Chapter 553 - The Belly of The Shade (1/2)
At that moment, Qin Feng did not show a trace of hesitation!
“We’re going too!”
He wrapped an arm around Bai Li’s waist before unfurling the Blue Flame Peac.o.c.k Wings, soaring out of the decrepit building he had been hiding in.
There was no point in using Bai Li’s teleportation, everyone was paying attention to their point of arrival after all.
It was at this point that the prodigies who were unaware of what was going on realized that something impossible was happening. The ones who were charging straight into the Shades were not because they had gone mad.
The Shades did not just sit around either. They would start to look for prodigies that were too far from the pack. For those prodigies that did not have a way to escape, they would definitely get surrounded and piled onto.
Qin Feng’s flight speed was not fast enough. Soon he found a fair number of the Shades drifting his way, trying to surround him and cut him off from his path.
“Fire Dragon!”
A ma.s.sive flaming dragon blazed a straight path forward, breaking through the incoming Shades as Qin Feng followed after it. With the way clear he blitzed past more than a hundred meters in a single blast.
In the blink of an eye, he found himself getting closer to that terrifying ma.s.sive Shade Behemoth.
As he got closer, he began to see less of the creature’s features as his sight was filled with something that looked like an ocean’s worth of water trapped behind a flimsy film.
When he pushed his head in, it felt just like he had plunged himself into water. What surrounded him was not water though, it was actually some kind of seemingly endless energy.
He was not clear if he was feeling the power from the Divine Star’s light or the Shade Behemoth’s own body.
He did feel that the energy around him was constantly being cycled through by his body. If he stayed here to cultivate then he truly would exceed beyond his normal progress.
The problem was, who would want to think about meditating at a time like this?
About twenty meters away from him was a large piece of metal. From what he understood, this piece of metal was a very special kind of material.
Of course, it was a kind of metal that caused what it had been made into to get stronger as its user got stronger.
As he tried to get closer to the item, he realized that his speed had plummeted greatly and the Blue Flame Phoenix Wings on his back were starting to flicker.
He looked at the other prodigies who had also begun to stop using their abilities and were using their physical power alone to move around.
“I see, if that’s the case then I don’t need to worry about anyone else!”
While Qin Feng might not be the most knowledgeable in this environment, he knew that n.o.body could match his body’s raw power.
“Dragon Steps!”
He activated his internal force, sending ripples through the water-like energy around him as he zipped toward the object. Within the blink of an eye, he had the metal in his grasp.
“I’m going to! We should split up!” Bai Li called out.
“Okay, be careful!”
“Don’t worry! I’m not a little kid!” Bai Li waved her hand dismissively before going the opposite direction.
Qin Feng trusted in Bai Li’s own strength. For one, it was hard to pin her down thanks to her teleportation and if she encountered any trouble she could just reappear by his side.
The two parted ways and went off to grab the items that were scattered around them.
A dragon-borne spotted Qin Feng and revealed rows of sharp serrated teeth as it opened its mouth. Its eyes glowed a bright red in the gloom around them.
“Haha! Little human boy, wormed yourself into a trap eh? Since you’re here now, you have to die!”
The dragon-borne rushed toward Qin Feng as if like a missile, sending violent ripples through the energy surrounding them.
When they were outside, the little human Qin Feng was a ma.s.sive threat due to his abilities but in here, where abilities were diminished and everyone had to rely on their raw physical powers, the dragon-borne naturally thought it had a chance in taking on Qin Feng.
Dragon-borne were always superior in strength.
A fist came flying in. Normally it would have just been a normal punch but due to the energy around, the force of the blow had wrapped the fist with a small whirlpool.
Within the Shade Behemoth’s body, it was more obvious when someone activated their powers.
“You want to die? Fine by me!”