Part 28 (1/2)
And acceptance.
He looked away. ”I thought you forgot that.”
”I guess I did, until now.”
As if released from a cage, he reached for my face with both hands and brought it to his. His kiss, though gentle, forced back my every fear, reinforced my every hope and threatened my decision not to use Dahlia's money to marry him.
He pushed himself away from me and licked his lips. ”You know I'm down with the island wedding thing, but I'm not sure if I can handle another man footing the bill.”
I pulled him back. ”Ah. Control issues. I knew there was something wrong with you. What do you think about a small ceremony in the pastor's office at the end of the month? Surprise me with the details.”
Adrian c.o.c.ked his headways and let a crooked grin rip across his face. ”Now that sounds like a plan. I think I'll die if we go on like this much longer. I have my water heater set to freezing as it is.”
”I want to laugh, but mine is probably set lower.” Working with Adrian every day hadn't been easy.
His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. He chuckled uneasily, leaning toward me again. ”Don't be mistaken though. If you want to do the island thing, I'll have to set my pride aside. I'll marry you in a minute. Anytime. Anywhere.” He patted his suit pocket. ”I keep my Altoids ready.”
I tried not to cry. How did G.o.d take all the broken pieces of my life and somehow make them into something, someone, so beautiful?
His lips brushed my cheek. ”Just tell me again that you want to be my wife. When I get home tonight, I'll have this all messed up.”
That made me giggle some. I had always been the one wondering, hoping, trying to figure out what was going on.... There was no more time for confusion or fear.
”Let me show you.” I let all my fears go and leaned forward, tilting his chin down so as not to miss one inch of the mouth I'd been missing all this time. I laid a kiss on that man the likes of which I'd never felt. It wasn't long-I was too chicken-but it was long enough to convince him that I wasn't looking to be his buddy.
A silly grin stared back at me. ”See, that's what I'm talking about. End of the month, you say?”
I nodded. He could be so funny sometimes.
Adrian wasn't laughing. ”I know there's lots of water under our bridge, but I'm willing to swim through it to make a future for us.” He grabbed my wrist, then let go. ”Let's not go back, okay? Let's just be here, Dane. Right now.”
I propped up on my elbows, considering his words. Not go forward or back? Be all here? What a concept. If only I could duct-tape my mind to the present. I mustered a smile. ”My lipstick looks good on you.”
It didn't deter him. ”I hope so. I plan to wear it every day. So, what will you do with the money?”
”I have an idea, but it seems selfish.”
He shook his head. ”Dana, you feel guilty for going to bed at night. You almost died, okay? Don't be afraid to love yourself. Please don't, as you would say. How can you love me, if you don't love you?”
Daddy's fake snoring spewed into the hall. I ignored it. This was too taxing for me to divide my attention. Did I know how to love myself? It sounded so...wrong. ”Isn't that un-Christian? We're supposed to die to ourselves and all that....”
Adrian nodded, setting me upright and pulling me to him. ”Yes, we must die to self, Dane. But don't literally die. You've spent your life celebrating others. It's okay to do something special between you and the Lord. Why not take your girlfriends on a Sistah getaway?”
It was a great idea, but I had something else in mind. I squirmed, searching for a way to explain.
Understanding filled Adrian's eyes. ”I'm doing it again, aren't I? Okay, I'm going to hush, as you ladies like to say. Tell me what you want and if you want me to help in any way.”
I trembled with excitement and not only about my plans. Though we weren't married yet, Adrian's little power bursts had been on my prayer lists each day after work-alongside his prayers for my mood swings and wishy-was.h.i.+ness, I'm sure. ”Okay, don't laugh, but...I think I want to do that 'Marry Your Maker' thing you came up with for the sales event. Like a wedding, but to Jesus-a sort of rededication. Do you think a cake would be too much?”
Adrian laughed. ”Not if you want one. But don't get me started or I'll open that phone and order one. I'm staying out of this. I'll help with the errands, but the choices are up to you. I think I've done enough with the shop.”
I frowned. ”Well, I do appreciate what you've done with the shop, but...”
”It's too much, huh?” He looked like a building was about to fall on him.
What fool tells a man he's giving her too much? It seemed ridiculous, but if this marriage was going to work, we both had to be honest. ”It's a little too much maybe. I know this is all old hat to you, but this is my first shot at a business. While I appreciate your help...”
He took off his and set them on the table, then draped his arm around me. ”I get it and I apologize. The marketing fever, it gets to me. But it is your shop. I mean that.”
”I almost believe you.” I ducked, but he caught me and kissed me. This getting married stuff was all right.
”Just think about what you like, what's fun for you. Remember how you used to send yourself roses for Valentine's and everyone thought they were from me?”
Now why did he have to go there? I punched his arm. ”That was middle school! I just wanted some flowers, okay?”
He kissed my nose. ”Yes, it is is okay. That's what I'm saying.” okay. That's what I'm saying.”
Plans for my celebration flitted across my mind. ”What if I just took the money and paid everyone's way to Jamaica and had a simple ceremony on the beach?”
He closed his eyes, then opened them adding a toothy grin. ”I think that-would be awesome. I have only one request.”
My head inched upward as if trying to avoid a hook punch. Did he want to pick my dress? ”What?”
”Can I be your man of honor? You'd have to promise not to hit me with the flowers of course-”
I kissed him silent. ”No promises about the flowers, but I'd be blessed to have you stand up for me, first as my man of honor and then as my husband.”
He kissed me back. ”Promise?”
I dragged him to the door by his tie. ”Promise.”
As I padded down the hall to my room, my father's voice stabbed into the hall. ”Well, Nella, you didn't live to see it, but I think those two are finally getting married. The pastor's office ain't the way I would go, but we'll take it, won't we? Yes. We'll take it.”
With a chuckle, I dove into my bed, fully dressed on the outside and my heart bare within.
”This is so exciting. Just like that logo I drew.”
”Pretty much.” Tracey was such a hoot with her a.s.sociations, though this one wasn't too off base. ”So can you two make it? I know it's short notice.”
Her voice changed. ”Both of us? Ryan, too? I was thinking just the girls. I'd love to get to know Austin better. I'm loving having her on the loop now. She's sweet.”
I agreed, but sensed something else afoot.
Tracey continued. ”Besides, I need to get away, maybe stay in Jamaica for the week? I can pay the extra-”
Find another scapegoat.