Chapter 1 (1/2)
I became a dungeon master.
The rules inside my head are the following.
Dungeon masters are basically the same with humans, but ageless. But not immortal.
Dungeon masters die with the same conditions as humans.
Dungeon masters would die when their dungeon core is stolen.
Dungeon masters can use various kinds of dungeon powers and authority.
When dungeon powers are used, the dungeon master’s power of existence shall be consumed. Power of existence can be basically gained by killing living things.
Dungeon cores cannot be taken out of the dungeon. In the case where the dungeon core was brought out, the dungeon powers and authority shall be lost. In the case where the core was returned, the dungeon powers and authority shall not return as well. In addition, the dungeon core cannot be surrounded by dungeon walls and make it inaccessible.
By killing dungeon masters, the power of existence within the dungeon core shall be stolen at the same time.
The power of existence from the living things that the dungeon master kills shall be divided between the dungeon master and the dungeon core. The power of existence gained by the summoned monsters shall be divided between the monster that killed, the dungeon master, and the dungeon core.
Power of existence cannot be gained by killing the monsters that the dungeon master itself summoned.
The dungeon powers and authority are summon monster and dungeon transformation.
【Rule of the Power of Existence】
The higher the magic powers・battle powers・mental powers・of the existence, the higher the power of existence.
More power of existence shall be gained by killing existences that have the higher power of existence than itself. Less power of existence shall be gained from lower existences than itself.
【Other Rules】
Magic powers are the powers that create extraordinary phenomenon.
Battle powers are the powers than enhances the physical strength by using one’s body.
Mental powers are intelligence, charisma, and things that dwell as an existential presence.
That’s all.
Magic powers? Are you telling me that magic exists? It’s fantasy at it’s fullest huh. Why the heck can’t you bury the dungeon core inside the walls?
Is this a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic play, needing to show your weakness at all times?
Well, I’ve just reincarnated to this world just a while ago. The place I’m in is a slightly wide hall, it’s a cave that’s about 20 square meters wide. There’s no light, but I could see for some reason. It’s probably the dungeon master’s privilege.
There’s the dungeon core placed on the floor right in front of me. It looks like a huge gemstone. It’s s.h.i.+mmering with a dark red light.
“Why’d you carelessly put it here d.a.m.n it.”
I picked it up and gave it a good look, but there was no reaction so I placed it in the deepest part of the cave. How hard it is, making it the end of this getting stolen. Talking to myself just looks painful but I don’t care.
“Well then.”
This cave is within a deep forest. At the back of the forest are tall mountains.
I went outside and looked around. Right now, it looks like there’s no monsters nor humans.
I summoned a Rock Golem that is made of the same material as the cave walls and blocked the entrance of the cave. I placed that I took from nearby on top of the Rock Golem and camouflaged it.
“Golem, do not move. However, if any soul tries enter inside, fight it with your full strength.”
I ordered it as such. I’ll die if someone finds out after all. Really, I’m praying that no one ever finds out. The dungeon core’s power of existence is strong after all.
It would seem that humans would like to immediately kill dungeon masters. Those d.a.m.n barbarians.
The power of existence that I have is little. It can’t be helped since I was just born. And after summoning the Rock Golem, I’m completely poor. Also, I think that I can’t hole up in the dungeon. After all, I basically have the same conditions as a human. In short, I need to eat and drink.
I also need to earn power of existence. Thinking carefully, I thought that it’s inefficient to kill living things myself from how the rules are, so I decided to summon monsters. After doing that, I should be unable to summon anything anymore. My power of existence is already insufficient!
The monster I’m going to summon is Slime! It’s a monster that is bouncy and wobbly. I could probably summon 60 of them.
“Slimes, go now and kill insects and gra.s.s. However, do not approach animals, humans are out of the question! Do not leave the forest”, I ordered them.
‘It will be the end of me if you guys don’t do your job. Please do your best.’ I thought while watching the Slimes depart.
By the way, I’m a reincarnator from the modern j.a.ppan. The dungeon master rules were already inside my head.
If you ask why, it’s because several hundreds of people were sent to this world to become dungeon masters.
And during that, the rules were taught to us. It’s probably the G.o.ds’ whim. They did not even give us time to speak.
“What’s so fun doing something like this……”
I looked around for a stream because I got thirsty while complaining.
I heart the sounds of water running after a while.
“The water looks clear.”
There’s probably no air pollution around here. Although, parasites are scary.
I used the convenient magic that I have, but I can’t really say it’s useful. You can tell just by looking.
‘Well, the water’s flowing so it should be alright.’ I thought, and tried to take a sip.
I didn’t feel bad after waiting for about 30 minutes, so I drank some more. The water tastes delicious.
With that done, I need to search for food now. I’ll die from starvation if I don’t eat.
I could feel that my power of existence increased although it’s just a little. The Slimes are probably doing their best.
“The only thing scary are humans~~”
I looked around for edible gra.s.s while singing.
【Poisonous Gra.s.s】
‘Oh, since there’s poisonous gra.s.s then 【Gra.s.s】 should be edible.’ I speculated, and gathered 【Gra.s.s】.
I washed them in the stream and ate them. It tastes bad. But I’ll eat them.
“I want to eat delicious food.”
I took back the washed gra.s.s back to my cave and slept because I got tired.
When I woke up, I summoned more Slimes. I summoned 5 of them today.
“Go and eat insects and gra.s.s. You shall not be found by dangerous humans or animals okay.”
I told them as such and look warmly at the Slimes departing. The wind blows strongly at the day of departure. I hope you guys would live strongly.
I thought of summoning edible plant monsters, but gave up thinking of the risk that I would get found out.
The thing scary are humans after all. I should avoid standing out right now.