Chapter 6 - Part VI Sword Art Online (1/1)
Kai put the knives back to inventory and fixed his dress. After taking over the cardinal system Kai has already received the pass for another world it looked like a very ordinary just a slip paper slip like a bus ticket with English written on it. Kai had a long time ago decided to take his AI hope with him. After Killing the floor boss of 28th level rumors regarding Kai and his power spread throughout Aircard, Guild activities went on as normal managed by Klaus, Kai only focused on 2 things I flirting with Asuna and 2nd training her in Sword art. Two got very close and started their relationship in the open. Guild along with the corporations of other guilds started challenging the floor bosses. Neither Kai nor Asuna participated in the battle after floor 35th both stayed on floor 23rd and lead a normal life.
It was at that time when Klaus along with other cleared floor 50th that Kai asked Asuna to marry him who said Yes. After getting married both Asuna and Kai enjoyed their time together till floor 55th was cleared. Kai returned to the front lines for the floor 56th floor and soloed the floor and went on to challenge all the floor following after a month break on each floor during which He and Asuna explored the floor. When sweeping floor 59th He sent a message to Heathcliff for battle in the Arena along with the message that it's time to end the game.
Heathcliff accepted the challenge.
All the members of Hope were ordered to assemble and come floor 54th where New HQ was established.
Kai in his speech spoke against the anti-guilds who Hunt human and declared that Hope will sweep each floor and hunt down all members of such guild. Kai also declared the name of the members within the guild itself who were spies of such guilds. Members were arrested and confined by Hope. Kai leading all the Division Heads attacked Laughing Coffin at their base, It was a surprise attack loss of the Hope side were nil whereas 2/3 of the Laughing Coffin members were whipped out. Kai leading the charge gave them two options either surrender or fight. After losing most of its leading members, players surrendered. Many more guilds such as Titan's Hand after the defeat of Laughing Coffin chose to surrender, Such players ID tags were noted down and were confined in jails and such.
After a month of push and pull, the time to battle Heathcliff had arrived.
Kai walked out in the Arena where he found Heathcliff standing in front of him with his battle gear, Kai nodded and took out 2 swords surprising everyone.
The battle was short, Kai charged into Heathcliff who first deflected both Kai swords then swept his sword toward him, Kai mid-air twisted his body and blocked his sword with his own and pushed his another sword toward the leg of Heathcliff cutting it off clean.
Heathcliff having his leg cut off went on the support of his shield to stand and block the attack of Kai. Kai follows through with an attack in which he used one of his swords to push the shield away from Heathcliff thus creating an opportunity to attack directly on his body. Heathcliff seeing this used his other hand to create defense but Kai glided his sword onto Heathcliff's sword and ripped Heathcliff in Half making him lose all his remaining health but just as soon as his health went into the red a notification stating