Part 17 (1/2)
”Thou forgettest, Luis, that n.o.ble Castilian maidens are not wont to see even n.o.ble Castilian cavaliers alone, and, but for the gracious condescension of Her Highness, and the indulgence of my guardian, who happeneth to be thy aunt, this interview could not take place.”
”Alone! And dost thou call this being alone, or any excessive favor, on the part of Her Highness, when thou seest that we are watched by the eye, if not by the ear! I fear to speak above my breath, lest the sounds should disturb that venerable lady's meditations!”
As Luis de Bobadilla uttered this, he glanced his eye at the figure of the duena of his mistress, whose person was visible through an open door, in an adjoining room, where the good woman sat, intently occupied in reading certain homilies.
”Dost mean my poor Pepita,” answered Mercedes, laughing; for the presence of her attendant, to whom she had been accustomed from infancy, was no more restraint on her own innocent thoughts and words, than would have proved a reduplication of herself, had such a thing been possible.
”Many have been her protestations against this meeting, which she insists is contrary to all rule among n.o.ble ladies, and which, she says, would never have been accorded by my poor, sainted mother, were she still living.”
”Ay, she hath a look that is sufficient of itself to set every generous mind a-tilting with her. One can see envy of thy beauty and youth, in every wrinkle of her unamiable face.”
”Then little dost thou know my excellent Pepita, who envieth nothing, and who hath but one marked weakness, and that is, too much affection, and too much indulgence, for myself.”
”I detest a duena; ay, as I detest an Infidel!”
”Senor,” said Pepita, whose vigilant ears, notwithstanding her book and the homilies, heard all that pa.s.sed, ”this is a common feeling among youthful cavaliers, I fear; but they tell me that the very duena who is so displeasing to the lover, getteth to be a grateful object, in time, with the husband. As my features and wrinkles, however, are so disagreeable to you, and no doubt cause you pain, by closing this door the sight will be shut out, as, indeed, will be the sound of my unpleasant cough, and of your own protestations of love, Senor Knight.”
This was said in much better language than was commonly used by women of the duena's cla.s.s, and with a good-nature that seemed indomitable, it being completely undisturbed by Luis' petulant remarks.
”Thou shalt not close the door, Pepita,” cried Mercedes, blus.h.i.+ng rosy red, and springing forward to interpose her own hand against the act.
”What is there that the Conde de Llera can have to say to one like me, that _thou_ mayest not hear?”
”Nay, dear child, the n.o.ble cavalier is about to talk of love!”
”And is it thou, with whom the language of affection is so uncommon, that it frighteneth thee! Hath thy discourse been of aught but love, since thou hast known and cared for me?”
”It augureth badly for thy suit, Senor,” said Pepita, smiling, while she suspended the movement of the hand that was about to close the door, ”if Dona Mercedes thinketh of your love as she thinketh of mine. Surely, child, thou dost not fancy me a gay, gallant young n.o.ble, come to pour out his soul at thy feet, and mistakest my simple words of affection for such as will be likely to flow from the honeyed tongue of a Bobadilla, bent on gaining his suit with the fairest maiden of Castile?”
Mercedes shrunk back, for, though innocent as purity itself, her heart taught her the difference between the language of her lover and the language of her nurse, even when each most expressed affection. Her hand released its hold of the wood, and unconsciously was laid, with its pretty fellow, on her crimsoned face. Pepita profited by her advantage, and closed the door. A smile of triumph gleamed on the handsome features of Luis, and, after he had forced his mistress, by a gentle compulsion, to resume the seat from which she had risen to meet him, he threw himself on a stool at her feet, and stretching out his well-turned limbs in an easy att.i.tude, so as to allow himself to gaze into the beautiful face that he had set up, like an idol, before him, he renewed the discourse.
”This is a paragon of duenas,” he cried, ”and I might have known that none of the ill-tempered, unreasonable school of such beings, would be tolerated near thy person. This Pepita is a jewel, and she may consider herself established in her office for life, if, by the cunning of this Genoese, mine own resolution, the queen's repentance, and thy gentle favor, I ever prove so lucky as to become thy husband.”
”Thou forgettest, Luis,” answered Mercedes, trembling even while she laughed at her own conceit, ”that if the husband esteemeth the duena the lover could not endure, that the lover may esteem the duena that the husband may be unwilling to abide.”
”_Peste!_ these are crooked matters, and ill-suited to the straight-forward philosophy of Luis de Bobadilla. There is one thing only, which I can, or do, pretend to know, out of any controversy, and that I am ready to maintain in the face of all the doctors of Salamanca, or all the chivalry of Christendom, that of the Infidel included; which is, that thou art the fairest, sweetest, best, most virtuous, and in all things the most winning maiden of Spain, and that no other living knight so loveth and honoreth his mistress as I love and honor thee!”
The language of admiration is ever soothing to female ears, and Mercedes, giving to the words of the youth an impression of sincerity that his manner fully warranted, forgot the duena and her little interruption, in the delight of listening to declarations that were so grateful to her affections. Still, the coyness of her s.e.x, and the recent date of their mutual confidence, rendered her answer less open than it might otherwise have been.
”I am told,”, she said, ”that you young cavaliers, who pant for occasions to show your skill and courage with the lance and in the tourney, are ever making some such protestations in favor of this or that n.o.ble maiden, in order to provoke others like themselves to make counter a.s.sertions, that they may show their prowess as knights, and gain high names for gallantry.”
”This cometh of being so much shut up in Dona Beatriz's private rooms, lest some bold Spanish eyes should look profanely on thy beauty, Mercedes. We are not in the age of the errants and the troubadours, when men committed a thousand follies that they might be thought weaker even than nature had made them. In that age, your knights _discoursed_ largely of love, but in our own they _feel_ it. In sooth, I think this savoreth of some of the profound morality of Pepita!”
”Say naught against Pepita, Luis, who hath much befriended thee to-day, else would thy tongue, and thine eyes too, be under the restraint of her presence. But that which thou termest the morality of the good duena, is, in truth, the morality of the excellent and most n.o.ble Dona Beatriz de Cabrera, Marchioness of Moya, who was born a lady of the House of Bobadilla, I believe.”
”Well, well, I dare to say there is no great difference between the lessons of a d.u.c.h.ess and the lessons of a duena in the privacy of the closet, when there is one like thee, beautiful, and rich, and virtuous, to guard. They say you young maidens are told that we cavaliers are so many ogres, and that the only way to reach paradise is to think naught of us but evil, and then, when some suitable marriage hath been decided on, the poor young creature is suddenly alarmed by an order to come forth and be wedded to one of these very monsters.”
”And, in this mode, hast thou been treated! It would seem that much pains are taken to make the young of the two s.e.xes think ill of each other. But, Luis, this is pure idleness, and we waste in it most precious moments; moments that may never return. How go matters with Colon--and when is he like to quit the court?”
”He hath already departed; for, having obtained all he hath sought of the queen, he quitted Santa Fe, with the royal authority to sustain him in the fullest manner. If thou hearest aught of one Pedro de Munos, or Pero Gutierrez, at the court of Cathay, thou wilt know on whose shoulders to lay his follies.”