Part 23 (1/2)

”Put me down for an apology, too,” said ”King” Plummer, in his big, booming tones.

Jimmy Grayson, on the outskirts of the crowd, returning to learn what the noise was about, saw and heard all, and murmured to a friend:

”There is now a new member of our group, and all is well again.”



The conversion and adoption of Mr. Heathcote, as Hobart called it, was a pleasant incident in several senses, bringing much quiet gratification to them all, and particularly and obviously to the candidate. A hostile element, one intended by others to be hostile and interfering, had become friendly, which, of itself, was a great gain. Moreover, the smoothness of social intercourse was increased, and there, too, was a new type, adding to the variety and interest of the group.

The only one not pleased was Churchill, who had expected much from Mr.

Heathcote, and who now, as he considered it, saw the committeeman turn traitor. It was not a matter that he could handle fully in his despatches to the _Monitor_, being too intangible to allow of bald a.s.sertion, and he was reduced to indirect statement. This not satisfying him at all, he wrote a long letter to Mr. Goodnight, both for the sake of the cause and for the sake of his own feelings, which had been much lacerated. Its production cost him a great deal of thought and labor; but he had his reward, as its perusal after completion proved to him that it was a masterpiece.

Churchill showed quite clearly to Mr. Goodnight the steady decay of the candidate's character and the lower levels to which his campaign was falling. In the security of a private letter it was not necessary for him to spare words, and Churchill spoke his mind forcibly about the manner in which Jimmy Grayson was pandering to the ”common people,” the ”ignorant mob,” the ”million-footed.” Churchill himself, although not old, had taken long ago the measure of these foolish common people, and he despised them, his contempt giving him a very pleasant conviction of his own superiority.

He also poured a few vials of wrath upon the head of Mr. Heathcote, whom he characterized as a coward, not able to stand up against petty persecution, and from the committeeman he pa.s.sed on to others of Mr.

Grayson's immediate following, taking ”King” Plummer next. Mr. Plummer, in his opinion, was an excellent type of democracy run to riot. He was one of the ”boys” in every sense. He was wofully wanting in personal dignity, speaking to everybody in the most familiar manner, and encouraging the same form of address towards himself; he failed utterly to recognize the superiority of some other men, and he was grossly ignorant, knowing nothing whatever of Europe and the vast work that had been done there for civilization and order. Moreover, he could not be induced, even by the well-informed, to take any interest in the Old World, and once had had the rudeness to say to Churchill himself, ”What in the devil is Europe to us?”

Churchill thus subjected the views of ”King” Plummer to the process of elaboration because they had made a vivid impression upon him. He and the ”King” had never been able to get on together, the mountaineer treating him with rough indifference, and Churchill returning it with a hauteur which he considered very effective. To Churchill men of ”King”

Plummer's type seemed the greatest danger the country could have. Their lack of respect for diplomacy, their want of form and ceremony, their brutal habit of calling things by their names, were in his opinion revolutionary. He did not see how dealings with foreign nations, which always loomed very large to him, could be conducted by such men. Always in his mind was the question, What would they say in London and Vienna and Berlin? and the _Monitor_, which he served faithfully, confirmed him through its tone in this mental state. Still drawing his inspiration from the _Monitor_, he regarded a sneer as invariably the best weapon; if you were opposed to anything, the proper way to attack it was by sneering at it; then, not having used argument, you never put yourself in a position to have your arguments refuted.

From ”King” Plummer, Churchill pa.s.sed to some of his a.s.sociates--like the _Monitor_, he never hesitated to befoul his own nest--and he told Mr. Goodnight how the candidate was using them, how they had wholly fallen under the spell of his undeniable charm of manner, and how they wrote to please him rather than to tell the truth.

As he sealed his long letter, Churchill felt the conscious glow of right-doing and stern self-sacrifice. He had written thus for the good of the party and the good of the country, and he was strengthened, too, by the feeling that he could not possibly be wrong. The _Monitor_ cultivated the sense of omniscience, which it communicated in turn to all the members of its staff.

He pa.s.sed Sylvia Morgan on his way from the hotel reading-room to the lobby to mail his letter, and when he met her he quickly turned down the address on the envelope, in order that she might not see it. It was done by impulse, and Churchill, for the first time, had a feeling of guilt that made him angry.

”That must be a love letter, Mr. Churchill,” said Sylvia, teasing him with the easy freedom of the West. ”Do you write her twenty-four pages, or only twenty?”

”I have no love except my work, Miss Morgan,” replied Churchill, a.s.suming his most grandiose air.

”Is that a permanent affection, or a pa.s.sing fancy?”

Her face expressed the most eager interest, as if she could not possibly be happy until she had Churchill's answer. The words were frivolous, but her manner was most deferential, and Churchill concluded that she was expressing respect in as far as what he considered her shallow nature could do so.

”It is, I hope, a permanent pa.s.sion, Miss Morgan,” he replied, gravely.

”There is a pleasure in doing one's duty, particularly under disagreeable circ.u.mstances, which I am happy to say I have felt more than once, and custom usually strengthens one who walks in the right path.”

Still in this mood of contemplation, he regarded her, and he thought he saw a slight look of awe appear in her eyes. His opinion of her rose at once. While not able to show merit of the highest degree, she could perceive it in others, and this differentiated her from the rest of the group. Churchill allowed himself to see that she had a fine face and a slender, beautiful figure, and he felt it a pity that she should be thrown away on a crude, rough old mountaineer like Plummer.

”I often think, Miss Morgan,” he said, ”that if you had lived in the East awhile you could have been quite a match for any woman whom I have ever known.”

”Thank you,” she replied, humbly. ”Oh, if I could only have lived in the East just a little while!”

”But I a.s.sure you, Miss Morgan, I have met some very remarkable women.”