Volume 4 Chapter 2 Part 3 (1/2)

Volume 4 Chapter 2 Part 3

Translator: Kurehashi Aiko Editor: Queenie

It was only then that I realized that I was staring at her hair way longer than I was supposed to.

「I- I’m sorry for staring at you! But you have such lovely hair that I just couldn’t stop myself.」

Her long, crimson hair combined with her tanned skin made a very exotic combination, increasing the governor’s charm even further. Compared to her, my hair was rather plain and bleak. Hers were like the burning tail of a phoenix, and hearing my words of praise she opened her eyes wide and shook her head.

「Many people have complimented me on lots of different things, but I do believe that you are the second person ever to have complimented me for my hair color.」

「I-I’m sorry for saying something so insensitive.」

「No, please don’t worry about it. I think you may know my name from the documents already, but let me formally introduce myself. It’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Leticiela Gero Nibbiella. As per His Majesty’s orders, I am the current governor of this Nibbiellata Isle.」

When she said so, she then extended her right hand towards that man. For a moment there, he seemed to be unsure why she did that, but then he reached out his right hand as well, and the two of them exchanged handshakes just like that.

「Agedilus Von Lancent, the Court Wizard. I was tasked with investigating the matter you subjected to His Majesty.」

Following the man’s gaze, I also bowed slightly while raising the hem of my skirt just a little bit.

「Please excuse me for my late introduction. My name is Filmina Von Lancent, and on behalf of my husband I hope that our cooperation proves to be a beneficial one.」

「Ah, one of the Heroes who brought down the Demon Lord. Even we have heard the stories about your exploits.」

After shaking her hand with the man, the governor now reaches her hand towards me. When I reached out my hand as well she shook it energetically as well in a friendly gesture. I stiffened just a little bit at that gesture, and the man only raised his eyebrows slightly while his expression remained pretty much unchanged. This was very forward and intimate of her. So much so that my heart may have actually skipped a beat there. No, it was only a formality, I know that. Nothing more to it.

Whether or not they managed to notice my reaction, the governor smiled at us and showed us the sofa while saying “For now, why don’t you take a seat?”. We as she suggested and made ourselves comfortable. Next, a maid came into the room, carrying with her a plate filled with tea and cookies. She seemed like a seasoned servant who knew the ins and outs of her job, but as she was serving us the tea, I couldn’t help but notice that her hands were trembling as well. And although I wasn’t foolish enough to ask about that in the presence of the governor, it still hurt me to see someone else like this. The man, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be interested in that at all. When his tea was served to him, he immediately took the cup into his hands and took a sip of the drink, accompanied by a cookie or two.

After sitting in front of us, the governor decided to skip right to the main subject.

「Now, onto the matter because of which you’ve been summoned here. Ahh, I don’t mind if Filmina-dono listens to this as well. I do believe that you agree with me on that one as well, Agedilus-dono. In any case, I would like you to investigate some ancient ruins.」

Just as the Princess said. The man said nothing, urging the governor to speak further with a gloomy face.

「You do know that this Isle thrives from tourism, correct? As a part of the ongoing development project, roughly two months ago we were investigating the forest located to the northeast of this mansion. You see, on an Isle like this, land is a precious resource that is sadly always scarce. And even though that forest is known as “The Forest of Knowledge”, we cannot allow ourselves to be wasting land because some of the local beliefs and superstitions…」

The governor lowered her gaze when she said that, and that man took that opportunity to interrupt her before she could continue on.