Part 1 (1/2)


by Alice Hegan Rice.


If the dollar Quinby Graham tossed up on New Year's eve had not elected to slip through his fingers and roll down the sewer grating, there might have been no story to write. Quin had said, ”Tails, yes”; and who knows but that down there under the pavement that coin of fate was registering ”Heads, no”? It was useless to suggest trying it over, however, for neither of the young privates with town leave for twenty-four hours possessed another coin.

The heavier of the two boys, Ca.s.s Martel,--the lame one, whose nose began quite seriously, as if it had every intention of being a nose, then changed abruptly into a b.u.t.ton,--sc.r.a.ped the snow from the sewer grating with his cane, and swore savagely under his breath. But Quin shrugged his shoulders with a slow, easy-going laugh.

”That settles it,” he said triumphantly. ”We got to go to the Hawaiian Garden now, because it's the only place that's free!”

”I'll be hanged if I know what you want to go to a dance for,” argued his companion fiercely. ”Here you been on your back for six months, and your legs so shaky they won't hardly hold you. Don't you know you can't dance?”

”Sure,” agreed Quin amicably. ”I don't mean to dance. But I got to go where I can see some girls. I'm dead sick of men. Come on in. We don't need to stay but a little while.”

”That's too long for me,” said Ca.s.s. ”If you weren't such a bonehead for doing what you start out to do, we could do something interesting.”

One might have thought they were Siamese twins, from the way in which Ca.s.s ignored the possibility of each going his own way. He glared at his tall companion with a mingled expression of rage and dog-like devotion.

”Cut it out, Ca.s.s,” said Quin at last, putting an end to an argument that had been in progress for fifteen minutes. ”I'm going to that dance, and I'm going to make love to the first girl that looks at me. I'll meet you wherever you say at six o'clock.”

Ca.s.s, seeing that further persuasion was useless, reluctantly consented.

”Well, you take care of yourself, and don't forget you are going home with me for the night,” he warned.

”Where else could I go? Haven't got a red cent, and I wouldn't go back out to the hospital if I had to bunk on the curbstone! So long, _cherie_!”

Sergeant Quinby Graham, having thus carried his point, adjusted his overseas cap at a more acute angle, turned back his coat to show his distinguished-conduct medal, and went blithely up the steps to the dance-hall. He was tall and outrageously thin, and pale with the pallor that comes from long confinement. His hands and feet seemed too big for the rest of him, and his blond hair stuck up in a bristly mop above his high forehead. But Sergeant Graham walked with the buoyant tread of one who has a good opinion not only of himself but of mankind in general.

The only thing that disturbed his mind was the fact that, swagger as he would, his shoulders, usually so square and trim, refused to fill out his uniform. It was the first time he had had it on for six months, his wardrobe having been limited to pajamas and bath-robes during his convalescence in various hospitals at home and abroad.

Two years before, when he had left a lumber camp in Maine to answer America's first call for volunteers to France, his personal appearance had concerned him not in the least. But the army had changed that, as it had changed most things for Quin.

He checked his overcoat at the hall entrance, stepped eagerly up to the railing that divided the spectators from the dancers, and drew a deep breath of satisfaction. Here, at last, was something different from the everlasting hospital barracks: glowing lights, holiday decorations, the scent of flowers instead of the stale fumes of ether and disinfectants; soul-stirring music in place of the wheezy old phonograph grinding out the same old tunes; and, above all, girls, hundreds of them, circling in a bewildering rainbow of loveliness before him.

Was it any wonder that Quin's foot began to twitch, and that, in spite of repeated warnings at the hospital, a blind desire seized him to dance? At the mere thought his heart gained a beat--that unruly heart, which had caused so much trouble. It had never been right since that August day in the Sevzevais sector, when, to quote his citation, he ”had shown great initiative in a.s.suming command when his officer was disabled, and, with total disregard for his personal safety, had held his machine-gun against almost impossible odds.” In the accomplishment of this feat he had been so badly ga.s.sed and wounded that his career as a soldier was definitely, if gloriously, ended.

The long discipline of pain to which he had been subjected had not, however, conquered Quin's buoyancy. He was still tremendously vital, and when he wanted anything he wanted it inordinately and immediately. Just now, when every muscle in him was keeping time to that soul-disturbing music, he heard his own imperative desire voiced at his elbow:

”I don't want to go home. I want to dance. n.o.body will notice us. Just one round, Captain Phipps.”

The voice was young and singularly vibrant, and the demand in it was quite as insistent as the demand that was clamoring in Quin's own khaki-covered breast.

He craned his neck to see the speaker; but she was hidden by her escort, in whose supercilious profile he recognized one of the officers in charge of his ward at the hospital.

”You foolish child!” the officer was saying, fingering his diminutive mustache and viewing the scene with a somewhat contemptuous smile. ”You said if I would bring you in for a moment you wouldn't ask to stay.”

”I know, but I always break my promises,” said the coaxing voice; ”and besides I'm simply crazy to dance.”