2 Welcome to Kyuten Gakuin (1/2)

Four Inches Below Kiiara 31510K 2022-07-20

After Saito Jun, more and more survivors came out one after another in the following months. And just like Jun, they all carried aether in their body while their genes had forgone a mutation that allowed them to surpass humanity.

However, though similar, Jun and the rest of them were different at the same time. While the Alpha's aether was tremendously dense and powerful, the other survivors somehow did not match the category. Some were considered B or A grade but many of them were far below. Hence, the start of social stratification.

While Karl Marx's theory divided the modern society into two classes of people - the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, a new theorist, Yamamoto Shiho, divided the society of New Age into three classes of people: Alpha, Beta, Omega in accordance to the wave of aether flowing in their veins.

Although small in numbers, Alpha sat at the top of the pyramid with a dense wave of aether and the ability to amplify it. This was the reason why the Alphas was considered as a superior being above human since they could technically prolonged their life. Some even called them with names such as monsters, freaks, mutants.

After Alpha, came Beta, second in rank with the wave of aether ranging around B or A grade which was already considered superhuman. In some cases, there were also those who fell into C grade and thus, became the weakest in Beta class.

Although Beta didn't have the ability to create aether, they could still empowered themselves like Alpha to surpass what humanly possible, for example doubling their strength, intelligence, or agility. However, unlike Alpha, Beta could only focus on one stat at a time.

After the monsters and the superhuman came the last position in the three levels of pyramid. The lowest, the weakest, and the most similar to an ordinary human - The Omega.

Despite having aether coursing through their vein, Omega could not strengthen themselves or in any way gifted with some magical ability. So, unlike Alpha and Beta, Omega was in no way special. They were only slightly above ordinary human. Thus, their fate to be hunted.

That was not even the worst of it all, while having to run from those hunters, Omega also needed to fight for their own survival from the leftover residue of the Devil's Tears still in their vein. They needed to control their aether to fight off the virus or else, it would grow over time and claimed their life.

This was the reason to the weak existence of aether in Omega's body because the aether was only strong enough to buy them time. So either the virus won or the Omega luckily obliterated the Devil's Tears from their body.

The only risk they had to shoulder in this internal fight for survival was if they were not skilled enough in controlling their aether, it would end up be consumed by the Devil's Tears and the virus would spread faster then.

In short, Omega was a being that would be walking the tightrope for the rest of their life unless they figured out a way to get out of this situation.

And the sole salvation they could seek of was Kyuten Gakuin, the elite battleground of the three classes.

To rob or to be robbed. To hunt or to be hunted. To fuck or to be fucked. To climb or to go down in ranks.

Therefore, the eulogy of the academy.

”Your faith lies in your own hands and your choice shall be your ending.”

”Happy Hunting! May the strong prevails and the weak be damned!”

Welcome to Kyuten Gakuin!


- Back to present -

At this point, Ayumi's back was already drenched in her own sweat. Her whole body was shaking incessantly. Her four limps seemed to have gone numb from all the anxiety she was currently experiencing. It felt as if there was a huge mountain pressuring her down whenever she thought about the hunting that was about to commence in another five minutes.