v2c15 (2/2)
Et cetera, et cetera. There are many kinds of specializations. All these are just examples, furthermore they are divided further into several specialities.
Adventurers are, in a sense, a gathering of light-footed specialists (of course, there are adventurers who have several specialities).
The rankings of adventurers are—
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level V
—divided into 5 grades.
Beginners are level I.
The highest ones are level V.
“This is Lute-san’s Adventurer Registration Tag. The number “I” denoted in the tag is your current adventurer level.”
This thin metal tag is a label showing the adventurer’s qualifications.
It is about the size of a soldier’s dog tag in my previous life.
The name, adventurer level, magic ability, and religion are magically carved on it.
I was also told about what I’m not allowed to do regarding the tag.
Tags are not to be used by anyone other than the tag holder.
Tags are not to be lent out.
Tags are not to be bought or sold.
Tags are not to be falsified, and its contents are not to be modified. (There is a special prevention magic applied, in order to confirm the tag holder’s ident.i.ty, forgery is made impossible.)
In case the tag is stolen or misplaced, the Adventurers’ Guild is to be immediately notified in order to invalidate the tag.
In case the tag needs to be reissued, an interview and a reissue fee (5 silver coins) will be required.
In cases where the tag holder does not follow the above mentioned procedures, he will have his level demoted.
At worst, guild members.h.i.+p will be terminated, and the tag holder will not be able to register again.
Furthermore, if a tag is found during a quest, it is to be brought back to the guild for a reward.
There are 5 ways to receive jobs.
1. Getting a job request by choosing from the posts on the bulletin boards.
2. Getting a job request by choosing upon consultation with a contact person.
3. Getting a job request directly from the client.
4. Getting a job request directly from the guild.
5. Other methods (like suddenly getting rolled up in a job request)
Level I adventurers can not take jobs meant for level V.
Higher level adventurers are also not allowed to take a level I adventurer along when undertaking level V quests.
Level V quests pay quite a large sum as compensation, but those are mostly situations where their lives are at stake. The prohibition exists so that they wouldn’t become a burden and because there are cases where, at worst, the precious level V talents meet their deaths.
On the contrary, level V people can take on level I jobs without any problem.
No penalties are imposed.
“But by unspoken agreement, such behavior is frowned upon, and so we recommend you do not do that unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
“Absolutely necessary, huh… how can it be absolutely necessary for a level V adventurer to take on a level I job?”
“Requests from personal relations… or so, maybe. I think it’s extremely rare for level I quests, but if it’s level III, there are people who take the job for all sorts of reasons like having free time.”
“The levels are raised by the guild in order depending on your efficiency when handling quests. These evaluation criteria are always fair. There are no distinctions based on race whatsoever. I swear by the name of the Heroes of the 5 Races.”
After the heroes of the 5 races sealed the demon king, they let their pupils exterminate demons who were still rampant in the whole world.
That was how the Adventurers’ Guild began.
Because of that, the outlines of the heroes of the 5 races were branded on the Adventurers’ Guild signboard.
“Are there any points of the explanation that you don’t understand?”
“It’s not that I don’t understand, but I want to start a Legion in the future. Could you please tell me if there are any requirements to start a Legion.
“Yes, of course.”
The receptionist cheerfully responded to the statement about starting a legion, even though it was made by a beginner.
Such a friendly woman.
For a person like this to become a madonna at her workplace, becoming the object of admiration of adventurers, marrying, and then retiring, surely everyone would give their blessings, albeit begrudgingly.
As I consider such things the receptionist explains the conditions to establish a legion.
“In order to establish a legion the founder needs a level 5 as sponsor and more than two level 4’s signatures. In case a legion is raised, every year an amount of money due to proceeds is to be paid as a fixed sum of taxes to the adventurer union guild.”
“Why does a tax needs to be paid?”
At that unexpected condition I ask spontaneously in return.
“In return for the taxes paid, you get preferential a.s.signment of good quests or quests that you prefer, and also introductions to talented personnel that you may want.”
Indeed for that case it is a merit.
Naturally in case the amount of taxes is swindled, additional taxes have to be paid or in the worst case, the rights of a legion will be revoked.
Lastly it was declared that the troubles of the legion are of no concern to the adventurer union guild.
“Well then I will introduce the quests.”
Finally I have become an adventurer!
According to the explanation
In case of level 1 there are weeding, help moving, searching for lost pets, working as a tutor(this is slightly better paid)―― normally you will get 5 big copper ~ 1 silver coin.
If I complete one I will be not troubled about meals and lodging for 1 day.
Level 2 are monster extermination in the outskirts――normally you will get 1 silver coin ~ 3 silver coins.
For Level 3 its needed to go afar, there are high level monster exterminations, guarding wagons, etc. ―― normally you will get 1 silver coin ~ 1 gold coin depending on negotiations.
From here on depositing money occurs.
It is a system intended to prevent taking on jobs without actually doing them. The money is refunded after the quest.
Also this becomes beyond the work of an individual.
On Level 4 jobs there are further discussions that are needed. The amount of pay is negotiable. Guarding important people, exterminating magicians with a bounty, etc.
Level 5 are 1 stray dragon,1 giant etc. exterminations.
“Becoming a level IV or V is no longer based on a.s.sessment of the individual, but of the team.”
“What is the difference between a team and a legion?”
“Firstly, Legions have Legion names. Teams do not have names and point out the case there random adventurers without acquaintance gather temporarily.” EN: ???
The merit of teams is that there is no particular restriction in numbers, no taxes, and so on.
The downside is that it is hard for them to get a.s.signed good quests that wouldn’t go to the Legions, they also can’t complain if their talented personnel get scouted.
The plus side of Legions is that it’s easier to get good quests and being able to maintain a standard level of competence by way of enrollment tests. Also, they can establish terms for leaving the Legion and regulations, inflicting penalties if those are violated. If the violation is intolerable, the violator can at worst be banished from the Adventurers’ Guild.
There are demerits that let you hesitate in many cases, taxes must be paid to the adventurers guild, once entered one cannot easily slip out after the enrollment and so on.
“For Lute-kun who is a Level 1, you can receive quests like tutoring, pet searching, shopping agent, store helper, a.s.sist in public work, medical plant gathering etc. How is it?”
“Is there a quest where it is needed to fight against monsters?”
Although I don’t say it, I want to find out how effective an modern weapon, the AK47, is against the monsters who live in the outskirts.
In my situation I could fight, but bullets aren’t for free.
To earn money is human nature.
“A beginner like Lute-san receives this sort of easy quest to get used to questing and to get proper practice. Getting excessively self-confident in this industry, one could lose his life. I recommend performing from here safely little by little.”
“Of course I understand that. But I want to know to what degree my own strength works from here on. So are there level 1 monster extermination works?”
I look upwards with tear moist eyes.
That posture is made with a child’s body.
If an ossan of 30 years where to mimic that he can’t complain if he’s struck down.
“…haa okay. But please escape immediately when you think its dangerous. You have no more than one life.”
After worrying, the receptionist lady submits.
After giving me a warning, a doc.u.ment sheet is taken out.
“Among the level 1, this job is very dangerous. Please exterminate 1 or more of the four legged demons called garugaru. The quests time frame is indefinitely.”
When I read the doc.u.ment the garugaru seem to be meat-eating demons who attack livestock and cultivated fields of humans outside the walls.
Because of that the reward is 1 silver coin each.
Regarding high level adventurers the garugaru isn’t a big monster but it seems to take time and effort to bring it down.
Additionally to that the reward is low so people with a high level don’t get involved with it.
As for low levels, especially level 1 adventurers, it is a formidable enemy who moves fast and is difficult to attack.
Therefore it seems it has become a standard whether or not one can become a level 2 if you can defeat a garugaru or not.
After defeating it, it is necessary to cut the tail from it as proof and bring it to the adventurer guild, whereupon it is converted.
One tail is exchanged for 1 silver coin.
They appeared along the south, west, north, gates and came out of the forest surrounding the fields.
They attack the livestock and the cultivated fields there.
Also, I was told that I need to bury or burn the carca.s.ses of the monsters after defeating them.
Because if I leave the carca.s.ses as they are, other monsters will come to feed on it and multiply.
The recommended way of dealing with them is by using magic potion.
Using the magic potion recommended by the Adventurers’ Guild on the carca.s.s, other monsters will be kept away from eating it by the odor it emits, that is disliked by monsters living around this area.
Also, because the carca.s.s decomposes, after three days not even bones will remain.
The Adventurers’ guild support store is on your left hand side if you exit the guild.
It’s recommended to get the magic potion there.
If you show the adventurer tag you get slightly cheaper prices compared to other miscellany stores.
“Well then, please let me take on this “garugaru extermination” quest.”
“…… then, please let me see your tag.”
The receptionist wrote on the tag with a feather pen that seemed to be a magic device.
When I look at the tag that was handed back to me, there was the job details of the quest written underneath the place where my personal info is.
“Well, please be careful then. Run away immediately if you judge that it’s impossible, okay.”
“Thank you very much! I’ll do my very best.”
Then I took on my first quest.