Part 19 (1/2)
May laughed. ”I don't know why you are so keen to get rid of me. You will be dreadfully lonely without me; not to say dull.”
”That's true enough,” said Mrs. Webster, softening; ”but a girl like you ought to marry. You won't make a good old maid.”
”No,” May admitted candidly.
And this question of marriage, which was sorely perplexing the mistress, was pressing hard also upon her maid, for pretty Rose Lancaster, who had successfully played off her rival suitors against each other for a year, was at last compelled to make her choice between them. Tom Burney had that day received an offer from the squire of a free pa.s.sage to Tasmania, and a very good appointment on a farm there with a relation of Mr. Lessing's, where, if he gave satisfaction, he might in a few years look forward to part-owners.h.i.+p.
”I only propose to part with you because agriculture does not pay, or I have not learned the way to make it do so,” the squire had said. ”I have been making up my mind to reduce my staff; and, my cousin having lately written to me about a suitable man, it occurred to me to give you the first offer.”
Tom coloured with pleasure. ”Thank you, sir; it seems a great chance.
It would be a certainty, wouldn't it? I could take another with me.”
”Well, it would be wiser for the other fellow to get a promise of work.
I might ask if there were an opening,” Paul had replied.
”It's not a man as I was thinking of, sir. It was a wife!”
”Oh, I beg your pardon,” the squire said laughing. ”But if you care for my opinion on a subject of which I know but little, I believe quite the wisest thing you could do would be to take out a wife with you.
She would make a home for you and keep you steady. I expect you have some girl in your eye, Burney.”
Tom smiled rather sheepishly; it would be time enough to mention Rose when his banns were put up.
And that very afternoon when work was over, Tom had gone home and put on his best clothes; then walked boldly up to the Court and demanded an interview with Rose. She came into the servant's hall where he waited nervously by the fire, and, giving him a careless nod, seated herself and put her toes upon the fender.
”What is it, Tom? I can't stop long; I'm expecting Miss Webster in every minute.”
”It's come at last: what I've waited for,” stammered Tom. ”I've a chance of giving you a home, Rose: a nice one, as far as I can make out.”
”Where?” asked Rose, with s.h.i.+ning eyes and parted lips, a vision of herself as a bride, in a white frock, and handsome Tom as her bridegroom, floating before her.
”In Tasmania; if you love me well enough to come with me out there.
It's a wonderful offer that the squire has given me; and some day I may bring you home almost like a lady.”
”But I don't know where it is, and I wouldn't go if I did--not with you nor any man! What can you be thinking of to stuff me up with nonsense like that?” Rose asked poutingly. ”I'll have a home on this side of the water, or nowhere.”
”And you shall,” Tom declared pa.s.sionately, ”if you'll promise to wait until I can make you one!--but I'll have your word for it. You shall have done with Dixon and stick fast by me, or----”
”Or what?” Rose said with rather frightened eyes.
”Or I'll go where you won't be troubled by me any more. Look here!
you've held me on for eighteen months now, and, if you cared for me one-half as I love you, you would be ready enough to come with me to the other side of the world, when I can make you an honest offer of a home. I'd follow you to the world's end; ill or well, rich or poor I'd love you just the same; you should not have a trouble that I could keep from you. I've told you so before, and I tell you so to-night; but it's the last time. You can take me or leave me; but I'll know now which it is to be. It don't matter much to me where you want to live, except that, if I don't take this offer, we must wait a bit; but I'll know your mind about it. It must be 'yes' or 'no' to-night!”
Happily for Rose, Miss Webster's bell pealed a noisy summons at that moment.
”I can't stop, Tom! I _really_ can't! Miss Webster is not one who can wait. I'll think it over and tell you sometime soon.”
”When?” asked Tom, catching her hands and holding them so tightly that she gave a little cry.
”Sunday. Sunday night after church; you can see me home if you like,”
and with that promise Tom had to be content.