Part 10 (1/2)

”Not until I went away first,” Louise says.

”Maybe it's someone who used to live in the house before you moved in. Maybe he's buried under the floor of your bedroom or in the wall or something.”

”Just like the possum,” Louise says. ”Maybe it's Santa Claus.”

Louise's mother lives in a retirement community two states away. Louise cleaned out her mother's bas.e.m.e.nt and garage, put her mother's furniture in storage, sold her mother's house. Her mother wanted this. She gave Louise the money from the sale of the house so that Louise could buy her own house. But she won't come visit Louise in her new house. She won't let Louise send her on a package vacation.

Sometimes she pretends not to recognize Louise when Louise calls. Or maybe she really doesn't recognize her. Maybe this is why Louise's clients travel. Settle down in one place and you get lazy. You don't bother to remember things like taking baths, or your daughter's name.

When you travel, everything's always new. If you don't speak the language, it isn't a big deal. n.o.body expects you to understand everything they say. You can wear the same clothes every day and the other travelers will be impressed with your careful packing. When you wake up and you're not sure where you are. There's a perfectly good reason for that.

”h.e.l.lo, Mom,” Louise says when her mother picks up the phone.

”Who is this?” her mother says.

”Louise,” Louise says.

”Oh yes,” her mother says. ”Louise, how nice to speak to you.”

There is an awkward pause and then her mother says, ”If you're calling because it's your birthday, I'm sorry. I forgot.”

”It isn't my birthday,” Louise says. ”Mom, remember the ladybugs?”

”Oh yes,” her mother says. ”You sent pictures. They were lovely.”

”I have a ghost,” Louise says, ”and I was hoping that you would know how to get rid of it.””A ghost!” her mother says. ”It isn't your father, is it?”

”No!” Louise says. ”This ghost doesn't have any clothes on, Mom. It's naked and I saw it for a minute and then it disappeared and then I saw it again in my bathtub. Well, sort of.”

”Are you sure it's a ghost?” her mother says.

”Yes, positive.” Louise says.

”And it isn't your father?”

”No, it's not Dad. It doesn't look like anyone I've ever seen before.”

Her mother says, ”Lucy-you don't know her-Mrs. Peterson's husband died two nights ago. Is it a short fat man with an ugly moustache? Dark complected?”

”It isn't Mr. Peterson,” Louise says.

”Have you asked what it wants?”

”Mom, I don't care what it wants,” Louise says. ”I just want it to go away.”

”Well,” her mother says, ”try hot water and salt. Scrub all the floors. You should polish them with lemon oil afterwards so they don't get streaky. Wash the windows, too. Wash all the bed linens and beat all the rugs. And put the sheets back on the bed inside out. And turn all your clothes on the hangers inside out.

Clean the bathroom.”

”Inside out,” Louise says.

”Inside out,” her mother says. ”Confuses them.”

”I think it's pretty confused already. About clothes, anyway. Are you sure this works?”

”Positive,” her mother says. ”We're always having supernatural infestations around here. Sometimes it gets hard to tell who's alive and who's dead. If cleaning the house doesn't work, try hanging garlic up on strings. Ghosts hate garlic. Or they like it. It's either one or the other, love it, hate it. So what else is happening? When are you coming to visit?”

”I had lunch today with Louise,” Louise says.

”Aren't you too old to have an imaginary friend?” her mother says.

”Mom, you know Louise. Remember? Girl Scouts? College? She has the little girl, Anna? Louise?”

”Of course I remember Louise,” her mother says. ”My own daughter. You're a very rude person.” She hangs up.

Salt, Louise thinks. Salt and hot water. She should write these things down. Maybe she could send her mother a tape recorder. She sits down on the kitchen floor and cries. That's one kind of salt water. Then she scrubs floors, beats rugs, washes her sheets and her blankets. She washes her clothes and hangs them back up, inside out. While she works, the ghost lies half under the bed, feet and genitalia pointed at her accusingly. She scrubs around it. Him. It.

She is being squeamish, Louise thinks. Afraid to touch it. And that makes her angry, so she picks up her broom. Pokes at the fleshy thighs, and the ghost hisses under the bed like an angry cat. She jumps backand then it isn't there anymore. But she sleeps on the living room sofa. She keeps all the lights on in all the rooms of the house.

”Well?” Louise says.

”It isn't gone,” Louise says. She's just come home from work. ”I just don't knowwhere it is. Maybe it's up in the attic. It might be standing behind me, for all I know, while I'm talking to you on the phone and every time I turn around, it vanishes. Jumps back in the mirror or wherever it is that it goes. You may hear me scream. By the time you get here, it will be too late.”

”Sweetie,” Louise says, ”I'm sure it can't hurt you.”

”It hissed at me,” Louise says.

”Did it just hiss, or did you do something first?” Louise says. ”Kettles hiss. It just means the water's boiling.”

”What about snakes?” Louise says. ”I'm thinking it's more like a snake than a pot of tea.”

”You could ask a priest to exorcise it. If you were Catholic. Or you could go to the library. They might have a book.Exorcism for Dummies. Can you come to the symphony tonight? I have extra tickets.”

”You've always got extra tickets,” Louise says.

”Yes, but it will be good for you,” Louise says. ”Besides, I haven't seen you for two days.”

”Can't do it tonight,” Louise says. ”What about tomorrow night?”

”Well, okay,” Louise says. ”Have you tried reading the Bible to it?”

”What part of the Bible would I read?”

”How about the begetting part? That's official sounding,” Louise says.