Chapter 14 (1/2)
Legend of Legend – Chapter 14
Posted on July 1, 2016
<legend of=”” legend-jungle(1)=””>
The following week after he was admitted to the hospital, Kim-haejung showed up everyday at his hospital room, even though she said she’ll only come on the weekends. Still, Kim-haejung didn’t have anything to do since the caregiver was still there. She was basically there to be someone he could talk to.
Kim-haejung was focused watching a tv drama, and Lee-joonhyuk controlled his muscles as he watched it with her. If he sensed and trained the muscles at the same time, it was more effective. Also, he had to perfect how to harden his muscles like a stone, so he had a lot of things to do.
Knock. k.o.c.k.
At the knock, Lee-joonhyuk looked towards the hospital room’s door.
“Who is it?”
When the door opened, the person who entered was deputy head Jang. Also, there was an unexpected person following behind him. Jun-somin entered with a fruit basket, and Lee-joonhyuk scratched his head when he saw her. Why did she have to visit him when Kim-haejung was still here? It is a situation where a misunderstanding may happen.
Of course, Kim-haejung’s eyes were twinkling.
Lee-joonhyuk shook his head then he opened his mouth.
“She is my mother.”
“Good to meet you. I’m the deputy head of ST Capsules Strategic Planning Department, Jang-oohjung. ”
“Oh my. You are his superior at the company.”
Jun-somin bowed her head towards Kim-haejung, who had a bright smile.
“How do you do. I’m a fellow new employee, Jun-somin.”
“That’s how it is.”
Jun-somin handed the fruit basket over, and Kim-haejung received it with a smile on her face.
“Please sit for a moment. I’ll cut the fruits in a flash.”
“It’s fine.”
At deputy head Jang’s word, Kim-haejung hurriedly grabbed his wrist, and she directed him to a chair. Jun-somin looked around then she sat in a chair.
Kim-haejung washed the fruits then she brought it back with a knife.
When she saw this, Kim-haejung stepped forward.
“I’ll cut it.”
“How can I let a guest do it? Wait a moment.”
She had long experience as a housewife, so Kim-haejung’s fruit peeling skill was quite good. Lee-joonhyuk turned his gaze away from Kim-haejung.
Since it was a bit irregular for Jun-somin to visit with deputy head Jang, he asked a question.
“Which department did you get a.s.signed to, Ms Junsomin?”
“I was a.s.signed to the Strategic Planning Department. ”
“That is one of the main departments. Isn’t that amazing?”
When Lee-joonhyuk was surprised, deputy head Jang spoke calmly.
“From this batch of new employees, only Mr. Kim-jangho and Ms Jun-somin was a.s.signed to the the Strategic Planning Department.”
Of course, Kim-jangho had entered as the top candidate so he was a given. However, Jun-somin was a bit unexpected.
Deputy head Jang pushed an envelope towards Lee-joonhyuk.
“You were a.s.signed to the Publicity Department.”
He had already heard it from Kim-oonsuh. Lee-joonhyuk received the envelope, and deputy head Jang smiled.
“You can come to work when you are back to full health. Just think of your first month on the job as a vacation.”
“Is that so?”
Lee-joonhyuk smiled. He didn’t even need to go to work during the first month, and he felt good when he hear he’ll still be paid.
At that moment, a dish was presented between them.
The fruits were cut prettily, and it was laid out uniformly.
“Please eat it as you talk.”
Kim-haejung smiled with her eyes toward Jun-somin, then she turned to look at Lee-joonhyuk.
“Mother will step out for a moment.”
When Kim-haejung left, deputy head Jang talked as he ate a slice of apple.
“I heard from the rescue party that it was a miracle that both of you had survived.”
It was a miracle that they had both survived after they fell from great heights. If it wasn’t for Lee-joonhyuk’s ability, Kim-oonsuh would have died for sure.
Moreover, if Leejoonhyuk hadn’t turned his muscles hard as rock according to the muscle training method taught by Atlan, Lee-joonhyuk would have died. He had never figured out how to harden his muscles like stone until that moment, so one could say it was a blessing in disguise. It wasn’t on par with Atlan, who could block a sword with this method, but he could at the very least limit the damage.
” We were lucky. While we were falling, a tree was able to absorb some of our impact.”
“Is that so? It must have been pure luck.”
Jun-somin pierced a melon with a fork then she handed it over to Lee-joonhyuk. Deputy head Jang laughed when he saw this.
“I’m sorry. I should have been more considerate.”
Lee-joonhyuk received the fork from Jun-somin, and he ate it in one bite.
“Isn’t it more delicious to receive it from my fellow employee, Ms Somin, then from you?”
“Hahaha. Is that so? I should have noticed it sooner.”
When Jun-somin’s face reddened slightly, deputy head Jang laughed louder. Deputy head Jang ate couple more apple slice as he kept a light conversation going. Then he stood up from his seat.
“Do you want to stay and talk to him longer, Ms. Somin?”
When Jun-somin stood up abruptly, Lee-joonhyuk extended his hand towards his wheelchair.
“I’ll see you out.”
“It’s ok. Get well soon, and come to work.”
Deputy head Jang patted his shoulder then he left the hospital room. As Jun-somin was about to follow deputy head Jang, she briefly looked at Lee-joonhyuk as she spoke.
“Take care of yourself.”
“I’ll see you at the company.”
Jun-somin left as she laughed with her eyes. Soon, Kim-haejung returned inside. She stared at Lee-joonhyuk, and she queried.
“Who is that young woman?”
“She’s joined the company at the same time as me. We were also in the same group at the training facility.”
“Is that right?”
If he left it alone, he felt she would try to dig for more information. So he replied patiently.