Part 27 (1/2)

”I wouldn't wear one of them rigs on a bet,” he had scoffingly answered.

”One hundred and twenty-five dollars,” Bud now replied modestly.

”Gee! you take the cake!” said Bobby.

Amarilly was sorry that she had to call Bobby's name next. But Bobby had a surprise in store for them all.

”Forty-eight dollars!” he cried gleefully, giving Flam, Milt and Gus exultant glances, ”Beat the hull of ye, except Bud!”

”How in the world did you ever do it on paper routes?” asked Amarilly wonderingly.

Bobby winked at his mother.

”Shall we tell our secret?” he asked. ”You tell, Ma.”

”You see,” she explained, ”when the clo'es are bilin' arter you hev all gone to work and to school, I've made twenty little pies and when Bobby got out of school, he'd come hum and git 'em and take 'em up to the High School. The girls bought 'em at five cents apiece. The stuff to make 'em cost about two cents a pie.”

”And Bobby got all the profit!” expostulated Milt indignantly.

”Bobby paid me by taking the clo'es offen the line and bringin' them in every night, and fetchin' the water,” she replied chidingly. ”We was goin' to keep it a secret till he got enough to buy a pony.”

”But I'd ruther buy a house,” said Bobby.

”I ain't got enough to come in no snidikit,” sobbed Co. ”I ain't saved much.”

”That's because you spend all you earn on candy,” rebuked Milt.

”I ain't nuther. I bought me some rubbers and Iry some playthings.”

”How much have you got, Co?” asked Amarilly gently.

”Two dollars and ninety-seven cents,” she said, weeping profusely.

”I think that's pretty good for a little girl,” said Amarilly. ”All you strapping boys ought to chip in out of your cash on hand what isn't in the bank and give her some so she could be in on it. Here is fifty cents from me, Co.”

”I'll give you fifty, Co,” said her mother.

”Me, too,” said Flamingus.

The other boys followed with equal contributions, Bud generously donating a five-dollar bill he had received that day for a solo at a musicale given by Miss Lyte.

”Here's fifty cents from me,” said the Boarder, who had remained very thoughtful during this transaction.

”Eleven dollars and forty-seven cents for Co,” announced Amarilly.

The little girl's eyes shone through her tears.

”Seems too bad that Iry is the only one left out,” said Mrs. Jenkins.

”When he gits old enough to work, he can come in,” said Milt. ”Add her up, Amarilly.”

”Three hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty-seven cents!” almost screamed Amarilly.