Chapter 319 - Shadong Town (1/2)
A week later, at Fengli colony’s mother mountain manor.
Qin Feng was sitting on the couch and those sitting around him were all the people that he had gathered before.
This time, in addition to Lin Wuyi, Xue Xingfu had also reached E-tier.
Zhou Hao had reached F8-tier, but by the time Qin Feng came back again he would have become E-tier too!
The others naturally included people like w.a.n.g Chen, Liu Xue and so on.
“Mayor, a week ago some people from the three big families in Chengyang came over to give gifts. I followed your orders and decided to give them a discount. The 6 billion yuan has already arrived in our account!” Xue Xingfu said.
Last time, Cheng Zhou tried to invite Qin Feng over, naturally wanting to get some benefits out of him so that he would not be bothered by their previous negligence.
However, Qin Feng only wanted money, not shares. The things of the past were considered as write offs.
If he wanted shares, would that not turn him into a partner with those people? These people had never provided help to Qin Feng at all, only ever coming to curry favor, and Qin Feng had no intention of taking part in Chengyang City.
“Right, continue!”
“Other districts of Chengyang City, as well as some mayors and leaders in nearby colonies, had also sent gifts. Families from Sea City and Fu City had also sent some too! The final count of the funds is 5.3 billion!”
These people gave gifts that did not value up to over ten million, but that was no match with the number of gifts.
Not all of them were actually trying to gain favor. Some of them were worried that Qin Feng might try to go over and conquer them!
After all, Qin Feng’s rise into D-tier was really a dynamic event in history. Basically becoming a king in a short time and having the whole realm acknowledging the event.
Qin Feng nodded and Xue Xingfu continued.
“In the past few days, taking advantage of the E-tier apt.i.tude users that came all over, a large number of materials has been quickly sold off and the auction went on for seven consecutive days with sales reaching a staggering 300 billion yuan! Our profits are at 300 billion dollars.”
The people around him were shocked when they heard the news. They could hardly imagine all of this.
The amount of three hundred billion yuan for this little colony was something that ought to be completely beyond them.
Of course, Xue Xingfu had not mentioned that a large part of these transactions were done using the materials that Qin Feng personally took out!
Qin Feng gave a thumbs up. “Nice, not bad this time!”
“It’s all thanks to you, Mayor!”
After all, all of the good things came from Qin Feng’s battles.
He then motioned for the others below the hierarchy to speak and Liu Xue talked about the inventory in their base while w.a.n.g Chen talked about the deployment of their apt.i.tude users, their welfare requests and so on.
He nodded from time to time as he listened on.
The people present, minus Xue Xingfu and Bai Li, would not have been able to imagine just how deep Qin Feng’s pockets were!
Just a few days ago, Qin Feng acting as ‘Bloodhunter’ had become a well-kept secret by Xue Xingfu.
After collecting money from the underground black market and seven days of frantically selling goods to E-tiers, Qin Feng’s total a.s.set was a shocking number.
The funds that could be brought to the frontline would reach one hundred thirty billion, and with what Xue Xingfu said before it would reach one hundred forty billion!
And this was just the result before Qin Feng decided to start selling D-tier items.
After everyone was done, they looked to Qin Feng and waited for instructions.
“I’ve said this before, we’ll change the shares once every three months. By now, I think it’s come to that time already. Of course, before we start making any changes, the dividends of the previous quarter should be allocated beforehand.”
That made everyone smile.
Even if it was just one percent of the money, with how Fengli colony was currently doing, everyone would receive hundreds of millions of funds.
Little Fengli was like a money printing machine.