Part 24 (1/2)

We must borrow the money. It's only a little over a year until I'm of age, and then I can pay it all back. Surely we can find somebody to help us out!”

”Ah, my darling, your trust is born of inexperience. People do not lend money without security. There is absolutely no one to whom I can appeal.”

Eleanor, sitting on the arm of his chair, suddenly started up.

”I have it!” she cried. ”I know who will help us! Captain Phipps! He knows better than any one else what it means to you to have this next year free to finish the play. He will be _glad_ to do it; I know he will.”

Mr. Martel looked slightly embarra.s.sed. ”As a matter of fact, he has been approached on the subject,” he said. ”He was most sympathetic and kind, but unfortunately his money is all invested at present.”

”Fiddlesticks!” cried Eleanor in a tone so suggestive of her paternal grandmother that Quin smiled. ”What difference does it make if it _is_ invested? Let him un-invest it. I am sure I could get him to lend it to _me_, only I would hate awfully to ask him.”

Mr. Martel's roving eyes came back to hers hopefully.

”I wonder if you could?” he said, grasping at the proffered straw.

”Perhaps if he understood that _your_ career was at stake, that my disappointment would mean _your_ disappointment, he would make some special effort to a.s.sist us. Will you go to him, child? Will you plead our cause for us?”

Eleanor hesitated but a moment; then she set her lips firmly. ”Yes,” she said, with a little catch in her voice; ”I will. I'll go to him in the morning.”

Quin, who had been staring out of the window, deep in thought, turned abruptly to Mr. Martel.

”When do you have to have the money?” he asked.

”By next Wednesday, the first--no, the second of April. The date is burned in my memory.”

”You see, there's no time to lose,” said Eleanor. ”I'd rather die than do it, but I'll ask Harold Phipps to-morrow morning.”

”No, you won't,” said Quin peremptorily; ”I am going to get the money myself.”

”But he wouldn't lend it to _you_. You don't understand!”

”Yes, I do. Will you leave the matter with me until Sunday night, Mr.

Martel, and let me see what I can do?”

Quin made the suggestion as calmly as if he had unlimited resources at his disposal. Had the sum been six million dollars instead of six thousand, he would have made the offer just the same. The paramount necessity of the moment was to keep Eleanor Bartlett from borrowing money from a man like Harold Phipps. Mr. Martel's claims were of secondary consideration.

”We might let him try, grandfather,” suggested Eleanor. ”If he doesn't succeed, there would still be time for me to speak to the Captain.”

”But, my boy, where would _you_ turn? What influence could you bring to bear?”

”Well, you'd have to trust me about that,” Quin said. ”There are more ways than one of raising money, and if you'll leave it to me----”

”I will! I will!” cried Mr. Martel in a burst of confidence. ”I s.h.i.+ft my burden to your strong young shoulders. For three days I have borne the agony alone. There were special reasons for Ca.s.sius not being told. He is one of the n.o.blest of G.o.d's creatures, but he lacks sentiment. I confess I have too much. These old walls are but brick and mortar to him, but to me they are the custodians of the past. Here I had hoped to sit in the twilight of my life and softly turn the leaves of happy memories. But there! Enough! 'The darkest hour oft precedes the dawn!' I will not despair. In your hands and my darling Eleanor's I leave my fate.

Something tells me that, between you, you will save me! In the mean season not a word, not a syllable to any one. And now let us have some music and banish these unhappy topics.”

It was amazing how a gentleman so crushed by fate at five could be in such splendid form by seven. Mr. Martel had insisted upon having a salad and ices for dinner in honor of Eleanor's presence, and he mixed the French dressing with elaborate care, and enlivened the company with a succession of his sprightliest anecdotes.

It was Quinby Graham who was the grave one. He ate his dinner in preoccupied silence, arousing himself to sporadic bursts of merriment only when he caught Eleanor's troubled eyes watching him. Just how he was going to proceed with his colossal undertaking he had not the faintest idea. One wild scheme after another presented itself, only to be discarded as utterly impractical.