Chapter 289 - Dragon Blood the Astonishing Opportunity (1/2)
As soon as Qin Feng entered the area, he heard a scream
This was not a scream of fear, but instead of pain.
When his vision regained focus, he realized that he was surrounded by a blood red mist. However, although the mist was covering the whole place, it was not dense enough to obscure his surroundings.
He was in a huge square hall, the ground was laid with blue stone slabs with wide edges between them that glowed with silver light. The sky above was blue, denoting that it was daytime.
It was dusk when he entered the Tomb, time must be self-contained here.
He looked forward, through the blood mist, brus.h.i.+ng past the figures ahead and spotted a huge stone dragon at the furthest point away from where he stood.
This stone dragon was way too big, it stood at forty meters tall and was twenty meters wide. It spewed blood from its maw that cascaded down into the pool below it like a waterfall fountain. The droplets that splashed upward became the blood mist, which was much thicker at the source compared to areas further away.
At the moment, the person who screamed was up ahead, rolling around on the floor and crawling away. There were also some people beside Qin Feng, each of them sitting down cross-legged, faces stained red and dripping with the blood.
“An astonis.h.i.+ng opportunity!” Qin Feng took in a deep breath.
This blood mist was definitely not harmful to the body, quite the contrary, it was a good thing. Qin Feng even had three vials of the stuff before, which strengthened his body.
It was dragon blood!
Dragon blood mist.
However, with Qin Feng’s current strength these mists would not even improve a half of his strength. Besides, he did not have time to think about this as he quickly sat down cross-legged and looked into his dantian.
The seas of clouds within his dantian continued to s.h.i.+ft, having exceeded the limit that it could hold and feeling as if it was going to explode at any moment.
“Ability, Absorb!”
The internal force was quickly consumed. Except for the forty layers that originally belonged to him, the other sixty layers were quickly absorbed by his meridians and exported throughout the body with the excess returning back to him.
He noted that Zhang Yingyi’s internal force was quite solid, as the excess was returned back he realized that he had gained twenty extra layers of internal force in his seas of clouds.
In other words, he was now six times stronger than an E-tier ancient warrior at their peak, he might as well be at the equivalent of a D6 ancient warrior.
Life or death situations bring in great rewards!
Qin Feng glanced at the money he had previously taken from Zhang Yingyi and inhaled sharply. From just a quick scan, it looked like he had at least sixty to seventy billion. Not to mention, Qin Feng also saw some treasures which had values that far surpa.s.sed the amount that could be measured by money.
Zhang Yingyi was an elite warrior, someone whose strength was well beyond that of a normal D-tier ancient warrior. Today, he might as well have become expendable cas.h.!.+
The most important thing was that he had changed history! Those who had died were not dead and those who lived free and unfettered in the future were killed by him!
“I hope that the gusts that I’ve put into the winds of history, this b.u.t.terfly effect that I’ve started, would be good for the future!”
With the dark forces weakening, it represented that there would be growth for more of the potential younglings of the Human Alliance.
When Qin Feng opened his eyes, an hour had pa.s.sed since he began his cultivation. There were now fewer people around him, it seemed that these people were constantly moving forward.
There were a total number of five thousand BattleG.o.d Tokens, such was evident from the number of people in here but they were all gathered at the edge of this square and did not go toward the stone dragon. This was due to the mist being at its thickest within fifty meters of the b.l.o.o.d.y waterfall spray that came from the dragon.
The BattleG.o.d Tomb had been opened since six o’clock in the morning and five thousand people who had obtained the tokens had entered therein. Since there was no compet.i.tion, they did not have any conflict, by now they had already gone through a day of cultivation.
The people who became stronger from the dragon blood had naturally moved forward.