he was not afraid, and, moreover, the desire to protect Sylvia, to turn attention from her, was strong within him.

For these reasons Harley carried the whole burden of the talk, and carried it well. Neither of the others wished to interrupt him; Sylvia being full of these new emotions, half joy and half fear, that agitated her, and Mr. Plummer trying to evolve from chaos a way to act.

Although the ”King” had suppressed the muscular manifestation, he was none the less burned by internal fire. Sylvia was his: it was he who had found her in the mountains; it was he who had given her the years of care and tenderness, and by every right, including that of promise, she belonged to him. Nor was he one to give her up for a fancy. He had seen the look of love on her face when she spoke to Harley, but she was only a girl--from the crest of his years the ”King” thought that he saw the truth, and knew it--and as soon as this campaign was over, and the Eastern youth had disappeared, she would forget him.

Mr. Plummer regarded this youth out of the corner of his eye, and while he pitied him for his ignorance of life, he was bound to admit that Harley was a handsome fellow, tall, well knit, and with an air of self-reliance. Evidently there was good stuff in him, and he would amount to something when he was trained and mature, although the ”King”

concluded that he needed a great deal of training. But he could not fail to feel respect for Harley's presence of mind, his calm, and his ease.

The youth showed no fear of him, no sign of apprehension, and the mountaineer gave him credit for it.

Sylvia was glad when they stopped in one of the lower glades to rest and eat of the food which had been so amply provided for them. But she was proud of Harley and the manner in which he had taken upon himself all the burden. His conduct went far to justify in her eyes his confident prediction, and, secretly approving, she watched the ease with which he bore himself among the blunt mountaineers and the handsome manner in which he affiliated. She noticed that they seemed to think of Harley as one like Jimmy Grayson--that is, one of themselves--and they never considered him raw or green in any respect.

Her confidence in Harley and the momentary elation returned as they stood there in this cup in the mountain-side and looked out upon the expanse of peak and plain. She ate, too, with an appet.i.te that the mountain air sharpened, and she thrilled with strength and hope.

Mr. Plummer, from some motive that she did not understand, kept himself in the background during the stop; nor did she know how his big heart was filled with wrath and gloom. But as he stood silently at the farthest rim of the circle, he resolved to push his fortunes, which was in accordance with his nature.

”Will you walk to the edge of the cove with me?” he said to the candidate, when he saw that the latter had finished his luncheon, and Mr. Grayson, without a word, complied with his request.

Jimmy Grayson must have had some premonition of what was to come, because he obeyed his first impulse, and glanced at Harley and Sylvia, who were standing together. He was confirmed in his thought when he saw the look of gloom and resolve upon the face of his friend.

”I want to speak to you of Sylvia,” said ”King” Plummer, in tones of hurry, as if it cost him an effort. ”It's about our marriage. I think I ought to hurry it up a little. You see--well, you can't help seeing, that, compared with Sylvia, I'm old. I'm not really old, but I'm old enough to be her father, an' youth has a way that's pretty hard to break of turnin' to youth.”

”Yes,” said Jimmy Grayson.

”Sylvia's just a girl; she don't seem much more 'n a child to me, an'

lately she's been travellin' about a heap, an' she's met new people.

Now, I don't blame her, don't think that, because it's natural, but here is this young writin' chap.”

”Harley, you mean?”

”Yes. An' I'm not sayin' anythin' against him, either, though writin'

has never been much in my line, but he an' Sylvia seem to have taken a sort of s.h.i.+ne to each other--I don't know whether it amounts to any more than that, though I suppose it could if it was give a chance; but down there in Queen City he did more for her than I did, or anybody else, and I suppose that tells with a girl. Well, you saw 'em together as we walked out here, an' I'm bound to admit that they make a powerful likely couple.”

He hesitated, as if he were waiting for the candidate to speak, but Mr.

Grayson was silent. He glanced once at the strong face of Plummer, drawn as if in pain, and then he looked into the valley a thousand feet below. Jimmy Grayson did not care to speak.

”I ain't a blind man,” continued the ”King.” ”I may not be too smart, but still things don't have to be driven into me with a wedge. If Sylvia and Harley were left to themselves, they would fall deep in love, I can see that; but I tell you, Mr. Grayson, she's mine, she belongs to me, because I've earned her, and because she's promised herself to me, too, an' I can't give her up. Still, if it's wrong, if I ought to let her have her promise back, I'll do it anyhow. An' that's why I've asked you to walk out here. I don't like much to speak to another man of a thing right next to my heart, but I want to ask you, Mr. Grayson--you are her uncle an' my best friend--what do you think I ought to do?”

It was hard to embarra.s.s Jimmy Grayson, but he was embarra.s.sed now. He would rather any other man in the world had asked him any other question. Sylvia was his niece, and her happiness was dear to him.

Harley, too, had found a place in his heart. And when he glanced at them again and saw them still together, it seemed fit and right that they should continue so through life. But there was ”King” Plummer, an honest man, and his claim could not be denied. And his mind could not help asking this insidious little question, ”If Sylvia is allowed to throw over 'King' Plummer, will he not sulk and allow the Mountain States, pa.s.sing from her uncle, to go into the other column?” Jimmy Grayson would not have been human if he had not heard this little question demanding an answer, but he resolutely resisted it.

”What do you say?” asked Mr. Plummer. ”I'd risk much on your advice.”

”I was studying your question, because in a case like this a man has to think of so many things, and then may miss the right one. But, Mr.

Plummer, I don't know what to say; I think, however, I'd wait. Sylvia is a good girl, and I know you can trust her. But they are beckoning to us; they are ready to start.”