Part 13 (1/2)

”I have, and found him all right.”

”Did you simply speak to him, or did you go in where he was?”

”I took a piece of fat wood from this fire and went in where he was,” replied Harvey. ”He was covered up head and ears, but I saw his boots sticking out from under the blanket.”

”What time is it?”

”Two o'clock of a clear, starlight morning, and all's well,” answered Harvey; and this made it plain that if he was not a soldier he was learning to be one, for he knew how to pa.s.s the sentry's call.

”Well; of all the dunderheads I ever heard of that Tom Percival is the biggest,” thought Rodney, who had never in his life been more astounded. ”Two o'clock in the morning and he lying fast asleep there in the corn-crib when he ought to be miles away! If I had known he was going to act like that, I would have seen him happy before I would have risked my neck trying to save his.”

Rodney turned over on the other side with an angry flop and tried to go to sleep again; but that was quite out of the question. He could do nothing but rail at Tom for his stupidity, and wonder if the latter would have sense enough to hide the revolver before Mr. Westall or some other Emergency man went into his prison in the morning to bring him out. Two other men got up and left the cabin before day-light, and the Barrington boy knew they visited the corn-crib, for he heard their footsteps as they were going and returning; but as they both brought a few sticks of wood with them and mended the fire without saying a word, Rodney was forced to the conclusion that Tom was still safe in his prison.

Jeff, who was an early riser, was stirring long before the first signs of coming dawn could be seen through the numerous cracks in the walls of the cabin, and when he got out of his bunk it was a signal to all his men, who were prompt to follow his example. The Emergency men and Rodney arose also, for of course it was useless to think of sleeping longer with so many pairs of heavy boots pounding the dirt floor on which their blankets were spread. One of the wood-cutters set off for the river with a bucket in each hand to bring water for cooking and was.h.i.+ng purposes, others went to feed the stock, and Nels, at Mr. Westall's request, went to arouse Tom Percival.

”No doubt he will enjoy the fire after pa.s.sing the night in that cold corn-crib,” said the Emergency man, spreading his hands over the cheerful blaze upon the wide hearth. ”But whether or not he will enjoy the society into which he will be thrown before he has another chance to sleep, is a different matter altogether.”

”And I think I should enjoy a little exercise,” chimed in Rodney. ”I am not much of a chopper, but perhaps I can get up an appet.i.te for breakfast.”

So saying he went out into the wood yard and caught up an axe. His object was not to get up an appet.i.te (being in the best of health he always had that), but to place himself where he could see his old schoolmate when he was brought out of his prison. He would have given something handsome if he could have had a chance to ask Tom what his object was in staying in that corn-crib after he had been provided with the means of getting out, and a revolver with which to defend himself, but was obliged to content himself with the reflection that he had done all he could, and that if Tom wanted help he would have to look for it somewhere else.

”I wonder if he thinks the Union men at Pilot k.n.o.b will rescue him when he is brought there?” thought Rodney, as he swung the axe in the air. ”If he is depending upon them, why did he run away from the settlement in the first place? What was the reason he-”

Rodney, who had kept one eye on Nels, paused with his axe suspended in the air and looked at the corn-crib. He saw the man throw down the bar and open the door, and heard him when he shouted:

”Come out of that and pay your lodging. We can't afford to keep a free hotel when bacon is getting so scarce that we can't even steal it. Out you come.”

[Ill.u.s.tration: AN ASTONIs.h.i.+NG DISCOVERY.]

Rodney listened but did not hear any answer. Neither did Nels. The latter bent forward, stretched out his neck and seemed to be intently regarding something on the inside of the cabin. Then he straightened up and marched in with a vicious air, as if he was resolved that he would not stand any more fooling. He was gone not more than a minute, and then he came back with a jump and a whoop, holding Jeff's tattered blanket in one hand and a pair of well-worn boots in the other.

”Wake snakes!” yelled Nels, striking up a war-dance and frantically flouris.h.i.+ng the captured articles over his head. ”He's skipped, that hoss-thief has! He's lit out, I tell ye!”

Almost at the same moment the wood-cutter who had gone out to attend to the stock appeared at the door of the stable and called out to Rodney:

”Say, you Louisanner fellar, where's your critter?” And then he stopped and looked at Nels. ”Do you say the prisoner has lit out?” he shouted. ”Then he's done took another hoss to holp him on his way.”

”If he has taken mine he has got the best horse in the State,” exclaimed Rodney, dropping his axe and starting posthaste for the stable. ”You might as well give up now, Mr. Westall, for the colt is Copper-bottom stock and can travel for twenty-four hours at a stretch.”

Again Rodney told himself that he had never been more astonished. He was delighted, too, to find that his friend had not forgotten the tricks he had learned at the Barrington Military Academy. He had not only arranged a ”dummy” in the dark-making so good a job of it, too, that the man Harvey, with the light of a pine knot to aid him, had not been able to discover the cheat but he had left his boots sticking out from under the blanket and gone off in his stocking feet. But why had he taken Rodney's horse instead of his own? It was all right, of course, for a fair exchange was no robbery, but Rodney would have liked to have had that question answered.

”It seems that Jeff's dogs are not worth the powder it would take to blow them up,” said he to Mr. Westall, who had followed close at his heels. ”Your man has gone off with my horse, and I don't believe you have a nag in your party that can catch him. Now what's to be done?”

”I was a plumb dunce for placing any dependence on those dogs,” replied the Emergency man, as soon as his surprise and anger would permit him to speak. ”I might have known that they would not pay the slightest attention to Percival after they had seen him with us about the camp. Nels, was there anything in or around the corn-crib to show how he got out?”

”Not the first that I could see,” answered the wood-cutter. ”The bar was in its place, and when I opened the door I was as certain as I could be that I saw him laying there on the shucks with his feet sticking out. When I called and he didn't say nothing, I thought I would go in and s.n.a.t.c.h him up off'n them shucks in a way that would learn him not to play 'possum on me ary 'nother time; but when I s.n.a.t.c.hed I didn't get nothing but the blanket and empty boots.”

”Harvey, he must have been gone when you went in there with your light,” said Mr. Westall, reproachfully. ”No doubt he threw the bar up with his hand, and his object in closing the door after him was to hide his escape as long as possible. If he went about midnight he has nearly six hours the start of us, on a swift horse and along a road he knows like a book. Let's go home, boys. We've done the best we could, but next time we'll try and be a little sharper.”