Part 15 (2/2)
But thewent by, and still the boat did not come back to the shore This seemed to have created some suspicions in the minds of the authorities They then proceeded to the Church Cliffs, to the west of the town, from which lovely spot, as they walked up and down, they could observe the vessels Here they found a number of persons, who all offered various sur the persons present were the Mayor and other authorities of the town
The forun should be fired to recall the boat, when, it was thought, if she had been retained for any particular reason, a friendly signal would be made
”An excellent idea, Mr Mayor,” answered another member of the Corporation ”But to confess the truth, we have not a grain of powder to fire a musket; we must wait patiently till the boat co the post arrived On this the Mayor and several of the Corporation hurried to the post-house The post had brought a weekly _News-Letter_, in which it was stated that three shi+ps had lately sailed frolish aland or Scotland, and that the Duke of Monmouth was aboard
”What if those three shi+ps out there are those spoken of!” exclaimed the Mayor ”We shall have an invasion, rebellion, andin these parts My friends, we , we must turn the tide of war from our on to sohly applauded by the loyal part of the inhabitants
The drues to defend the town
A very feered to the call; instead of doing so, their Captain alloped off to carry the inforone, with several other members of the Corporation quietly slipped out of the town, and in a short time the whole place was in a state of confusion No one had been able to say as about to take place Seven boats were now seen approaching the beach west of the Cob Roger and Stephen went down to o down and meet them We shall soon know all about the matter”
”But, surely, you will not join them whether the Duke is there or not, till you understand what are their intentions,” said Roger
”If the Duke comes, as I believe he will, to oppose the Papists and establish civil and religious liberty, I am bound to aid him with my life's blood,” answered Stephen, enthusiastically
In a short tiraceful man of handsome countenance, dressed in purple, with a star on his breast and a sword by his side, stepped on shore, when about eighty-three other persons, entlemen, landed at the same time As soon as all were on shore, the Duke, in a loud voice, his countenance bea with satisfaction, exclaimed, ”Silence,preserved us froers of the sea, and especially froress” Kneeling down on the sand, all the rest i his exa, though soht have joined hi, with a cheerful countenance, drew his sword, and, ordering his men to fall into their ranks, advanced towards the town Numbers now rushed forward to welcome him and kiss his hand, so that it ith difficulty at tier was Stephen, who, in spite of what Roger had said, hurried up to the Duke and offered his services The towns, ”A Monion” Amid a considerable concourse the Duke made his way to the Church Cliff, where his blue standard with the ione et libertate” This done, some temporary tables were formed, at which several writers took their seats with books before the to enlist under his standard The volunteers flocked in rapidly, and the nu men, for whom arms were provided, chiefly from those stored in the Town-Hall for the use of the militia The two principal leaders next to the Duke were Lord Grey of Wark, who had landed with a irdle, and, far entle command of the men, at once ordered souard the avenues, and the reet the ar four field-pieces--the only heavy guns brought with theer had stood aloof, for he very well knew that were he to join, it would be, in the first place, in direct opposition to his uncle's wishes, and besides he had also engaged to serve with Captain Benbow on board a Royal shi+p, to which he expected shortly to be appointed He was anxious, therefore, to return hoo without first ascertaining whether Stephen had made up his mind to re hith he got up to him and took hio I ton and consult your father before joining the Duke? and if so, we should be on the road, for the day is waning, and little ”
”I would rather ask you, Roger, if you have made up your mind not to join the noble cause I tell you that I have resolved to throw in my lot with the Duke You know not what I sacrifice by so doing, should success fail to attend our enterprise; but it must succeed, and ere many days are over, the Duke will be at the head of an army sufficient to drive James of York from his usurped throne”
”I tell you I aer ”Ae to your father except to say that you will not return home?”
”Yes, tell him that I have joined the Duke; and I am well assured that , hasten to his standard”
”Have you any other er
”Yes, one which I know I can confide to you,” answered Stephen in a low voice, not free fro contrary to her advice, and it grieves ardless of her wishes, but that I consider everything must be sacrificed to the cause of duty, and that no ed”
”I will carry out your wishes,” said Roger with a sigh ”It seeed places; you used once to act the part of h, alack! you appear but little inclined to follow”
”It is ined my name as one of the Duke's adherents, and I cannot desert hi his friend farewell, hurried back to the inn, where he was just in ti taken possession of by soer at once to forentleman, and mount,” whispered the landlord; ”they have already secured all the steeds they could find at the 'Pig and Whistle,'
and will be here anon”
Roger threw hialloped off he heard shouts calling hi whip and spur he was soon out of the town, nor did he pull rein till he was beyond reach of any pursuers At the first ha hi unusual had happened Without considering that his prudent course would have been to keep silence, he replied, ”Yes, the Duke of Mon at Lyme, and I saw his standard set up in theto do, however, is more than I can say”
”Hurrah! At last he has come to free us froers; and another raised the shout of ”A Monht for hie gave the same information with a like result No sooner had he told the people that the Duke had landed, than nearly all were eager to join hiton Hall to inform Mr Battisob of what had occurred He was delayed here and there by having to answer nuth he reached the Hall, by which time it was nearly dark He told a servant to hold his horse while he went into the hall where the fas you here, Master Roger, and what has become of Stephen?”
asked Mr Battisob