v4c55 (2/2)

Afterwards, you go down the stairs connecting the second floor to the first.

There were numbers placed on the cages, so you go there and confirm the actual thing, and negotiate with the official standing by the cage. This is done to let it not become an exhibition, prevent raillery, because the typical slaves are lightly dressed or naked.

The reason the slaves were lightly dressed is because getting them to strip for evaluation each time would be a pain, and it would ruin their physical condition to have them keep wearing clothes and stripping, which would harm their value as merchandise.

Because of that the first floor had its temperature raised with magic.

The reason the first floor is entirely walled in is not just to prevent the slaves from escaping, but also so that the room temperature doesn't go down.

The receptionist noticed Meiya and immediately stood up and rushed over.

Then, without saying a thing we were taken behind the reception desk—to a reception room.

A total VIP treatment….

It seems when you're someone of Meiya's cla.s.s, you don't go and see the slaves, but mention your requirements and the slave would be taken along to this room.

As expected from the Magic Stone Princess, whose name is known not just in the Dragon Continent, but throughout the world.

In under 10 minutes, the man in charge of the [Brutus Slave House] showed up.

Talking about slave traders you’d picture a guy with a scary face, but this guy’s face seemed like the goodness of humanity itself. He had a protruding belly, making him look much like a Daikoku.

TL Note : G.o.d of wealth. /wiki/Daikokuten

”Welcome, welcome, Meiya-sama. I'm the representative in charge of the [Brutus Slave House]. My name is Enos. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

”How do you do, Enos?”

Meiya exchanged a handshake with Enos.

Then I shook hands with him as well.

Meiya sat down in the seat of honor, while the three of us sat on the sofa opposite of Enos.

”Well then, Meiya-sama, what kind of slave do you hope to see today?”

”It's not me today, it's my master Lute who's coming to see some slaves. I'm only escorting him.”

”Hoo, so you are Meiya-sama's rumored master!”

Having been introduced by Meiya, Enos stared at me, eyes wide in wonder.

”If you're Meiya's master, then we as well have to give our all and introduce you to our recommended slave.”

Enos laughed, his large belly shaking.

”Then what kind of slave do you hope to see?”

”Umm, one with adventurer experience, aged 15 - 20, and I don't care about magic ability.”

”How about the gender?”

”Female! ——————————But it's just a preference, so if there's one that meets the conditions, I don't mind if he's male, okay?”

I unintentionally said so but immediately made an addendum.

There's no change in the att.i.tudes of Snow and Chrisse sitting to my left and right.

On the contrary, that scares me.

But see, a young male would be unpleasant in lots of ways.

Which is why I chose female…… I don't have any ulterior motives okay?

TL Note : Suuuuuuuure. - larvyde

TL Note : You just dont want getting NTR’d. rei_hunter

As I was making up excuses in my mind, Enos racked his brains for a slave that met my requirements.

After some time he seemed to have thought of something, raised his face and said with a smile.

”There is one who meets your requirements. She's a slave I'm handling, her name's Xiah. She's 16 years old, she was an adventurer for 3 years since she was 12, and is a level III. She's a female from the Fairy Race, Dark Elf Clan, and a B-plus ranked magician.”

”A B-plus ranked magician slave, so she'd be worth about 500 gold, I think?”

I was amazed at the cost Meiya mentioned.

(F, five hundred gold!? That's about 50 million in j.a.panese yen, right? Screw that. I don't have that kind of money!)

I quickly gave up on buying her.

As expected, it would be better to have just the three of us adventuring and raising our levels.

She's too expensive, no matter how you look at it.

”Normally I would offer her to you for that amount, but… if you're willing to take her I don't mind handing her over for 250 gold.”

”Half off from the normal price? That's quite a discount.”

Enos smiled bitterly at my cynical remark.

”Of course, I don't intend to deceive Meiya-sama's master. She's in good condition, no s.e.xual experience, a virgin. She can properly handle magic, too.”

Oi, why are you emphasizing the virgin part?

Well, it's an important part, in a way.

”It's just that Xiah is a strange one… she sold herself off as a slave.”

”Sold herself off?”

”We get those sometimes. People that got too poor and were willing to be a slave even for free. Being a slave they don't have the right to their life anymore but they can escape the fate of dying from starvation tomorrow or the day after. If they're lucky they can get bought by a good master and live a peaceful life. Only… Xiah freely gave herself up as a slave on one condition.”

And that condition is?

”It was [Only sell me to a master I consider acceptable]. With that contract, a friend of mine took Xiah as a slave, but after about 1 year there was no master she would accept and soon there were no longer any buyers. Obviously, my friend was astounded and gave her over to me saying [I can't handle her anymore!]”

”I see… so if this Xiah girl would accept me as her [Master], you are willing to sell her to me for half the usual price?”

”Yes, that's how it is.”

Certainly, she's a strange one.

No, I'm not sure I can just call her 'strange', she's more of an eccentric.

“Are there any attributes she wants, or any particular basis for who she’s willing to have as her master?”

With a troubled look, Enos shook his head.

”That is simply, to quote the person herself, 'I'll only be sold to a master I recognize myself', a single point. Since that contract is there, I cannot sell her on other conditions…. So therefore, if it's Meiya-sama's master, I thought for sure that Xiah would recognize you, so how about it?”

I see why he's selling her dirt cheap at half the market price.

Well of course she's in a sense a bargain slave, but I don't think she's likely to accept me as her master.

It's no use anyhow, so should I refuse, I wonder?

”How about you at least meet her for now?”

Enos asked, his face looking like he's pleading me.

Judging from the way he looked, it seems she's unsellable dead stock that just takes up maintenance costs. He's clinging on the slight possibility that Meiya's master might be recognized by the eccentric Xiah as her master.

If all goes well, if Xiah were really pleased with me, he might be able to sell her off before he expends too much capital.

Honestly, I myself want to see what kind of girl she is.

Trying is free after all, I don't think I'll do anything more than see her.

”....... All right. Let's just try and see her. Don't complain if she won't recognize me as a master, okay?”

”Of course! Please wait a little while.”

Enos gleefully stood up from the sofa and left the reception room.

After about 10 minutes, he brought along a girl held between two guards.

”Thank you for waiting. This is Xiah who we talked about earlier.”

I turned my eyes towards her.

Her eyes carried a strong will. She was about as tall as Snow, probably a little shorter. She had sharp eyes but if she put her face in order I could call her cute.

On her neck there is a magic prevention collar. Her hands and feet are restrained with st.u.r.dy chains, and held from both sides by the guards. All in all they've prepared measures to be sure.

The clothes she's wearing are worn out, top and bottom. Her navel is visible. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are just a little larger than average. About D-cup I guess?

Her black hair is cut to shoulder length. Her pointed ears, characteristic of Elves, peeked out from under her hair.

This seems to be Xiah, the eccentric Fairy Race, Dark Elf Clan girl.

”This person is the one who is willing to buy you. Go on, say hi.”

Um, I haven't decided on buying her, though….

With her sharp gaze, Xiah stared at us as if she was evaluating us.

We're getting our roles reversed here.

”....... My name's Xiah, pleased to meet you.”

TN: She uses 'boku'

After she was finished with her evaluation, she curtly greeted us.

A Dark Elf and a [bokukko]!?

TL Note : It’s a j.a.panese Slang for Girls who use the boy-like words to represent herself. (or the usage of boku)

That’s some character.

“Good grief, don’t you know any manners?”

“I’ve worked for a man of high social standing you know? It’s not quite that I don’t know any. I just don’t bother.”

“Really, you …”

Enos tiredly sighed.

He introduced her to us again.

“This is the Lute-sama who will buy you. The teacher of that Magic Stone Princess Meiya-sama. How’s that? He’s a fitting person to be your master, isn’t he?”

(Told you I haven’t decided that I would buy her yet)

Xiah shrinks her pupils at that introduction with great interest.

“Really, so you are Lute huh.”

Her reaction is almost like someone I know.

But I have no recollection of meeting her before?

“Erm … Have we met somewhere before ?”

“I wonder …”

Xiah began to giggle.

As I desperately tried to remember her, she dropped a bomb that blew my mind.

“Tanakakouji -- Don’t you remember hearing that ?”

Tanakakouji--- Tanaka Kouji!?

TL Note : This is a word play using katakana and finally kanji (or a name). rei_hunter

Suicide, letting one die, bully, delinquent, stabbed to death, hanging by the neck -- the trauma in the distant past became a black tsunami and painted out my soul.


My scream reverberates in the reception room.

I lost my consciousness afterwards.

That was once the name of a friend who was in part the reason I abandoned everything in the previous world, became a hikkikomori, and died.
