Part 59 (1/2)
9 Show that the work of Prussia, in using the schools for national ends, was: (a) in keeping with the work of the French Revolutionary leaders, and (b) only a further extension of the organizing work done by Frederick the Great
10 Sho the universities of Germany early took the lead of the universities of the world, and the influence of this fact on national progress
11 Enumerate the new nineteenth-century tendencies observable in the early educational organization in Prussia
12 Explain the marked mid-nineteenth-century reaction to educational development which set in
13 Explain the early and marked welcome accorded science-study in German lands
14 Explain in ays Prussia attained an educational leadershi+p, ahead of other nations
In the acco selections, illustrative of the contents of this chapter, are reproduced:
273 Barnard: The Organizing Work of Frederick William I
274 Prussia: The School Code of 1763
275 Prussia: The Silesian School Code of 1765
276 Austria: The School Code of 1774
277 Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation
278 Mann: The Prussian Ele
279 Dinter: Prussian Schools and Teachers as he found them
280 Cousin: Report on Education in Prussia
281 Mann: The Military Aspect of Prussian Education,
1 Explain the interest of Frederick William I (273) in elementary education
2 Characterize, froraph to show: (a) The type of instruction ordered provided; (b) the type of teacher expected; (c) the character of the attendance required; and (d) the character of the continuation training ordered
3 Show the similarity in their main lines of the Prussian (274) and Austrian (276) Codes
4 Would the reasoning of Fichte (277) apply to any crushed nation?
5 Do we select teachers for training as carefully in the United States today as they did in Prussia eighty years ago (278)? Could we?
6 Did such conditions as Dinter describes (279) exist, even later, with us?
7 Was the Prussian school system, as described by Cousin (280), a centralized or a decentralized systeth of the Prussian school systehly sound
Alexander, Thomas _The Prussian Elementary Schools_
Barnard, Henry ”Public Instruction in Prussia”; in _American Journal of Education_, vol XX, pp 333-434