Part 11 (1/2)

Roger Willoughby Williaston 38380K 2022-07-20

”Oh dear, o to de botto too, for if I no say you kne toyou”

”You acted for the best, Juer and make our escape another time Remember that we do intend to make our escape, if we can, on board the first vessel the pirate gets alongside It will be somewhat hazardous, but it is our only chance You h it would be ht with the rest of the crew”

Juer's plan i the tempest howled, the shi+p was tossed to and fro, the blocks and rigging rattled, the sea dashed over her, the voices of the sea to one another, while occasionally the clanking sound of pulooer to continue his course to the southward He seeions he was likely today the weather had rees the sea went down, and the shi+p glided on as sht look-out was of course kept for strangers; and the _Tiger_ was about the latitude of the Straits of Gibraltar when a sail was seen to the eastward, which had apparently come out of the Mediterranean Chase was at once h of good size, not lish colours Roger and Stephen watched her anxiously, and they called Juer ”Follow our ht, so probably will not be er, ent in search of the old seaive in without tough fighting; but she probably carries not more than thirty men, if so many, and we muster a hundred, so that she has very little chance if we run her alongside”

”But you don't er

”Cannot help myself,” he answered ”I would rather not; but should have my head whipped off in a moment if I was to show the white feather, or try to hide away”

”Well, I tell you this er ”I don't believe that craft will be taken, although she may have but thirty ainst these hundred cut-throat Moors; and if you can lish to escape, you will act wisely”

”Cannot do it, Mr Willoughby,” said Sah ”I should like to be free The chances are the Englishmen cut me down before I can open my mouth, and the Moors hip offthe atte, and I hope you will risk it,” said Roger He could not venture to say lisher went back to Stephen, as standing aft, watching the stranger

Suddenly he exclaiate

Though so long a time has passed sinceher, I remember her well

I hope she may be, for Captain Benbow is not a man to yield to a pirate

See, she has no intention of avoiding the fight”

As he spoke, the English shi+p brailed up her courses and hove-to, preparing for the coe of the Moors, who looked at each other, for they were accustomed to see the merchant vessels they attacked run frolish shi+p reot nearer, shortened sail to be more under command

Presently the for, and aluns, run out fro away in return; but their shot fell short, whereas those of the English shi+p caer, there is no use reet for our friends,” said Stephen ”Let us slip below before we receive dae when the time arrives for us to act, by the noise they will make should the rovers run their opponents on board I see July slipped down and followed Stephen, for he was anxious to see as taking place Their cabin was not altogether safe, for a shot h the rover's side and reach the upon deck They waited anxiously Again and again the rover fired, while they heard the shot of the English shi+p co the bulwarks, striking theover one of the crew on the deck, while shrieks and cries arose as the Moors fell wounded to the deck None were brought below, as there were no surgeons to attend to them, and they were left to lie as they fell Hamet was anxious to put an end to this sort of work as soon as possible, and shouted orders to his ained the weather-gauge, so he could not escape Now, suddenly putting down his helm, he ran her aboard A loud crash was heard as the two vessels struck together; grappling-irons were thrown aboard, the Moors swar to drop down on the deck of the vessel they expected to capture

”Now is our ti, Jumbo! We must look out not to be stopped by the Moors, and make ourselves known to our friends before they cut us down”

They made for the after part of the shi+p; it was the only spot whence they could hope to escape The vessels were surging against each other; now their bows alether

”Now is our ti for the opportunity, and together they all three sprang frolish shi+p, and throwing themselves over it, were the nextcrushed before those parts of the vessel

”Look out, lads; we are being boarded aft,” they heard a voice shout, and three or four sea towards thelisher and Stephen in chorus ”Save us! save us! We are escaping froet the words out in ti lishht,” cried one of the seamen ”Lie quiet, or, if you like, you will find soet thelish poor Sam ”Try and save him if you can”

”Ay, ay,” answered the sailor, who the next instant sprang back to hack and slash away at the Moors, ere endeavouring to gain a footing on board As yet, fiercely as they were fighting, the Moors had gained no advantage Some indeed had reached the deck, but it was only to pay the penalty of te a footing Roger, looking up, recognised the Captain of the English shi+p; there was no doubt about it, he was Captain Benbow With a huge hanger in his hand he was slashi+ng away furiously at the eneer and Stephen made their way to the coers and joined the brave Captain They were seen by the rovers, several of whoet at the with their lives, being cut down by the British seaht with desperation, believing that they could quickly overcos, su to leap on board, when suddenly the grapnels gave way While soate, the vessels parted, and the _Tiger_ forged ahead Ere many seconds were over not a boarder remained alive; some were hurled into the sea, others fell inside the bulwarks on to the deck

”Now, ply theuns,” cried Captain Benbow

His crew, reloading the them out, in spite of the bodies which cumbered the deck, sent such showers of shot on board the rover that she did not again atteh a custoht pay too dear a price for victory, even should he gain at last He was seen to haul his wind and to stand away on a bow-line, though he continued firing at the English vessel as long as he could bring his guns to bear The shot, though they did no daate froh Captain Benbow ordered his crew to knot and splice the ropes as rapidly as possible, in the hopes that she e, and as she continued standing away the British crew gave her a lusty cheer as a farewell On and on she stood,all the sail she could carry It was soon evident that the _Benbow_ frigate had no chance of overtaking her, though the creorked aith right good-will at the rigging Strange as it may appear, not one of the British crew had been killed, although about a third of their number had received wounds more or less severe