Part 10 (1/2)

Seeing Leora stir, she drew back the blanket that covered the babe. As she removed the soaked nappy and nightdress, she asked with seeming innocence, ”How did Andre come to spend the night in Lord Tretain's chamber?”

”Ah,” said Meg, stirring the morning's porridge industriously. ”I do think that be Mallatt's doings,” she chuckled. ”He took the lad up with him when he took his lords.h.i.+p's broth up.

”When I went up to check on ye an' yer lord, Master Andre was perched up on the bed listenin' to some tale of yer lord's. Mallatt asked where the boy would be sleepin' seein' as ye were in Alva's bed. I hadna' worried about it and said as much.

”Master Andre, he pops up with, 'why don't I sleep with mon pere?' Mallatt, he scolded himserious-like, but Lord Tretain stopped him and said the boy could sleep with him. Mallatt acted like thiswas most displeasin', but ye should o' seen the grin he gave me when he came down later.

”That Mallatt, he's one as has a head on his shoulders.” She chuckled once more to herself.

Having gotten Leora to a state of dryness, Lady Juliane settled into the rocker with the babe on her lap.

She cooed and Leora smiled. Chucking the babe's chin Juliane laughed when Leora grabbed hold her finger and tried to suck on it.

With hair hanging loose and engaged in playing with the child, she presented a charming picture to Mallatt when he entered.

If only my lord could see this, he thought. Let us hope that Master Andre has had the proper effect. ”Good morning, my lady. I am most pleased to see you looking so well. How fares Mistress Leora?” ”She is very well, thank you, Mallatt. Were you able to get enough?”

”Yes, my lady. His lords.h.i.+p continues to improve rapidly, in spite of his head,” he added soberly. This drew a smile from Lady Juliane as he wished.

”I must go to him now. Master Andre may have awakened early. Excuse me, my lady.”

Juliane's gaze followed the valet as he left the kitchen. The oddest notion that he was plotting something nibbled at her-but what could it be?

A shriek of laughter, followed by a profusion of giggles, met Mallatt when he entered his lord's chamber.

He marvelled at the sight of Lord Adrian wrestling and tickling Andre, both rolling wildly amid the sheets and coverlets. Beaming at the pair, and congratulating himself on his strategy thus far, Mallatt decided there definitely was hope in the situation. Especially if he could but smooth the way between the two adults and keep them together for a sufficient amount of time.

Spying Mallatt, Lord Adrian coltishly heaved a pillow at him, then a.s.sisted Andre in doing the same.

”It is a pleasure to see you so well this morning, my lord,” remarked Mallatt drolly. He plumped thepillows and returned them to the bed. ”Master Andre, how do you fare?” ”He is very well,” answered Lord Adrian ruffling Andre's curls, ”and we are as hungry as two ... tigers.” ”Oui, two tigers. Tante Ju...” he halted fear stricken. ”Mama has told me of tigers,” he finished clumsily. ”How does your mama know of tigers?” asked Lord Adrian, his interest p.r.i.c.ked, especially by the ”

tante.” ”She saw many of them in India,” Andre replied importantly. ”In India? When was this?” ”Je ne me rappelle pas,” answered Andre with just enough of stubbornness to let Lord Adrian know he would learn little more. India, Adrian reflected. That would explain the unladylike tan. But the children, at least Andre, were not tanned. Had she been travelling without them? Was her husband in the king's service? He was distracted from further thought when Andre pounced on him.

After allowing them to wrestle briefly, Mallatt drew Andre from the bed. With a stout slap to the boy's

seat, he instructed him to find Alva and have her dress him.

Giving Mallatt a wrathful glare for interrupting his romp with Lord Adrian, Andre petulantly left the chamber.

”Bring hot water for my shave, Mallatt. I feel fully repaired this morning. Where are my clothes?” Lord Adrian asked cheerfully.

”You will get out of bed today, my lord? That would be most unwise,” replied Mallatt, alarmed. How

was he to keep the pair together if Lord Adrian insisted upon recovering so quickly?

”Nonsense. Sometimes I think 'most unwise' const.i.tutes your entire vocabulary. Lay out my garments before you get the hot water. What humour did you find my fair 'wife' in this morning?”

Mallatt glanced inquiringly at Lord Adrian. ”She appears in fine fettle. I left her amusing the babe, Leora,” he answered carelessly.

”Where has she been taking her meals?”

”We have been eating with the family, my lord-that being Lady Juliane's wish and certainly the most practical solution considering the situation,” he answered, laying out breeches and waistcoat.

”Not too high in the instep, is she. That is commendable to a degree,” stated Lord Adrian as he stood, swayed slightly, and righted himself. He held a hand out, warning Mallatt to stay back. ”My water, if you are finished.”

”Yes, my lord.”

After Mallatt departed, Lord Adrian sat back upon the bed. He was weaker than he wanted to admit and would have to nurse what strength he possessed.

Mallatt found the earl reclining lazily on the bed when he returned. He almost dropped the bowl of hot

water when he was greeted with, ”You may shave me now.”