v1c8 (2/2)
As usual after revolver practice by the river, I finished making cartridges.
After making sure that there are no cartridges left inside the cylinder as a safety measure, I returned the gun to the gun belt.
I inserted the filled up wooden box into the metal ammo case snugly, and reached for the lid.
I look back to greet snow who came smilingly while waving her hands and going the river up.
I Think she came to inform me that dinner is done.
During that time the children of the town were playing in the riverbed behind Snow.
I also waved back.
I will finish tidying up before she arrives.
My hands that were tidying up were stopped by multiple screams.
I looked confused back to the children playing 100m upstream, screamed turned my back to the forest and started running.
Goblins are pouring out like an avalanche from the entrance of the forest.
15 of them.
They looked like hairless chimpanzees with big heads, wearing rags, and had faces 10 times more evil.
They are holding bows and arrows, axes, swords,spears, knives, s.h.i.+elds in their hands.
Though they are 3 heads tall they are unexpectedly fast.
3 of them have already set foot in the river.
Monsters favorite food are childrens soft flesh. I think the excitement makes the speed of the goblins faster.
At this rate several children will be caught by them and will be victims before arriving at the orphanage.
I immediately support myself with the body strengthening technique.
I throw the lid of the wooden box up and load the cylinder with six shots.
I pour the rest in my pockets.
Preparations are finished and i strengthen my legs and start running.
A 3 or 4 year old girl falls down while escaping and hit her head.
The whole strength left her body in an instant.
d.a.m.n it, it seems she fainted.
Snow ran to the child and hid her behind her back.
It is possible for Snow to carry the fainted girl with the body strengthening technique and escape.
But, the goblins will catch up before the kids are starting to run.
She s.h.i.+elded the child with her hands, not budging an inch against the flood of goblins.
“Dance in my hands, sword of ice! Ice Sword!”
Together with her incantation two 1m long ice swords are born in each hand and fired.
Aiming true, the sword pierced two goblins in front of her. But just when she thrusted her sword, one goblin fired an arrow so as to not get hit by the Ice Sword.
A small chance after the incantation.
The arrow flies straight to her chest.
It will hit the child behind her if she evades.
There is still no technique to expand the resistance technique by reflex.
Through my strengthened vision i saw Snows despaired face.
For a moment it overlapped with the expression of my friend in my previous existence.
I shake that dark feeling off in order to shout.
Sink or swim, I held the revolver.
Shooting position.
Distance 15m.
I aim at the flying arrow.
I strengthen my kinetic vision, I practiced until now, the distance is shorter than usual— i will do it, i persuaded myself with it.
I predict the future position of the arrow and held my breath to restrain the shaking.
I raised the hammer, put my finger on the trigger, and quietly pressed.
A firing sound what is unfamiliar in this different world.
I made no mistake in the bullets aim and break the arrow.
The acrobatic shooting that i’m not able to do again was successful and i raised involuntary a shout.
It goes without saying that was good luck.
The goblins legs stop at the appearance of my firing sound and are staying vigilant.
In the meantime, i strengthen my legs again to catch up to Snow and hide her behind my back.
“Lu, Lute-kun, t, tha—”
“Never mind the thanks, Snow you hold her close and absolutely don’t move from here!”
“O, okay!”
A wild animal will instinctively pursue the prey which turns on’s back and tries to escape.
I want to avoid exciting the goblins a second time and a.s.saulted by the goblins again.
I stop the conversation and point the muzzle at the goblins which legs had stopped.
I aim at the nearest goblin and fired.
Although it is a demon it is a living thing — But ,in order to protect Snow and the other girl I don’t waver and pull the trigger.
The bullet pierces the head of the goblin.
The blood sprays not showy like in a movie or drama.
It only falls down like the threads of a doll were cut.
I cannot defeat the goblins with one shoot when i don’t fire at the head with the power of the present revolver.
I slaughtered four goblins with the remaining bullets.
8 remained.
Regarding the goblins, it means that in an instant 5 of their comrades were killed.
Frenzied, they kicked up a splash and attacked once again.
A roar with killing intent strikes my skin.
I frantically stopped my shaking body and moved my hands in a daze.
I ejected the empty cartridges from the cylinder using the ejector rod and quickly loaded the next set of bullets.
In order of priority, I aimed at the nearer goblins and the goblins with bows and arrows capable of long range attack.
First, I fired at the nearest goblin, who was holding a worn-out sword and a wooden s.h.i.+eld.
The goblin promptly hid behind its s.h.i.+eld, but it was no use.
Against a force that could pierce through car doors, a wooden s.h.i.+eld is no obstacle.
The bullet easily pierced the s.h.i.+eld, and shot the goblin in the head.
Their comrade defeated, the goblins instantly stopped moving. Capturing that scene, I pointed the muzzle at the next target.
I took a small breath.
Next is the one aiming our way with a bow and arrow.
Thanks to my strengthened kinetic vision, the goblin’s movement looked like it was in slow motion.
But my own heart was beating quickly like mayflies buzzing in my ear.
Exhaling my breath and calming myself down, I fired the gun as practiced.
Before the goblin could shoot an arrow, I shot it between the eyebrows, it fell face-first into the water.
Like a precision machine, I proceeded to empty all my rounds on the goblins’ heads.
I shot all 6 rounds.
2 goblins remaining.
Becoming aware of their own numerical inferiority, the two turned their backs and scurried back into the forest.
I reloaded the cylinder with cartridges, just in case.
Only 2 rounds remain in my left pocket.
If there had been more than 8 goblins coming……
Examining the situation for a while, there are no signs of them returning with reinforcements.
I released my body strengthening arts, and heaved a deep sigh.
Though it should have been only 3 minutes since the battle started, my forehead was already covered in beads of sweat.
I felt tired, and not only because I used up more than half my magic power.
There was also mental fatigue from experiencing my first battle.
I lowered the hammer, and turned around to check up on the state of Snow, who I had been covering for.
“Snow, are you injured? Does it hurt anywhere!”
“Lute-kun I’m scared! Lute-kun……!”
Snow clung to me while calling my name.
Because our heights are not that different, her head was buried on the back of my neck, it felt ticklish.
Despite being named Snow, her body was entirely soaked in warmth.
Seeing her safe, I felt more relieved than I’d imagine.
I lovingly caressed Snow’s head over and over again.
“Snow is admirable. Even when you’re scared, you stayed behind so everyone can get away…… you’re really great.”
In a life-threatening situation, she was able to do what I couldn’t do, and at 7 years old, at that.
I praised Snow from the bottom of my heart.
But while buried in my chest she shook her head, and holding back her tears she clearly said to me.
“Lute-kun too, thank you, you protected Snow and the kids. Thanks……”
Snow’s words of grat.i.tude.
No matter how much I help her out, it doesn’t change what I did in my previous life, that sin will not disappear.
But hearing those words…… I felt the weight in the bottom of my heart lighten just a little bit.
“Me too…… thank you Snow.”
I embraced Snow tightly.
She’s warm.
She’s alive.
Having those feelings, she grasped my fingers. Her tears fell down my cheeks.
Afterwards, the kids that fled earlier sought Elle-sensei’s help, and she rushed over.
Until then, Snow and I kept on hugging, as if confirming each other’s warmth.