27 Blood and Chaos Army Meet -1 (1/2)

As all preparations came to a close. The sun slowly rose on the demon capital as the demon army-meet started.

The first phase involved where warriors would challenge each other from different mercenary camps, while the soldiers fought between the military legions.

This helped develop a hierarchy within the camps and between the 4 legions.

The second phase would involve exchanges between the mercenaries and military but that is after the first phase ends.

In the arena the infamous Bloodthirsty Blade -Fredrick Scarlet and the Killing Chaos- Roger Black stood opposite to each other, glaring, as they measured up their opponents.

They, of course, weren't going to personally fight each other, like entertainers in a ring.

Instead, they would be sending their trusted soldiers.

It would be a best of 5.

The two generals looked at each other as silent sparks flew between them.

”I must say you seem extremely confident General Black.”

”Of course, The demons that I have personally trained have the purest of bloodlines and strongest of the batch. They will crush all opposition.”

”Is that so, General Black? That makes me so much more excited to see my warriors bathe their blades in their blood as it spills onto the ground.” General Scarlet replied with a maniacal grin on his face.

The First warrior of the black legion rose up the stage. He hefted a huge greatsword over his shoulders and looked condescendingly at his opponent.

”Gregor Trem, Darkness, 7 years of experience.”

The Warrior of the Scarlet legion also stepped up the stage dragging an oversized scythe behind him.

”Call me Ferom, Magma user. prepare to have your blood evaporated right from your body!”

The two instantly launched themselves at each other as the stage became a blur of red and black.


On the other side of the event grounds, various mercenary troops were duking it out with each other.

Mercs full of bravado kept on challenging each other as their camps tried to show dominance.

Unlike the organized duels at the Military side, it was a huge mess here. Only by the end of the event will one know which camps dominated the rest.

”The Scarlet and Black generals are currently duking it out. So it is the best time to check out the Crimson Cult and Annihilation Order to determine whether they have any ties with the generals.” Marcus stated as he looked at the young member of the snake clan next to him.

Vincent turned and nodded in assent ”Yep, also the mercs from those camps are a bit too war-hungry and bloodthirsty. It is time to crash their party and neat some sense into them.”

”So.....are we going to blow up their camps?” Marcus asked with a hint of anticipation in his eyes. It seemed that Vincent's influence had rubbed off on him a bit.

”You bet we are!” Vincent smiled happily ”But first, we should shake things up a little.”

Marcus nodded, a mischievous glint flashing across his eyes.

He suddenly twisted around and punched Vincent in the gut, hollering in outrage.

”What do you mean that the mercs from Crimson Cult are actually the undercover dogs of the Scarlet General”

Vincent slowly stood up slowly wiping off a sliver of blood from the edge of his mouth.

”Bastard! You think I am joking!

Those scums are always mad fellows. They are too alike. We should crush them anyways. Otherwise they would take away our chances. They are too cruel to their fellow beastmen”

”Yeah! They have already killed over 34 people since the start of the matches. I reckon they are sabotaging us for the second phase.”

Soon, a bunch of other voices joined them and they all went en masse to storm the base of the Crimson Cult. It was time to deal with each camp. One at a time.

The crowd slowly encroached on the crimson cult and started challenging them. Using the distraction, Vincent and Marcus snuck into the living quarters.

”You check the boss, I'll go plant the bombs.” Vincent whispered at Marcus and slithered into the darkness.


Meanwhile in an abandoned mine outside the city, Kate and Freya were investigating the suspected hideout of The Winged Order.

”Uggh!” Kate commented scrunching up her nose. ”What do you even expect to find in this stinking dump. Those freaks just have left long ago.”

Freya replied chastising ”Clues of course! They should have left behind some traces right?”

Kate bent down and picked up some fallen black feathers- ”Look, I think they had a hobby of keeping crows or something. I should also try something like that. Showup in majesty with a bird perched on my shoulder. Crows are too ugly, a hawk or eagle maybe, no falcon sounds better.......”

”Its most likely messenger birds. Thankfully they are just bird feathers.”

”What did you think you would find, Dog fur?”

”...” Kate

”Well, I totally understand if that was what you thought. I am quite an understanding individual. It could also be snake sheddings. Dang! There was this one time I saw Vincent shed off an entire layer of skin. Well, I didn't SEE him do that, but I saw the end product and shit was it-”