Part 25 (1/2)
he could earn three times as much money. The English penny is to-day a very large copper coin, being worth two cents, but in those times it weighed three times as much as to-day, as did all current coins. In addition to this great weight, money was very scarce, and fully six or seven times as valuable in many commodities as to-day. We will not err far in calling the laborer's penny forty American cents. In 1350, then, the skilled laborer earned 3 pence in a day. He paid of his dear money, 1 s.h.i.+lling 10-1/2 pence for a bushel of wheat, and 1 4 s.h.i.+llings 6 pence for an ox. This means that he paid eight days' (112 hours') labor for his bushel of wheat, and 98 days' (1372 hours') labor for his ox.
The ox would to-day rate far below a ”scalawag” at the Stock Yards of Chicago or East St. Louis, weighing, perhaps, 400 pounds.
in 1550, the same kind of a laborer earned 4 pence in a day. He paid 1 s.h.i.+lling 10-1/2 pence for a bushel of wheat and 1 16 s.h.i.+llings 7 pence for an ox. This means that he paid nearly six days' (about 80 hours') labor for his bushel of wheat, and 110 days' (1540 hours') labor for his ox. The high price of the latter was justified by its great improvement in weight and quality.
the coinage was lowered to about its present weight. In 1675, therefore, we see the laborer getting 7-1/2 pence for a day's service. But he was compelled to pay 4 s.h.i.+llings 6 pence for a bushel of wheat, and 3 6 s.h.i.+llings for an ox. He thus was going backward, for temporary reasons, however, and had to pay seven days' (98 hours') labor for his bushel of wheat and 110 days' (1540 hours') labor for his ox. The ox had twice as much beef on him as the ox of 1350.
the march of the laborer upward was r.e.t.a.r.ded by wars, famines, and ”deaths,” as their plagues were called. In 1795, one of the darkest of those dark years, we find the skilled laborer receiving 1 s.h.i.+lling 5-1/4 pence per day (still of fourteen hours in winter, fifteen in summer). He paid 7 s.h.i.+llings 10 pence for a bushel of wheat and 16 8 s.h.i.+llings for an ox. This means that he paid five days' (70 hours') labor for his bushel of wheat and 119 days' (1666 hours') labor for his ox. The ox was what is technically called ”a fair critter.”
working ten hours a day--counting all the perquisites which have fallen to his lot,--the crumbs from the tables of his prosperous superiors,--the same laborer, I say, gets 3 s.h.i.+llings a day. He pays 6 s.h.i.+llings for a bushel of wheat and 12 for an ox. This means that he pays two days' (twenty hours') labor for his bushel of wheat and 80 days' (800 hours') labor for his ox. The ox rates better than a butchers' ”beast,” as the English say. In the meantime,
have sailed across the ocean and settled in a land where the fields yield steady harvests and where the genius of the inventor has exceeded with its results the wonders of the Arabian Nights. In this land of freedom and plenty the day laborer gets $1.50 a day. He pays 90 cents to $1.30 for a bushel of wheat, and if he desire such food, he can pay $80 for a monster ox weighing 1600 pounds. He thus pays less than a day's labor of ten hours for his bushel of wheat, and about fifty-three days'
(530 hours') labor for his ox. He does not need this high grade of meat, however, as few English laborers ever buy from even the round of such beef, and no ordinary American householder in city or country gets as good once a year.
We thus see the condition of the laboring man rise, in five hundred years, from 112 hours' labor for sixty pounds of wheat to about six or seven hours' work, and from 1372 hours' labor for 400 pounds of beef to 267 hours' labor for the same weight of better food!
But the atheist will say that the laborer of the olden time _did not work_, and got along by hook or crook; that, as it was a miracle if he lived with such wages, anyway, he had every inducement to become a vagabond. But all this had ”been seen to.” Such things are never unforeseen.
”Here is a package of worm-medicine which, for one dollar will save the life of your child. Will you have it? No!! you will not pay one single dollar to save the life of your little child! Here is a man, who, for one standard dollar, in silver, worth intrinsically less than 90 cents, will let his child be lowered into the grave--will listen to the clods falling on its little coffin! But ah! I am provided against such men!
They cannot escape me! Here is a smaller package which will save your child's life for fifty cents. It is yours. Death has missed his mark!”
Now, with the inevitable forethought of
whom I have quoted, the law-makers of those days also saw to it that the laborer should not escape the original terms of Eve's surrender to ”that first grand thief who clomb into G.o.d's fold.” Under a statute of Richard II. the laborer was forbidden to remove from one part of the kingdom to another, or to otherwise seek to raise the price of his labor. This law stood for centuries, and was reiterated in the seventeenth George II.
and the thirty-second George III., along with fixed wages for services rendered. Personal liberty was held to be the privilege of the proprietary cla.s.s. By a statute of Henry VIII. (1536), children of five years and up, were compelled to labor. A man able to work who refused a proffer of work was, according to law, dragged to the nearest town on a hurdle, stripped, and whipped through the town until his body was covered with blood. For a second offense his right ear was cut off and he received the bastinado. For a third offense he was put to death. An act pa.s.sed under Edward VI. (1555) provided that the able-bodied laborer refusing work should be branded on the breast with the letter V and adjudged to the informer as his slave for two years. The master might fasten a ring about the neck, arm, or leg.