Chapter 625 - Upgrading Verdant Emperor Saber (1/2)
Qin Feng had gotten a great haul of loot from his Dusan Basin visit—he had tons of materials from the hunt and at least twenty eight corpses of insectoid emperors. With these, Qin Feng’s personal treasury could easily acc.u.mulate up to 50 trillion!
The insectoid materials were priced a bit lower than the other ultra beasts in the market. However, due to the obscene amount of materials he had gathered, this would net him trillions!
Of course, Qin Feng could not get these trillions right away. Xue Xingfu could not process this many materials overnight after all.
However, Qin Feng still had the money and points that he got from completing his mission.
The reward in cash alone was 170 trillion and his achievement points in the alliance had increased by 1,500,000!
The Sacred Flame Meteor that Shang Han had redeemed for him cost him only 500,000 points. Now, he had 1 million points with him!
“The loss that we incurred during the fight with Z has finally been repaid by a little. Too bad there’s no h.e.l.l Stone amongst the loot though!”
Still, Qin Feng was able to redeem some items that were much more valuable than the Sacred Flame Meteor. The Sacred Flame Meteor was something only ability users could use; the ancient warriors tend to treat it as just another material.
“Myratonnium, Stygian Crystal of Inferno, and Grand-ripple Metal.”
Yes. These three items were redeemed from the Huaxia Alliance market; and these cost him the entire 1,500,000 points that he got from the Dusan Basin.
Myratonnium was a type of mineral that could add tens of thousands of Catties (1 Catty = 0.5 KG) of weight to the equipment it was forged into.
The Stygian Crystal of Inferno was a pitch-black crystal that was used to enhance weapons, enabling them to emit dark fiery flames when injecting the enhanced weapon with internal energy.
The Grand-ripple metal was a type of metal that could fold internal energies that were injected into it by the thousands, enabling the metal wielder to attack enemies a thousand times in one hit.
These three invaluable materials had a huge problem if one were to use them to enhance their equipment—they would cause their equipment to require huge amounts of internal energy to be used effectively.
For example, for one to use the Grand-ripple metal, one had to keep injecting internal energy into it constantly. Each time it burst forth thousands of hits on his foe, the metal would drain a great deal of internal energy from the user too. If the user did not have enough supply of internal energy, the most it could do was. .h.i.t the enemies one hundred or ten times.
Perhaps there was already someone else forging a G.o.dlike weapon with this material. Still, this weapon would hurt the user as much as it would wound his foes. As such, usually no one would unsheathe it if things did not get desperate.
However, Qin Feng had a lot of internal energy to spare.
“Let’s hope these three materials synergize well.”
After all, forging a weapon was not like fiddling with a set of Lego toys. If he did not have the Magical Tesseract with him, Qin Feng would not dare to mess with these G.o.dly materials.
After putting his Verdant Emperor Saber into the Magical Tesseract, Qin Feng added some C-tier insectoid emperor into the tesseract too.
It had been a long time since Qin Feng last enhanced his Verdant Emperor Saber. After all, the saber already had the Sun Steel infused in it—this had made it a fantastic weapon to use.
However, with Qin Feng’s internal energy raised to B-tier, the Verdant Emperor Saber needed an upgrade too.
In no time, the original D-tier beast emperor materials had all been torn away as the new materials were fused with the saber. However, there was no visible change observed on the weapon.
Qin Feng put in B-tier beast emperor materials this time. These materials cost him 10 trillion. These materials were much more expensive than Quong Po’s Thousand Flying Knives.
The C-tier materials that he added earlier was just an attempt in building a st.u.r.dy foundation on the Verdant Emperor Saber so that it could absorb better materials later.
As expected, the saber fused well with the new materials. It was now emitting a stronger presence than it did before.
Finally, Qin Feng put in the three materials that were as valuable as S-tier ones.
By using his conscious energy, Qin Feng was able to fuse Myriatonnium, the Stygian Crystal of Inferno and Grand-ripple Metal into his Verdant Emperor Saber. In a few minutes, the saber started to morph—a shade of violet started to form on its blade before combusting into a dark flame. The flame that was burning on the saber was now much more focused and stable compared to the wildfire that burned on its earlier incarnation.