Part 25 (1/2)

”This is well, Pero,” answered Pepe; ”but I know that Monica thinks the admiral is sent of G.o.d, and that we may look forward to great discoveries, through his means; and most especially to the spreading of religion among the heathens.”

”Ay, thy Monica should have been in Dona Isabella's seat, so learned and positive is she in all matters, whether touching her own woman's duties, or thine own. She is _thy_ queen, Pepe, as all in Moguer will swear; and there are some who say she would gladly govern the port, as she governeth thee.”

”Say naught against the mother of my child, Pero,” interrupted Pepe, angrily. ”I can bear thy idle words against myself, but he that speaketh ill of Monica will have a dangerous enemy.”

”Thou art bold of speech, Pero, when away a hundred leagues from thine own better nine-tenths,” put in a voice that Columbus and Luis both knew, on the instant, to belong to Sancho Mundo, ”and art bold enough to jeer Pepe touching Monica, when we all well know who commandeth in a certain cabin, where thou art as meek as a hooked dolphin, whatever thou may'st be here. But, enough of thy folly about women; let us reason upon our knowledge as mariners, if thou wilt; instead of asking questions of one like Pepe, who is too young to have had much experience, I offer myself as thy catechist.”

”What hast _thou_, then, to say about this unknown land that lieth beyond the great ocean, where man hath never been, or is at all likely to go, with followers such as these?”

”I have this to say, silly and idle-tongued Pero--that the time was when even the Canaries were unknown; when mariners did not dare to pa.s.s the straits, and when the Portuguese knew nothing of their mines and Guinea, lands that I myself have visited, and where the n.o.ble Don Christoval hath also been, as I know on the testimony of mine own eyes.”

”And what hath Guinea, or what have the mines of the Portuguese to do with this western voyage? All know that there is a country called Africa; and what is there surprising that mariners should reach a land that is known to exist; but who knoweth that the ocean hath other continents, any more than that the heavens have other earths?”

”This is well, Pero,” observed an attentive by-stander; ”and Sancho will have to drain his wits to answer it.”

”It is well for those who wag their tongues, like women, without thought of what they say,” coolly returned Sancho, ”but will have little weight with Dona Isabella, or Don Almirante. Harkee, Pero, thou art like one that hath trodden the path between Palos and Moguer so often, that thou fanciest there is no road to Seville or Granada. There must be a beginning to all things; and this voyage is, out of doubt, the beginning of voyages to Cathay. We go west, instead of east, because it is the shorter way; and because, moreover, it is the _only_ way for a caravel.

Now, answer me, messmate; is it possible for a craft, let her size or rig be what it may, to pa.s.s over the hills and valleys of a continent--I mean under her canvas, and by fair sailing?”

Sancho waited for a reply, and received a common and complete admission of the impossibility of the thing.

”Then cast your eyes at the admiral's chart, in the morning, as he keepeth it spread before him on the p.o.o.p, yonder, and you will see that there is land from one pole to the other, on each side of the Atlantic, thereby rendering navigation impossible, in any other direction than this we are now taking. The notion of Pero, therefore, runs in the teeth of nature.”

”This is so true, Pero,” exclaimed another, the rest a.s.senting, ”that thy mouth ought to be shut.”

But Pero had a mouth that was not very easily closed; and it is probable that his answer would have been to the full as acute and irrefutable as that of Sancho, had not a common exclamation of alarm and horror burst from all around him. The night was sufficiently clear to permit the gloomy outlines of the Peak of Teneriffe to be distinctly visible, even at some distance; and, just at that moment, flashes of flame shot upward from its pointed summit, illuminating, at instants, the huge pile, and then leaving it in shadowy darkness, an object of mystery and terror.

Many of the seamen dropped on their knees and began to tell their beads, while all, as it might be instinctively, crossed themselves. Next arose a general murmur; and in a few minutes, the men who slept were awoke, and appeared among their fellows, awe-struck and astounded spectators of the phenomenon. It was soon settled that the attention of the admiral should be drawn to this strange event, and Pero was selected for the spokesman.

All this time, Columbus and his companions remained on the p.o.o.p, and, as might have been expected, this unlooked-for change in the appearance of the Peak had not escaped their attention. Too enlightened to be alarmed by it, they were watching the workings of the mountain, when Pero, accompanied by nearly every sailor in the vessel, appeared on the quarter-deck. Silence having been obtained, Pero opened the subject of his mission with a zeal that was not a little stimulated by his fears.

”Senor Almirante,” he commenced, ”we have come to pray your Excellency to look at the summit of the Island of Teneriffe, where we all think we see a solemn warning against persevering in sailing into the unknown Atlantic. It is truly time for men to remember their weakness, and how much they owe to the goodness of G.o.d, when even the mountains vomit flames and smoke!”

”Have any here ever navigated the Mediterranean, or visited the island of which Don Ferdinand, the honored consort of our lady the queen, is master?” demanded Columbus, calmly.

”Senor Don Almirante,” hastily answered Sancho, ”I have done so, unworthy as I may seem to have enjoyed that advantage. And I have seen Cyprus, and Alexandria, and even Stamboul, the residence of the Great Turk.”

”Well, then, thou may'st have also seen aetna, another mountain which continueth to throw up those flames, in the midst of a nature and a scene on which Providence would seem to have smiled with unusual benignity, instead of angrily frowning, as ye seem to imagine.”

Columbus then proceeded to give his people an explanation of the causes of volcanoes, referring to the gentlemen around him to corroborate the fidelity of his statements. He told them that he looked upon this little eruption as merely a natural occurrence; or, if he saw any omen at all in the event, it was propitious rather than otherwise; Providence seeming disposed to light them on their way. Luis and the rest next descended among the crew, where they used their reasoning powers in quieting an alarm that, at first, had threatened to be serious. For the moment they were successful, or perhaps it would be better to say that they succeeded completely, so far as the phenomenon of the volcano was concerned, and this less by the arguments of the more intelligent of the officers, than by means of the testimony of Sancho, and one or two others of the common men, who had seen similar scenes elsewhere. With difficulties like these had the great navigator to contend, even after he had pa.s.sed years in solicitations to obtain the limited means which had been finally granted, in order to effect one of the sublimest achievements that had yet crowned the enterprise of man!

The vessels reached Gomera on the 2d of September, where they remained several days, in order to complete their repairs, and to finish taking in their supplies, ere they finally left the civilized abodes of man, and what might then be deemed the limits of the known earth. The arrival of such an expedition, in an age when the means of communication were so few that events were generally their own announcers, had produced a strong sensation among the inhabitants of the different islands visited by the adventurers. Columbus was held in high honor among them, not only on account of the commission he had received from the two sovereigns, but on account of the magnitude and the romantic character of his undertaking.

There existed a common belief among all the adjacent islands, including Madeira, the Azores, and the Canaries, that land lay to the westward; their inhabitants living under a singular delusion in this particular, which the admiral had an occasion to detect, during his second visit to Gomera. Among the most distinguished persons who were then on the island, was Dona Inez Peraza, the mother of the Count of Gomera. She was attended by a crowd of persons, not only belonging to her own, but who had come from other islands to do her honor. She entertained the admiral in a manner suited to his high rank, admitting to her society such of the adventurers as Columbus saw fit to point out as worthy of the honor.

Of course the pretended Pedro de Munos, or Pero Gutierrez, as he was now indifferently termed, was of the number; as, indeed, were most of those who might be deemed any way suited to so high and polished a society.

”I rejoice, Don Christopher,” said Dona Inez Peraza, on this occasion, ”that their Highnesses have at length yielded to your desire to solve this great problem, not only on account of our Holy Church, which, as you say, hath so deep an interest in your success, and the honor of the two sovereigns, and the welfare of Spain, and all the other great considerations that we have so freely touched upon in our discourse already, but on account of the worthy inhabitants of the Fortunate Islands, who have not only many traditions touching land in the west, but most of whom believe that they have more than once seen it, in that quarter, in the course of their lives.”

”I have heard of this, n.o.ble lady, and would be grateful to have the account from the mouths of eye-witnesses, now we are here, together, conversing freely concerning that which is of so much interest to us all.”

”Then, Senor, I will entreat this worthy cavalier, who is every way capable of doing the subject justice, to be spokesman for us, and to let you know what we all believe in these islands, and what so many of us fancy we have seen. Acquaint the admiral, Senor Dama, I pray thee, of the singular yearly view that we get of unknown land lying afar off, in the Atlantic.”