Part 15 (1/2)
”Young man,” said Mr. Bangs sternly, ”I am inclined to think you are deceiving me.”
”No,” said Quin with spirit, ”I haven't deceived you; but I did lie to Miss Eleanor's aunt over the telephone.”
”What was your object?”
”Well, I couldn't tell her Mr. Bartlett was stewed, could I?”
Mr. Bangs gave a short, contemptuous laugh. ”As I thought,” he said.
”That will do.”
But Quin had no intention of going until he had spoken a word in his own behalf. The idea had just occurred to him that by obtaining a position with Bartlett & Bangs he could add another link to the chain that was to bind him to Eleanor.
”You don't happen to have a job for me?” he inquired of the back of Mr.
Bangs's bald, dome-like head.
”A job?” repeated Mr. Bangs, glancing over his shoulder at Quin's uniform.
”Yes, sir. I'm out of the service now.”
”What can you do?”
Quin looked at him quizzically. ”I can receive and obey the orders of the commanding officer,” he said.
Mr. Bangs, being humor-proof, evidently considered this impertinent, and repeated his question sharply.
”Oh, I'll do anything,” said Quin rashly. ”Soldiers can't be choosers these days.”
Mr. Bangs cast a critical eye on his strong, well built frame:
”We might use you in the factory,” he said indifferently; ”we need all the strike-breakers we can get.”
Quin's face fell. ”I don't know about that,” he said slowly. ”I haven't made up my mind yet about this union business.”
”I thought you were helping the union men in the yard just now.”
”I was helping that little Irishman that was getting the life choked out of him.”
Mr. Bangs's mouth became a hard, straight line.
”Then I take it you sympathize with the strikers?”
”I don't know whether I do or not,” Quin declared stoutly. ”I don't know anything about it. But one thing's certain--I'm not going to take another fellow's job, when he's holding out for better conditions, until I know whether those better conditions are due him or not.”
Mr. Bangs's fish eyes regarded him with glittering disfavor.
”Perhaps you would prefer an office job?” he suggested with cold insolence. ”I need some one to brush out in the morning and to wash windows when necessary.”