Chapter 39 Fallen Into A Nest of Mice? (1/2)

”Squeak squeak squeak!”

Surrounding her on all sides were about forty or fifty of those Burrowing Gophers, and every single one of them were of an enormous size. At that moment, she was surrounded by all of them, one by one all staring at her, squeaking incessantly.

With the powers she had, how was she going to get herself out of this predicament?

Kill all of these forty to fifty Burrowing Gophers? These Burrowing Gophers were obviously mutants and they might not be that easy to take out.

As she thought through her options, she felt a fierce wind rush from the side and saw a Burrowing Gopher leaping at her after giving out a squeak from the left.

She pushed the pain wrecking at all parts of her body away from her mind and her eyes steeled as they swung around with her hand las.h.i.+ng out gripping the dagger at the same time. A faint red glow of mystical power aura encased the sharp dagger slas.h.i.+ng out through the air with a swoosh, aimed at the attacking Burrowing Gopher.

At that moment, the rest of the forty to fifty Burrowing Gophers squeaked out and they all leapt at the same time at her, completely surrounding her, biting and clawing.


The pain caused her to cry out, but even with forty to fifty Burrowing Gophers biting and tearing at her, the speed of her slas.h.i.+ng dagger did not slow in the slightest. At that moment, she was like the incarnate of death as she screamed out while her body spun with her dagger las.h.i.+ng out lightning quick, piercing and pulling back, only one lone thought filling her mind, and that was to stay alive!


Squeak squeak…..”

The number of fallen Burrowing Gopher corpses on the ground grew more and more, and the rest of them did not dare to come too near her anymore.

The corpses of the Burrowing Gophers had already piled up to form a little hill around her and a thick stench of blood hung heavily pungent in the dark little s.p.a.ce.

As for her, Feng Jiu was covered in dripping blood, both her own and the blood from the Burrowing Gophers….

”Come on! Not going to leap at me anymore?”