v5c76 (1/2)

Chapter 076 - Giant Scorpion 2

“As expected of Lute-kun! Defeating a strong monster like this!”

[Oniichan, you were very cool!]

“I was surprised by the ‘Wasp Knife’, but this Panzerfaust has amazing power too, blowing the Giant Scorpion to bits like this!”

“Me too, it’s not like I doubted Lute-san’s power, but I couldn’t even imagine it to be this overwhelming. Now I’m confident that Lute-san will surely save our motherland.”

My wives, s.h.i.+a and Lyss, all gathered around and praised me.

Snow wagged her tail joyfully and hugged me.

I was happy that I got to feel her b.r.e.a.s.t.s but I wish she’d stop sniffing me so casually.

Right after the battle, and right in front of other people, stop ‘fuga fuga’-ing me!

Don’t make that ‘the fresh smell of sweat is the best!’ face!

I placed my hand against her forehead and pushed her away, and ignored her as she complained ‘Aa~n, let me fuga fuga you a little bit more’. I answered with modesty - the characteristic of a j.a.panese.

“It was because of everyone’s cooperation that I could defeat it.”

In fact, if it was just me alone, I probably wouldn’t be able to defeat it no matter how many Panzerfaust I had. I was once again thankful for the existence of my comrades.

“Well then, let’s start withdrawing and return to the wagon before the sun sets, shall we? ”

Everyone replied to my instruction with great spirit.

It wasn’t an outing like in the previous world, but we left the place cleaner than when we arrived.

Snow, Chrisse, and s.h.i.+a picked up the AK47’s empty cases so it can be reloaded (case recycling) later. Saving is an important virtue.

Lyss put away the spare Panzerfaust type 60 I had entrusted to her, and the Giant scorpion’s corpse, and the wire entanglements with her spirit’s blessing.

Just as I thought, I should fill up the foxholes.

―To think that someone like me can realize that there was one more Giant scorpion, I can only say it was a total coincidence.

Right above the cave.

From the thicket of the steep cliff, I saw a new Giant Scorpion. Its aim was Lyss who had just finished storing away the corpse of the Giant scorpion and the wire entanglements.

“Lyss! Above! Dodge!”


I supported my body with body enhancing technique, then ran toward Lyss.

Doshu! Doshu! Doshu!

The sound of sticky projectiles being shot rang out, and poison needles flew from its 3 tails.

Those needles rushed toward Lyss in slow motion. If it was like this then I shouldn’t have lent Lyss the revolver for self-defense.

While regretting that, I ran with all my might as I kicked up dirt.

I pushed Lyss out of the way of the poison needles.

In exchange for that, a poison needle pierced my thigh.



The poison flowed into me. It burned my flesh directly, accompanied by intense pain, enough to cause hallucinations.

Lyss who was pushed away ran up to me in a panic, pulled the poison needle out and used poison removing magic.

“Erase the footsteps of Death who gnaw at the living! Poison heal!”

Lyss’ hand emitted a light different from the magic that heals wounds.

Thanks to that, the intensity dropped, but the pain was still affecting me. My body became numb and couldn’t move. Seeing that, Lyss continued to chant magic.

The ground was swaying.

From the steep cliff, the Giant Scorpion had jumped down.

It was smaller than the first Giant Scorpion.

Probably about 5 meters.


It jumped down right next to us, and its cry gave us chills down the spine.

I, unable to move, remembered Snow’s words.

‘s.h.i.+a-san also said it but, I have the feeling that the amount of bones is unusually plentiful.’

‘Well if it hunted the monsters in the area to the point of reducing their overall numbers, of course there would be a lot of bones. Is something wrong with that?’

‘U~n, I can’t quite put it to word but it bugs me’

‘Giant Scorpions can shoot poison needles from 3 of its tails, that’s why it has a high chance of killing its prey. Are you trying to remind everyone how dangerous their poison needles are, Snow-san?’

‘Uu~n, that’s not it either……’

The answer to Snow’s uncomfortable feeling--the Giant Scorpion we defeated had a child!

There was actually 2 of them, which explains the unusual amount of bones that she noticed.