v5c78 (2/2)

The instructions were detailed!

Of course, I had no intention of disobeying, so just like she requested, I put the spoon in my mouth once, then fed her the pudding.

[It’s as oneechan said, oniichan’s taste made it three times more delicious.]

“You seem more happy than when Luna fed you! Chrisse-chan, you’re cruel! They say that friends.h.i.+p between women can be broken by a man, so it’s true!”

Fu ha ha ha! Fool! Do you understand who Chrisse loves the most now, little girl?!

“L, Lute-sama! Is it ok to have you feed me too?!”

This time it was Meiya who vigorously raised her hand while breathing roughly.

“If, if you can, hah, Lu, Lute-sama, with t-t-t-t-t-t-that spoon. Once, hoh! I want you to, p-p-put it in your mouth, then f-f-f-feed me.”

“Uh.. no, that is kinda impossible, I think.”

Meiya’s eyes became bloodshot, her breathing got wild, and she approached me while requesting to be fed.

To be honest, it was scary.

After I refused, she made an expression like the world had ended, with streams of tears flowing down.

“Wh, why is it?! Is, is there anything wrong with me?! If there is then please say it! I will fix it even if I have to throw away my life!”

“No, there isn’t anything wrong with Meiya. It’s just that my pudding is gone.”

“Su, such …..a blind spot.”

Meiya, too, had already finished her pudding, so she couldn’t give hers to me.

“Snow, there is still some pudding in the fridge, right?”

“Un, there are, but you can’t eat that. Those are―”

As if to interrupt Snow’s words, a knock was heard from the entryway.

She said ‘wait a minute’ and went to the hallway to open the door.

Before long, two familiar faces appeared in the living room.

“Luna! As I thought, you’re here!”

“I’m sorry, young master and everyone, for suddenly intruding on you.”

Lyss stared at her sister while frowning, and s.h.i.+a apologized.

“Luna, how did you sneak out of your room?! I have had the door watched, even the outside of the windows!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, Lyss-oneechan is naive as usual. You seriously think only that much can stop Luna-chan ? It was even easier than opening a safe without a lock. If you really want to stop Luna, you need to put a magic prevention collar on Luna, bind her arms and legs with chains, put her in an iron box, and have at least ten soldiers monitoring her.”

Again, what was she, Lup◯n the third?

The same scene occurred every time, Luna snuck out of the castle, Lyss and s.h.i.+a came to get her. That was why Snow even made their portion of snack - pudding, and cooled it for them in the fridge.

“Sorry as always, Lute-san, everyone. I will take my sister back immediately.”

“No! I’m staying here! Isn’t it okay if big sister returns alone? Furthermore, I’ve already done my homework today. You have no reason to complain!”

“You’re the princess! Being outside the lake is the problem!”

“Then big sister is also here, isn’t that bad?”

“I, I am the one who takes responsibility for the incident this time, so it’s okay!”

Lyss used a body enhancing technique to support her physical ability. She tried to catch her sister, but...


She saw through that, and slipped around her big sister’s back.

With both hands, she targeted the overly big b.r.e.a.s.t.s of her sister with eagle claws!

“He, hey, what are you doing, stop…… yaa~n!”

“Uwaa~ soft. Your height isn’t very different from Luna’s, yet your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are this big and sensitive too, this is foul play, isn’t it? Aa-ah, Luna wants to have like half of big sister’s.”

“Nn, an! I, in front of Lute-san, like this...nn, immodest, no…...enough, stop, I said! Fua…!”

“Fu ha ha ha! If you want me to stop then give me permission to stay here!”

“I got it, I will let you stay today, so stooop.”

Lyss gave up before long, then Luna released her hands.

“Hime-sama, keep composed!”

As expected not even s.h.i.+a could thrust away Luna, who was royalty, so she could only watch over.

She ran up to Lyss, who was sitting on the floor and holding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s after Luna separated from her.

Like this, Lyss usually came to this mansion and got defeated by Luna, it was already a routine. Lyss’ reflexes weren’t bad, but her sensitive b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the nape of her neck, her ears… seemed to be the causes of defeat.

I lent a hand to Lyss, who was still sitting down.

“You okay, Lyss? For the time being, there are snacks for you two, so eat it. You can return to the castle after you relax here for a bit.”

“Bu, but I will become a nuisance to Lute-san, you’re preparing for the X Day.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”

Afterwards, I helped her stand up.

I had the feeling that, the moment Lyss separated from me, she put a little bit of strength into her fingers.

Somehow her cheeks were more flushed than before.

Maybe her body was hot from moving around?

“......Is it really okay for me to be here?”

“Of course! If it’s Lyss and s.h.i.+a, then it’s very welcome. Aren’t we friends, as well as comrades?”

“Th, thank you.”

“Oneechan, good for you ne~”

With a face that wasn’t reflecting at all, Luna smiled and said so to Lyss.

Lyss’ face became redder, and she scolded her sister.

“Wh, what’s so funny?! Stop smiling like that”

“Jeez, it’s because oneechan isn’t honest at all. Maybe I have to make you a little bit more honest with yourself here.”

“Kya! Sto, stop approaching me with that hand motion of yours!”

Luna opened both of her hands and wriggled her fingers, and Lyss backed off while hiding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Their offense and defense continued until Snow brought the puddings.

The room filled with laughter.

That was truly a happy scene, just like in a play.

However, the X Day when the High elf kingdom Enol might get destroyed was certainly still approaching.
