Volume Ii Part 43 (1/2)
37. H. dupuyana, Pfeiffer. (Chemnitz, Ed. 2nd, Helix, t. 124, f. 15, 16).
Locality: Bellingen River, in the brushes (Macgillivray).
38. H. pachystyla, Pfeiffer.
Locality: Facing Island, Port Curtis; Dunk Island; Cape Upstart, at roots of bushes; Wide Bay, under bark of Eucalyptus resinifera (Macgillivray).
This fine species was originally recorded as a native of New Zealand; was not the supposed habitat a mistake?
39. H. yulei, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 2, f. 6).
Locality: Port Molle (Macgillivray).
40. H. iuloidea, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 2, f. 4).
Locality: Port Molle (Macgillivray).
41. H. ptycomphala, Pfeiffer.
Locality: Roots of trees among dead leaves at Cape Upstart (Macgillivray).
42. H. dunkiensis, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 2, f. 7.) Locality: Dunk Island (Macgillivray).
43. H. macgillivrayi, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 3, f. 1).
Locality: Frankland Isles (Macgillivray).
44. H. franklandiensis, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 2, f. 2).
Locality: Frankland Isles and Lizard Island (Macgillivray).
45. H. inconspicua, Forbes. (Voyage Rattlesnake, t. 2, f. 3).
Locality: Islet in Trinity Bay (Macgillivray).
46. H. brevipila, Pfeiffer. (Chemnitz, Ed. 2, Helix t. 124, f. 28-30).
Locality: Under dead leaves at roots of trees in Sunday Island (Macgillivray).
47. H. fraseri, Gray. (Beechey's Voyage Zool. t. 38, f. 6).
Locality: Wide Bay and Clarence River, New South Wales, in the scrubs (Macgillivray). The true locality of this species--first given by Beck--is thus verified.
48. H. gaertneriana, Pfeiffer.
Locality: Night Island, on trunks and branches of a Bombax (Macgillivray).
49. H. sericatula, Pfeiffer.
Locality: Port Jackson (Strange).
1. B. faba, Martyn. (Reeve Conch. Syst. t. 175, f. 13, 14).
Locality: Australian Isles ? A Polynesian species.
2. B. tuckeri, Pfeiffer.
Locality: Inhabits most of the islands on the North-East coast of Australia. Among dead leaves at the roots of trees and bushes in Fitzroy, Sunday, and Lizard Islands, and at roots of gra.s.s in Sir Charles Hardy's Islands (Macgillivray).
3. B. dufresnii, Leach. (Fer. Hist, t. 3. f. 1-3).
Locality: Van Diemen's Land. Under logs and stones (Macgillivray).
4. B. atomatus, Gray. (Reeve Conch. Icon. Bulimus, t. 30, f. 184).