Part 31 (1/2)
they have.”
Two hours later an impatient Lord Adrian had almost worn a path in the gra.s.s. The others huddled together for warmth. Suddenly all heads c.o.c.ked at a sound-a horse approaching at a dead gallop.
They remained hidden until it became clear the rider was heading for them. The horse plunged to a halt in their midst.
”Did you find them?”
”Aye. We had better hurry. The man and woman I followed have gone to a farm. There is a coach and four all ready to travel there. I saw two of the others before I left. I figure they will depart as soon as the
last one arrives.” These words mobilized the group. Horses were brought forth. ”Take the mare, Davey,” ordered Lord Adrian. ”She is fresh.” The switch was made and they were off, the moon lighting the way. * * * *”Time to depart, ma belle,” ordered the leader of the band at the farm cottage. ”Where are you taking us?” Lady Juliane demanded. She held Andre while Alva clutched Leora. ”Far enough from here to be safe until we get what we came after.”
”Why not tell us what you want?” she pleaded.
His bitter laugh startled her. ”As if you did not know.”
”But I do not!”
”Bah! Why else did you go to Rouen? They sent for you. If you are not careful, your end will be like
your sister's.”
Lady Juliane tightened her hold on Andre's hand. She had never expected to come face to face with Judith's murderer.
”Move now. We waste too much time,” he commanded. He grabbed Andre from Lady Juliane and set
him on his feet before shoving him toward the door.
Stumbling, Andre dropped the toy soldier he clutched. As he reached to pick it up, the man stepped on it, grinding it beneath his foot.
Lady Juliane walked slowly to the spot.
After meeting her look for several moments, the man cursed and stepped away.
Lady Juliane stooped and picked up the crumpled toy and handed it to Andre. ”Put it into your
pocket-we will have it repaired.” Taking his hand, she led him out of the cottage. Alva followed with Leora. They walked across the farmyard to the waiting coach and were roughly pushed in when they reached it. ”Voici-Here,” said one of the men. He tossed in Lady Juliane's valise and another containing the children's belongings.
Juliane hurriedly grabbed hers and stashed it behind her. With the pistol a secure against her back, she attempted to quiet the other's whimpering.
”What will become of us?” cried Alva. ”I'll never see me Mum and Da again.”
”Have faith-Lord Adrian will not let us come to harm,” she a.s.sured Alva, not daring to question her
belief in the statement.
Lord Adrian halted his group. Cavilon and Mallatt edged up beside him. ”Davey, how far is it?”
”Just a short piece now.”
”As I thought. They most likely will have left. What is your guess as to their destination?” he asked Cavilon.
”There is not much choice for them. I would guess London or South Hampton-perhaps Dover-to be their goal. Any way they wish to go, they must use the same road for several miles.” ”My thought exactly. Did you say you saw all of them?”
”Only one was missing, m'lord. And he couldn't have been far, because they all left the hut at the same time.” ”Let's cross country then. We can get ahead and surprise them. They should not expect us.” ”Is this wise?” asked Cavilon. ”Perhaps some of us should go on to the farm.” ”No, we will risk it.” ”You are usually right, Adrian. Let's not waste time.” Pounding over the treacherous dark landscape, Mallatt wondered how he had ever concluded that LadyJuliane would be a calming influence on his lords.h.i.+p's life. His lord was now safely married, but here hewas on still another wild and dangerous adventure. This had better be the last time, he thought as hefollowed the thundering horses before him.
An hour's ride brought them to their destination.
”We should have little trouble. They will believe us to be highwaymen. Mallatt, take Tom and go further up the road in case they get by us.
”Louis, take Lem and cover this side of the road. The rest of you, come with me to the other side. Have
your pistols ready. Remember those within the coach and take careful aim.” He looked around at the men in the group.
”Dead men can do no harm.”