Chapter 46 (1/2)
The other guy did not give Qin Feng a chance to explain himself before he launched another attack!
Qin Feng was running at maximum speed around the corner, when…
A violent explosion suddenly went off behind him, throwing up a ma.s.sive cloud of dust and rubble.
A potent weapon the likes of a high-powered energy gun could kill its target with a single blow. Even if Qin Feng wore rune armor, the blast could still kill him as his head was unprotected.
“If you attack again, I will counter you!” Qin Feng shouted as he looked to the ground, his fists clenched tightly.
However, the answer to his threat was all but another deafening explosion!
The entire place was engulfed with choking smog, and the roof was starting to crumble with debris falling.
That really annoyed him. “I’m also here to clean up the lab! We’re on the same side, you dumba.s.s! Why are you still attacking?!”
At that, the a.s.sault immediately stopped.
“Who do you work for?” The a.s.sailant asked from across the hallway.
Of course, Qin Feng did not know how to answer the question.
Who was he working for? He worked for no one.
“Ah, forget it. Whoever it is, there’s one thing I know for sure – I won’t let you escape!” The person laughed hysterically and raised his energy cannon again.
Qin Feng was outraged. The gears in his mind ground and whirred like a machine. This guy’s plan was obviously to annihilate the laboratory in its entirety, leaving no one in it alive. That may have seemed to line up with Qin Feng’s intentions, but the latter part sure had a more homicidal ring to it.
On top of that, the man in the suit looked delighted to see the intruder, as if help had finally arrived. Instead, the intruder went ahead and killed him as if they didn’t know each other.
That instant, a thought struck Qin Feng as he remembered somebody in his mind.
“You work for the deputy mayor!” Qin Feng said in a bitter tone.
“Hehe, so what if you guessed, right? Must you know everything? What is the point?” the man responded before pulling the trigger again.
Qin Feng was right. This man did indeed work for the deputy mayor. As a matter of fact, this was his very competent subordinate; an F-tiered gunner named He Li.
G-tier apt.i.tude users were the dominant force in Chengbei. For this reason, those who were F-tier, like Xue Xingfu, could only a.s.sume the office of captain. It was, however, a position that should never be underestimated, as they were known to acc.u.mulate wealth that most would never imagine having.
Even some of the magnates with a net worth of up to tens of millions had to a.s.sociate themselves with Xue Xingfu.
It was a well-known fact that tens of millions weren’t nearly enough to raise an F-tier ability user.
“Since you don’t plan to let me off the hook. I won’t either!” Qin Feng grinned. Just because the guy was an F-tier gunner, it did not mean that he had the license to be so arrogant. In his haughtiness, he didn’t realize that chances were, Qin Feng wasn’t inferior to him.
“Xiaobai!” Qin Feng called out softly.
Upon hearing its name, Xiaobai released the s.p.a.ce element, and Qin Feng vanished into thin air!
“Again?!” the gunner gasped, unable to fathom how Qin Feng managed the feat. Not to be dismissed, he had also prepared himself mentally and was alert of his surroundings.
Before he knew it, Qin Feng had reappeared behind him!
He Li immediately detected Qin Feng’s presence but could not use his energy cannon because the distance between them was too small. If he were to fire the weapon, he would have placed himself in the line of fire as well. On top of that, the energy cannon was hefty and sluggish to operate.
But then again. How could He Li not possess his own trump card?
Speaking of which, the energy cannon in his hand vanished and in its place were two handguns!
Swiftly, he turned around and fired!
Pow! Pow! Pow!
Zing! Zap! Plonk!!! Qin Feng wielded his Verdant Emperor Saber, ricocheting every shot, and none of the bullets. .h.i.t him.
A look of genuine surprise flashed across He Li’s face. “Silverlight Rune Equipment!”
Of course, He Li knew that it was not just the rune equipment that was powerful, but his opponent’s defense was swift and alacritous as well.
Qin Feng’s heart was also drumming wildly inside his chest.